
Devil’s Mistress

"I love you" "I love you despite what you are!" "I can’t stop thinking about you" "I love you despite what you do" "I love you even if you don’t love me back" "I can never stop my love for you, never!" ...... Many years ago, the kingdom of Vereel, known as the land of vampires, faced a devastating destruction after a fierce battle with the unbeatable demons of Hellothan, ruled by the fearsome King of Hell. Seeking help from allies and neighboring kingdoms, King Charles faced disappointment as they were too afraid to confront the devil and those who did assist suffered heavy losses, forcing them to retreat. In a state of despair, King Charles made the difficult decision to personally approach the King of Hell and propose a truce. However, the devil had a condition - he wanted back what he had taken, the precious "Breath of Life Elixir" that sustained his own kingdom, which could only be brewed once every 1000 years. Desperate to save his dying daughter, Princess Olivia, King Charles revealed that he had given the elixir to her. This revelation enraged the devil, nearly leading to the vampire king's demise. In a final attempt to negotiate, King Charles offered to bring Olivia to the devil as his property for 1000 years, after which she would be returned once a new elixir was brewed. Surprisingly, the devil seemed intrigued by the idea and they struck a deal. Little did the devil know the internal conflict he would face, and Olivia remained oblivious to the new world that awaited her. It's a tale of both danger and mystery unfolding before our eyes! BOOK COVER ISN’T MINE

Erika002 · Fantasy
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93 Chs

The king’s story

Ariel tugged Olivia to a secluded spot, filled with curiosity about her little sister's peculiar behavior.

"Come on, Livi, please! I'm dying to know what's going on with you."

With a pleading smile, Ariel begged Olivia for an explanation. Olivia's face turned even redder as she anxiously scanned their surroundings for eavesdroppers.

"Don't worry, no one would hear"

Ariel said, and Olivia responded with a knowing look.

"We're vampires Ariel, we have sharp hearing!"

Ariel shrugged, her curiosity intensifying as she stared at Olivia. The more Olivia attempted to divert the conversation, the more her own curiosity grew, almost to the point of being unbearable.

"There's no one, I'm not seeing any boy"

Olivia said, and Ariel let out a groan. Olivia chuckled, surprised to hear Ariel groan since she was usually so proper and dainty. Hearing her groan now meant she was clearly annoyed.

"Fine, but don't tell anyone" Olivia finally gave in. Seeing her precious elder sister with that pained expression tugged at her heart.

"I saw a boy"

She finally confessed. Ariel's eyes light up in excitement.

"Who is he? Where did you meet him?"

Ariel asked, but Olivia wasn't spilling any extra details. She was keeping things to herself.

"How's Arthur? I haven't seen him in a while, I miss him"

She changed the subject and Ariel fumed.

"Don't you dare change the subject young lady, Arthur is fine and I'll bring him on my next visit to the palace, now tell me what I want to know"

"Fine, I don't know him, I just met him outside the pal...."Olivia glanced around once more, her wariness directed towards their father. "Palace"

Ariel gasp.

"You...you left the palace?"

Olivia nodded.

Ariel looked around as if the news she'd just heard was a disaster that said it was the end of the world.

Which partially was if anything had happened to Olivia.

"That was risky Livi, what if someone had found out? What about Mila? Does she know?"

Olivia shook her head saying no and Ariel nodded.

"Never let anyone hear this, but still tell me about the man you met"

Olivia shrugged, "there's nothing much about him"

Feeling Ariel's intense stare, Olivia caved in and decided to spill the beans. She recounted her adventure in the forest, getting lost, and encountering Azriel. She left out the part about seeing him naked but explained how he ignored her at first but eventually brought her back to the palace after she pleaded with him.

"That's it?"

Ariel asked for more, but Olivia simply nodded, her shoulders slumping dramatically.

"That's boring"

Olivia chuckled at Ariel's reaction. She had truly missed this side of her sister. Despite Ariel's marriage to a king and having an adorable son, Olivia realized that her sister's behavior hadn't changed as she had expected.

Ariel has always been a playful and curious soul, and it's wonderful to see that hasn't changed. Her adventurous spirit keeps things interesting.

"Alright let's go back to the party, they might look for the birthday girl" Ariel said and pulled her along.

As they returned to the party, the atmosphere was lively with nobles dancing joyfully. However, amidst the shared excitement, Olivia noticed King Charles appearing restless. This made her feel concerned.

What could be eating father up?

Olivia approached King Charles and offered him a glass of wine. She hoped it would help ease his restlessness.

"Father, are you ok?"

King Charles on seeing who had just arrived, smiled widely.

"Why? Do I not look ok?"

He asked in return and accepted her glass. Olivia shook her head, her eyes filled with concern. She wanted to know what was bothering him.

"You just seem like you don't enjoy the party"

King Charles smiled again but his eyes couldn't hide the sadness in them.

"Livi I have something to tell you"

Olivia's eyes widened a little as she heard her father call her "Livi." He had never used that nickname before. This sudden change made her realize that something ominous was about to happen. The feeling in her gut had been telling her all along, and now her suspicions had been confirmed.

"Father" With a hoarse voice, Olivia called out, her concern and urgency evident in her tone.

King Charles sighed.

"Come Olivia, let's go to my study. I have something to tell you"

He said and walked away, and obediently, she followed behind him. Her heart felt inexplicably heavy, weighing her down with a sense of foreboding.

They both walked into the King's study, and he settled into his chair in the room.

"Take a sit"

She sat down immediately, her eyes fixed on his face. King Charles noticed her inquisitive gaze and responded with a smile.

"Stop staring at your father like that Olivia"

He had a hint of playfulness in his voice, but she didn't smile or laugh like before. King Charles felt a pang of pain in his heart.

"Father, what is it that you want to tell me?" She asked him.

King Charles looked her straight in the eye.

"Olivia I want to tell you a story"

He said and a confused look flashed in her eyes.

"A story? What story?"

"Don't say a thing and just pay attention to what I'm going to tell you. I'll ask you a question at the end and I wouldn't want to be disappointed"

Olivia nodded, choosing to remain silent. This wasn't the time for tantrums or childish behavior. In this moment, he was not her father, but the king.

King Charles noticed her quiet demeanor and interpreted it as permission to proceed.

"Once upon a time, there was a wise king who ruled his kingdom with peace and happiness. However, his life took a dark turn when he stole something of great importance from a powerful devil. This angered the devil, who unleashed his army upon the king's kingdom, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. The king sought help from his allies and neighboring kingdoms, but they all turned their backs on him, leaving him in a dire situation. Desperate to save his kingdom, the king made a difficult decision to seek an audience with the devil. The devil demanded that the stolen item be returned, but the king explained that he had used it to save his dying daughter. Filled with rage, the devil sought to kill the king. In a last-ditch effort to save his kingdom, the king struck a truce with the devil. The truce involved offering his daughter to the devil for 1000 years, until the stolen item could grow back into the devil's possession. And so, the king's daughter became bound to the devil, sacrificing herself for the salvation of the kingdom. The end."

As the story came to a calm end, Olivia's eyes twinkled with delight.

"That was a nice story Father" Olivia said with a smile and King Charles's face light up.

His heart was in so much pain but he hid it well.

"Olivia it's time for my question"

He said to draw her attention back. "If you were in the King's shoes, what would you do to save your kingdom? And if you were the princess and found out all of this, what would be your plan to protect the kingdom? Remember, the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance"

Olivia: "..."