
Devil’s Mistress

"I love you" "I love you despite what you are!" "I can’t stop thinking about you" "I love you despite what you do" "I love you even if you don’t love me back" "I can never stop my love for you, never!" ...... Many years ago, the kingdom of Vereel, known as the land of vampires, faced a devastating destruction after a fierce battle with the unbeatable demons of Hellothan, ruled by the fearsome King of Hell. Seeking help from allies and neighboring kingdoms, King Charles faced disappointment as they were too afraid to confront the devil and those who did assist suffered heavy losses, forcing them to retreat. In a state of despair, King Charles made the difficult decision to personally approach the King of Hell and propose a truce. However, the devil had a condition - he wanted back what he had taken, the precious "Breath of Life Elixir" that sustained his own kingdom, which could only be brewed once every 1000 years. Desperate to save his dying daughter, Princess Olivia, King Charles revealed that he had given the elixir to her. This revelation enraged the devil, nearly leading to the vampire king's demise. In a final attempt to negotiate, King Charles offered to bring Olivia to the devil as his property for 1000 years, after which she would be returned once a new elixir was brewed. Surprisingly, the devil seemed intrigued by the idea and they struck a deal. Little did the devil know the internal conflict he would face, and Olivia remained oblivious to the new world that awaited her. It's a tale of both danger and mystery unfolding before our eyes! BOOK COVER ISN’T MINE

Erika002 · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Forever bound to me

"Who are you calling a good for nothing?!"

a voice boomed from behind her. Startled, she turned around to find a tall figure standing in the doorway. It was none other than the mischievous Devil himself, a smirk playing on his lips.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

'Wait, did he just read my mind?'

she thought, her heart racing with a mix of fear and intrigue.

"Yes, I can read your thoughts," he replied with a sly grin. "You seem to be forgetting that you're in Hellothan, the realm of demons. As the king of this world, I have the ability to tap into the minds of those who come near me. So, be careful with your thoughts, my dear."

His response sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability in this unfamiliar place. The realization that her innermost thoughts were not private anymore made her almost leap out of the soft mattress.

"This is the demons' world, and you hold the throne," she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with a mix of fear and apprehension. "As long as you're close enough, I cannot speak evil of you in my mind."

Azriel eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he nodded in agreement. "Indeed, my dear"

She soon snapped out of her trance, She narrowed her eyes, as the earlier event came pouring in.

Yes she had blacked out, and he was the reason.

Her anger surged like a raging inferno, fueled by the realization that the Devil had manipulated her very consciousness. It simmered beneath the surface, threatening to consume her with its intensity.

"You! You're the one who made me black out, aren't you?" she exclaimed, finally finding her voice, one that was filled with a mix of frustration and defiance.

Azriel's eyes sparkled with a wicked delight as he chuckled, his amusement evident. "Guilty as charged," he admitted, his tone unapologetic.

"But Princess, it was not done out of malice"

Her eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination cutting through her anger realizing that he wants to manipulate and control her.

"You think you can control me? Manipulate my very thoughts and actions?"

Azriel's grin widened, him advancing towards her slowly.

"Isn't that what I'm doing? Princess, I never intended to control you completely"

Her fists clenched, her frustration transforming into a fierce resolve. "I refuse to let you define me. I will find a way to break free from your grasp, to reclaim my autonomy and forge my own path."

Suddenly, tears welled up in her eyes, her heart heavy with the weight of her desires for freedom. The confines of the palace had already limited her choices, and now, finding herself in the clutches of the Devil, it seemed like another form of bondage.

The Devil's eyes gleamed with a glimmer of admiration, his amusement mingling with a new found interest.

"Ah, feisty and soft indeed. It seems you possess a strength that even I underestimated but at the same time, you appear this weak. I eagerly await the clash of wills as you challenge me, Princess." He soon reached her.

As he drew nearer, a shiver ran down her spine, a mix of fear and anticipation. His presence loomed over her, an unsettling closeness that sent her heart racing. A smile played upon his lips, wicked and captivating, as he leaned in, his breath brushing against her skin.

Her pulse quickened, her senses on high alert, unsure of what his intentions were. The combination of his proximity and the enigmatic smile sent a chill through her veins, a thrilling yet unsettling sensation.

His voice dripped with a sinister tone as he whispered, "You shall never escape my palace nor my kingdom. You are bound to me for the next 1000 years. Dare not entertain the thought of escape, for I hold the power to annihilate Veeral and your father without hesitation."

Her heart sank at his chilling words, the weight of her predicament pressing upon her. The realization of her entrapment fueled a mix of fear and determination within her.

Her spirit sank, devoid of any hope for escape. She understood that she was bound to fulfill her father's end of the deal, trapped within the confines of Azriel's palace and under his dominion for the next 1000 years. The weight of her situation pressed upon her, a heavy burden that seemed insurmountable.

Azriel's warning echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the consequences that awaited her if she dared to defy him. The thought of Veeral and her father being destroyed sent a chill down her spine, a deep-rooted fear that gripped her heart.

She whispered in fear, "I won't escape..." as she looked down with a trembling lip.

"Ah, my dear, there is no need for such fear. Your escape is but a distant dream," Azriel murmured, his voice laced with amusement. As he ran his hand through his long, black hair, a mischievous smile played upon his lips.

With a wave of his hands, a surge of unseen power enveloped her, causing her to slump in his arms. A chuckle escaped his lips, filled with a mix of delight and satisfaction. "You see, Princess, resistance is futile. You are mine, forever bound to me."

His words echoed in the air, a chilling reminder of her entrapment. The weight of his control pressed upon her, leaving her feeling powerless and vulnerable in his arms.

While she lay unconscious, Azriel reveled in his dominance, his grip tightening around her fragile form. His sinister smile widened, relishing in the power he held over her. The room seemed to darken, as if the very air conspired to deepen her entrapment.

In the depths of her unconsciousness, she dreamt of freedom. She envisioned a world where she was no longer under Azriel's control, where she could reclaim her autonomy and rewrite her own destiny. It was a dream that that would never happen. Though her father had said he would rescue her, but when will that be?

She couldn't believe she started developing likeness for Azriel after their encounter at the lake.