
Deviant: No Longer Human

#Harem #R18 #Action #Milf #Dark #Elf #Modernfantasy #Urban #Mystery #Overpowered MC #Evil MC #Conqueor . . . Synopsis: When the ancient myths of the past are unearthed, the world trembles as forgotten powers reawaken, shaking the very foundations of existence. The Graveyard of Gods is revealed, a forgetten realm where the remnants of deities long forgotten reside, their secrets waiting to be uncovered by adventures brave enough to delve into its depths. The mystery of the 8th Continent surfaces, a land rumored to exist beyond the known maps, shrouded in myth and legend, holding within its borders untold treasures and dangers alike. Self-proclaimed gods emerge, individuals wielding incredible abilities who proclaim themselves divine guardians, challenging the established order and igniting conflicts that threaten to engulf the world in chaos. The myth of hell and heaven becomes tangible as the boundaries between realms blur, and the forces of good and evil clash in a cosmic struggle for dominance. Amidst this turmoil, the whole earth becomes a battleground as beings from the hells rise, intent on unleashing their wrath upon humanity, plunging the world into an inferno of destruction and despair. Caught in the maelstrom of chaos, the 'poor' Wang Xiao finds his life turned upside down as he becomes embroiled in a case of mistaken identity, falsely believed to be the mysterious 8th Prince, a figure of immense power whose name is forbidden to be called out loud. He is the one who must not be named, the one who strikes fear into the hearts of mortals and gods alike. Accidentally entangled in a series of events beyond his control, Wang Xiao finds himself bound by the ties of marriage to seven living goddesses, each possessing their own unique powers and secrets, thrusting him into a world of divine and devil! To add to the chaos, the psychotic guardian of the Atlantic continent, becomes a bumbling mess in their attempts to woo Wang Xiao, resorting to increasingly ridiculous stunts that only serve to destroy countries overnight! Meanwhile, the Princess of the Desert Kingdom, with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, offers her entire country as a dowry in a hilariously misguided attempt to win Wang Xiao's affection! And as if things couldn't get any more absurd, an ancient goddess is reduced to the role of a maid, her once fearsome powers now relegated to menial tasks like dusting and cooking! As the sun rises on another day in Wang Xiao's chaotic life, he is greeted by not one, but two queens throwing themselves into his arms! Wang Xiao's life undergoes a profound transformation when he uncovers a truth that shakes the very foundation of his existence: he possesses a deviant nature unlike any other. In order to assert control over his own destiny, he embarks on a solemn journey to acquire power, navigating a series of challenges and trials with unwavering determination! --------------- #NoYuri #NoNTR ---------------- Warning: The Novel is based upon a fictional Earth, and any resemblance is mere coincidence! Discord: https://discord.gg/dsc4fftBeF **Cover Page is not owned by Author**

SKuLL · Urban
Not enough ratings
353 Chs

Wang Xiao busted (2)

Wang Xiao, "....Anyways, I've dealt with that Hao Zemin. If he troubles you again, tell me directly." With that, he began to make his way out of the room, a sense of urgency propelling his movements.

"Wait! How did you deal with him? Even last time you didn't tell me. Are you up to something suspicious, brother?" Wang Xueying's eyes narrowed, suspicion coloring her gaze as she observed him closely.

"Nothing as suspicious as you, watching a drama alone," he retorted with a teasing grin, his response laden with playful retort.

With that, he turned to leave, his exit leaving a stunned Wang Xueying behind.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, she refocused on the drama, determined to regain her composure and continue watching anyways.

Wang Xiao understood his own impulses all too well.

If he lingered any longer in her presence, he was well aware he might be driven to cross a line he shouldn't.

It wasn't that he cared about the consequences—it was just that his current circumstances couldn't afford such indiscretions.

With no stable footing to maintain his own life, suppressing his darker instincts was a challenge he grappled with daily, knowing that any misstep could potentially blow up in his face.


As he stepped back into his room, a distinct and captivating fragrance immediately enveloped him, assaulting his senses the moment he swung the door open.

Without needing to see it with his own eyes, Wang Xiao instinctively recognized that it could only be Wang Mei who had filled the room with such an alluring scent.

A small, faint smile slowly curved his lips as his gaze fell upon her graceful figure, patiently waiting.

Stretched out on the bed, Wang Mei lay with an air of effortless elegance, wearing the scantiest of clothes.

A delicate quilt partially cloaked her form, adding an aura of mystery to her presence. Lost within the pages of a book, she seemed both a part of her surroundings and a world entirely of her own.

At the creak of the door, her eyes lifted, and she turned her head to lock eyes with Wang Xiao. In that suspended moment, her tranquil demeanor softened into a gentle, almost ethereal smile that danced in her eyes and played upon her lips.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Wang Xiao found himself involuntarily pausing, his gaze capturing every nuance of her being.

In these fleeting instances, he became acutely aware of the delicate balance of his emotions, realizing the depth of his superior emotional control.

This was a reminder that he wasn't devoid of feelings but rather possessed the ability to master them—lest he question a potential defect within himself.

The early onset of puberty was already taking its toll on him. Just moments ago, he had held himself back in front of Wang Xueying, but now, that restraint was beginning to loosen.

While he maintained an appearance of calmness, a hint of his true feelings started to show. With deliberate composure, he entered the room and softly closed the door behind him.

Casting the room into a soft, dim light that illuminated their faces, he left most of the lights off.


Wang Mei was taken aback as he gently removed the book from her hands, setting it aside.

Though no words were spoken, she understood that another round of molestation was about to begin.

And so, Wang Xiao initiated his customary routine, slipping his hand beneath her head and drawing her closer against his chest.

His actions seemed innocent enough, but beneath the surface, wicked intentions simmered.

All the while, he seamlessly blended his teasing activities with casual questions about her day, maintaining a facade of innocent curiosity.

To be honest, he found immense satisfaction in this bullying her like this.

There was an undeniable thrill in drawing out her reactions through such subtle means, and he couldn't help but wonder if the direct approach would be half as entertaining.

Wang Mei lacked the developed figure of someone like Lin Xue, yet her faint, sweet aroma always managed to entice Wang Xiao, driving him to the brink of commiting a crime.

In this moment, he found himself completely engrossed in exploring her body, his actions guided by an almost instinctual desire, deaf to any rational voices that might have lingered in his mind.

His exploration grew bolder, venturing further and further as his curiosity overtook him.

Wang Mei's responses grew faint, her words trailing off until only her parted lips remained, exhaling warm breaths as her gaze remained locked on him, a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability in her eyes.

Within the room, the surrounding sounds had long faded into a distant murmur, leaving only the syncopated rhythm of their breathing to fill the cozy space beneath the quilt.

The thrill of indulging in this illicit intimacy surged within them both, fanning the flames of their desires. The allure of the forbidden was undeniable, exemplified by the almost imperceptible, swallowed sound that escaped from one of their lips.

Lost in their private world, Wang Xiao shifted slightly, repositioning her body to rest upon his chest. Their eyes remained locked in a gaze that communicated unspoken understanding.

One of his hands wandered across her smooth back, a tender caress that left a trail of warmth in its wake.

Their history was marked by numerous instances of nudity and exploratory touches, a dance of intimacy that had always remained unspoken, a subtle ambiguity that fueled their interactions.

In this particular moment, as Wang Mei's face drew closer to his, an unfamiliar fear gripped her.

It was as if some irreversible threshold beckoned, a point of no return that hovered in the air, unspoken yet palpable.

The customary unspoken understandings that had paved their way through these encounters suddenly felt fragile, their usual implicit excuses threatened to lose their power.

Normally, Wang Xiao would never have let things escalate to this juncture.

He had always been adept at maintaining a sense of control, ensuring that even in their most uninhibited moments, boundaries were respected.

Yet today, his hands seemed to possess a mind of their own, teasing above the fabric of her buttocks, introducing an unexpected tension into the atmosphere—a tension that left the choice to her, hanging in the balance.

Was he growing weary of the game they had played for so long?

Had he become too lost in the sensations to consider the consequences?

Or perhaps, there was an entirely different motivation guiding his actions...