
Deviant Devil

"Did magic affect the speed of the humans' corruption and greed, or did it just reveal their true selves? Within the dystopian future, where humans had explored and put their names on several different planets, they had instituted a grading system. the leaders of the planets had been instructed to give reports to the governments so they could gauge its ranking against the others: Creating a hierarchy. And centuries passed without anyone saying a word, until a young man by the name of Crim opposed the system, but his war had failed, and the officials forced him into a simple Bounty hunter. That had been until the young man lost to his target, and finally detached from the nature of humans he hated so much

Kexer · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Special Delivery

After his poised search had concluded, Crim spent the night in the captain's quarters. He noticed some guards' envious stares directed at him, but he paid them no mind.

A servant in a golden uniform, different from the usual black and white, showed him to his room.

He hoisted his gaze, taking in the magnificently cloaked room. Every detail had been refined to perfection, from the bed's golden imprints to the pristine white sheets.

In this unexpected environment, Crim felt a bit out of place as he wandered his luxurious residence.

Each cabin felt smoother than the steel walls of skyscrapers, and the scent of fresh paint lingered in the windowless room. But he couldn't care less about the lack of scenery; it was all like an illusion.

"If only this was real," Crim commented, a hint of longing in his voice.

The servant bowed and departed, leaving Crim to his solitude, wearied by his nocturnal exploits. Without hesitation, he sank into the welcoming comfort of the luxuriously soft bed.

His eyelids grew heavy as he watched the night lamp's soft light filter in. "This feels nice," he relinquished in comfort. In his exhausted state, his eyelids drooped shut.

The room embraced a serene hush until a sudden movement jolted Crim awake, his once ordinary eyes now gleaming a vivid yellow before closing once more.


The night passed, and Crim's fellow captains roused him for the morning call. They handed him his uniform and emergency backpack before leaving him to prepare.

In the bathroom, he briskly brushed his teeth, catching his reflection.

He noticed a subtle change in his appearance but attributed it to his groggy state. He tidied his medium-length hair and splashed cold water on his face.


Before stepping out of his room, he pondered the various strategies he could use to slip away to the shrine, essentially contemplating how to outmaneuver the other captain tasked with overseeing him. Without magic, he was just a man with a sword.

No matter how hard he tried, even with incantations, he couldn't conjure any enchantment or spell.

The realization of his inability to use magic weighed heavily on his mind, reminding him of the challenges of being without such abilities. With a sigh, he opened the door, masking his disappointment.

Every guard turned their heads, giving Crim a perplexed look. After his performance, he left the audience in awe, becoming a hot topic in this artificial world.

Crim didn't mind the attention, but he couldn't help but wonder how the man could create such an advanced illusion or domain.

"At this point, I can't even dislike him," he thought, growing to respect the astonishing power this man possessed.

The young man had always been intrigued by intelligent and strong individuals.

Whenever he found himself ensnared in a clever scam, he would gracefully admit defeat, recognizing that he had been outsmarted.

He would often blame his naivety, acknowledging that it was his fault for underestimating those around him.

From a young age, Crim knew blaming others was a cliff.

The servant from the previous night interrupted Crim's thoughts with a gentle tap on the shoulder.

Without a word, the servant handed him a clipboard.

their eyes met briefly, both Crim and the servant shared a meaningful moment of malice.

"He seems quite intelligent," the servant mused in his mind before gracefully departing from the scene.

Following this encounter, Crim examined the clipboard, revealing a map with locations and detailed information about the products they had discussed prior—slaves.

Crim found it intriguing and, ignoring the curious glances around him stepped into the sunlight with a confident smile.

"Extra company could be useful," the captain figured.

A waiting carriage marked the start of his journey, and the other captain, who should have greeted him, did so with an icy stare, as though waiting had bored him.

"Get on," he ordered, his voice impatient. "I need this journey to be swift, and I can't tolerate time-wasters."

Crim simply nodded, hoisting the backpack provided by the captains.

He surveyed the scene around him, taking in the sight of numerous men, women, and even children, all bound and wearing expressions of despair.

"Brings back memories," Crim sighed as he settled into the front seat beside the driver, who appeared distraught and saddened by the plight of the slaves.

Crim and the other captain, however, couldn't care less. This indifference only deepened the driver's unease, as he contemplated the state of his country.

"Drive," commanded the impatient knight, and the driver did as instructed.

The once vibrant streets now lay quiet and shrouded in fog, as if the world had emptied. Crim turned to the other captain, seeking an explanation.

The captain finally responded, "It's a secret mission, of course, they cleared the streets. Fool." He couldn't resist adding an insult.

Crim had his answer and returned to staring at the empty street, his mind spinning with scenarios on how to slip away to the shrine. 

He contemplated luring the monster to create chaos but realized he needed a way to ensure his survival in such an encounter, especially without the aid of magic.

As the carriage left the city, surrounded by towering rock walls, it entered a lush field of vibrant green grass. Crim felt a surge of exhilaration at the sight, having grown accustomed to the muddy greens.

If this had been what earth used to be, he couldn't help but grieve. 


"A lot's changed, huh?" He couldn't help but feel that Earth had once been a luxury, a place where he could simply live. Now, it's become a 3rd rate planet, ruined by bad people.

It used to be a place with pure air, quiet, and flourishing grass. But now, it's been spoiled by a terrible government.

"One day," Crim thought, "I want to live on a planet like it used to be."

The carriage continued through the bumpy field, with long grass swaying in the breeze. 

Crim laid down, lost in thoughts.


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