
Deviant Devil

"Did magic affect the speed of the humans' corruption and greed, or did it just reveal their true selves? Within the dystopian future, where humans had explored and put their names on several different planets, they had instituted a grading system. the leaders of the planets had been instructed to give reports to the governments so they could gauge its ranking against the others: Creating a hierarchy. And centuries passed without anyone saying a word, until a young man by the name of Crim opposed the system, but his war had failed, and the officials forced him into a simple Bounty hunter. That had been until the young man lost to his target, and finally detached from the nature of humans he hated so much

Kexer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Extra Chapters: Three Slaves (1/3)

Atop a U-shaped hill, a humble shack stood, a testament to hard work and repairs that defied the rotting wood's natural descent.

Centuries of wear and tear had been thwarted, preserving the lone abode of a once-loving family. There were two dreamy-eyed children, a mother whose love knew no bounds, and a husband who had transformed from a handsome young man into a gambling-addicted stranger.

To outsiders, they appeared a picture of familial bliss, but the truth was far from idyllic. Each evening, as the young sun embraced the tender moon, silence descended upon the household. The search for hidden money resumed, with disobedience met by brutal beatings and unimaginable threats.

The father, now a mere shadow of his former self, seated his family on the tattered couch, all feigning smiles. The children struggled to maintain their façade, knowing the consequences of failing to do so.

"In this household, no one can hide cash from me! Whoever is responsible will be punished," proclaimed the father, his eyes filled with malice. "If you come forward now, I promise no lasting harm. But if you don't, I swear, I'll unleash unspeakable horrors upon you."

The mother and daughter remained silent, the daughter seemingly unfazed or accustomed to the ordeal. Meanwhile, the young son, realizing he had been caught, cried silently in his heart. That night, he returned with fresh, colorful bruises for his mother to tend to after his father's sadistic amusement had run its course. The father would later journey to the casino, a place where he would further drain the family's dwindling finances.

The mother couldn't help but remember her husband's younger days, when he was a kind-hearted man who helped the needy and offered guidance to the elderly. But the diagnosis of his disease had triggered a downward spiral into deep depression, ultimately leading to their misery.

"Mom, why can't I have toys like the other kids?" the young child whimpered, burying his sorrowful tears into his red eyes as he hugged his loving mother. The young girl observed the scene with a detachment that suggested either indifference or accustomed resignation.

"One day, you'll be a hero, my love! How does that sound? Grow up strong and help others. Doesn't that sound like a good plan?" the mother suggested in a soothing voice. The boy wiped away his tears and retreated to his small, shabby room tucked beneath the stairs.

As the mother heard a knock at the door, she went to investigate, expecting a visitor from the neighborhood.

However, instead of a friendly face, she was greeted by two imposing figures bearing ominous symbols that signaled their association with a dreadful fate.

"Loan Sharks."


This background information will become significant in the first story arc. However, if you prefer concise explanations, feel free to skip it. I intend to incorporate similar chapters in the future, as I prefer not to dedicate entire chapters solely to backstory.

Unless its the main characters or some of the other important characters.

Wishing you a good night, filled with enjoyment and relaxation. Just a word of caution, though: it's wise to watch out for loan sharks; they could be lurking nearby.

If you wanted to get something more to read, check out this argument I found on a forum:


I apologize if my previous message may have caused confusion, but it's important to clarify that noodles and ramen are not necessarily superior to one another. In fact, it's not really accurate to compare them in a way that suggests one is definitively better than the other, as they serve different culinary purposes and are enjoyed in different contexts.

Noodles are a versatile and fundamental component of many Asian cuisines. They come in various shapes, sizes, and textures, and are often a key ingredient in dishes like stir-fries, noodle soups, and cold salads. Noodles have been a staple in Asian cooking for centuries, and their simplicity and adaptability make them a beloved food item.

On the other hand, ramen is a specific type of noodle dish that originated in Japan. Ramen noodles are distinct from other noodles in terms of texture and flavor. They are typically served in a flavorful broth, often with a variety of toppings such as sliced pork, soft-boiled eggs, nori (seaweed), and green onions. Ramen is not only about the noodles themselves but also the complex and rich broth that accompanies them.

So, rather than one being superior to the other, it's more about personal preference and the context in which they are used. If you love the simplicity and versatility of noodles, that's wonderful. If you have a passion for the deep, savory flavors of a well-prepared bowl of ramen, that's equally valid. What's important is appreciating the diversity and deliciousness that both noodles and ramen bring to the world of food."

Anybody know where I can find the noodle man?

Kexercreators' thoughts