
Deviant Devil

"Did magic affect the speed of the humans' corruption and greed, or did it just reveal their true selves? Within the dystopian future, where humans had explored and put their names on several different planets, they had instituted a grading system. the leaders of the planets had been instructed to give reports to the governments so they could gauge its ranking against the others: Creating a hierarchy. And centuries passed without anyone saying a word, until a young man by the name of Crim opposed the system, but his war had failed, and the officials forced him into a simple Bounty hunter. That had been until the young man lost to his target, and finally detached from the nature of humans he hated so much

Kexer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


The colossal beast charged at the carriage, its enormous and ragged hand outstretched.

Despite its astonishing size, the creature's agility was unmatched.

The young man clenched his teeth while the monster flashed a mischievous grin as it effortlessly snatched the carriage as if it were a mere wooden mug. In the grip of the monster, the once-regal transport appeared insignificant.

Frustration welled up in Crim as he cursed the slave whose scream had foiled his plans.

He took a few steps back, retreating toward the forest, all the while the monster gleefully tore the carriage apart. One frail man's leg gave way, but a stronger slave helped him up, and they rejoined the small group that was now walking alongside Crim.

The creature, devoid of eyes, remained oblivious to the escape of its other potential victims. Its amusement, derived from destroying the structure, had blinded it to their flight.

The giant was now wholly consumed by the enticing scent emanating from the transport's cargo hold.

Crim, on the other hand, exercised caution as he fled, avoiding snapping branches that might alert the monster to his presence.

Agh, the young man ruffled his hair.

With a grunt, he acknowledged the predicament.

His paralyzed arm hindered his escape, but he refused to glance back. Instead, he sprinted toward the sheltering woods, where he intended to find a concealed campsite and perhaps initiate a conversation with those who would soon become sacrifices.

No longer hearing the disasters outside the forest, Crim crumbled against a tree trunk, and the others soon followed suit.

The confident kid who had earlier proclaimed himself a hero now wore a look of terror, and Crim couldn't help but smile inwardly, seeing the young man face the harsh reality. Sometimes it was better to learn early, he thought.

Yet, Crim found himself in a precarious situation.

His previous strategy of baiting the giant had worked too well, leaving behind a mess that could attract unwanted attention from the guards or the Empire.

He had to think of a new strategy. Thankfully, the night was still young, but Crim felt an overwhelming exhaustion creeping in. Each night, he found it increasingly difficult to stay awake. He wasn't sure if it was the absence of caffeine or some rule imposed by the domain itself.

Deep in thought about his problematic situation, he pondered the very existence of this domain.

How had someone created such a place? Crim couldn't help but wonder if the medicine he had been injected with enhanced his powers. Regardless, the green substance that had been used on him left him intrigued.

Amidst his contemplations, a chiseled man among the group broke the silence.

He asked about their stories, suggesting that a child and mother being sold as slaves was a rarity. "How did a family like you get sold? If you don't mind me asking."

Crim listened intently as the mother began to recount their tragic tale.

"My husband had a gambling addiction that spiraled out of control before he succumbed to illness," she explained with a grimace. "They called it cancer. When he passed away, leaving us with debts, loan sharks came knocking. We had no choice but to refuse, and for that, they threw us into this cage. Fortunately, they seem to prioritize quality."

The word "cancer" surprised Crim, as it was an easily treatable illness in his hometown.

The mother tenderly caressed her worried children, her gaze filled with sorrow and longing. Crim felt a pang of regret for asking, realizing that his own story was far less complicated.

"I got into a scuffle with some noble's lackeys, and this was the result," the muscular man said, bowing apologetically. "I'm sorry for bringing up such memories."

Crim observed that the man had surprisingly good manners for someone from the alleys. The group fell into an uneasy silence until Crim suggested he could venture out to find food. Some expressed concern about the dangers, but a less talkative man at the back nodded in agreement.

"I'm skilled at identifying poison. Just bring me plenty of berries and mushrooms, and I'll make sure they're safe to eat," the man, with a long white beard and flourishing black hair, offered.

Despite his fragile appearance, there was a mischievous aura about him that Crim had encountered often in his life.

Crim couldn't fully trust him, but it seemed like their best option.

Crim ventured deeper into the wilderness, leaving behind the relatively safer area and plunging into the heart of this untamed land. Here, the landscape underwent a fascinating transformation. Boars and a variety of low-ranked monsters roamed freely, creating a surreal tableau.

Among the peculiar creatures were a rabbit with a single golden eye and a horn, a badger that sported a shell reminiscent of a turtle, and an abundance of herbs and mushrooms that the young man had never encountered before.

It was as if he had stepped into the pages of a fantastical children's book, where mixed-up animals feasted on curious grasses and mushrooms.

This peculiar ecosystem became a key factor in Crim's assessment of the region's safety for sourcing rations.

Undeterred, he continued his exploration of the illuminated plain.

The trees here had peculiar shapes, resembling the decorative arches one might see at a wedding. Amidst this unusual scenery, he stumbled upon a treasure trove of honey. Produced by bees that were strangely large, their honeycombs yielded honeycombs the size of his hand, measuring a remarkable seven inches.

Crim carefully collected various foods and ingredients, stashing them within the plates of his armor that had broken off earlier in the night. These makeshift containers served as a kind of large platter, holding the diverse array of items he had discovered in this peculiar wilderness.

However, before he made his return, Crim made one more intriguing discovery. He noticed several poisonous mushrooms that had ensnared a few hapless insects. Without hesitation, he gathered these toxic fungi, recognizing their potential value in the uncertain world he now inhabited.

"These should be useful," he commented to himself as he prepared to rejoin the group, covering his face to hide his smirk.

Library or Mushroom

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