

English Translation of Parashakti Arulvaaku by Bhagavan Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

(03 May 2021)

Om Om Om

As the Ultimate manifestation of Omkara, blossomed as Vedas and Agamas, along with ripened Enlightenment, truths and pleasures, dharma, artha, kama, moksha, jnana, vairagya, to auspiciously give all goodness to the world, for all sthavara and jangama to live in bliss, Parameshwari Meenakshi taking the form of Nithyananda, I have blossomed as Nijavatara. I am telling the truths. These are the words of Shankari. Meenakshi Parashakthi My Jnanakshi will do good to you. To give grace, to rule, to give enlightenment, taking the form of Nithyananda, I blossomed as Nijavatara.

Oh Humans Listen. To give great good enlightened life to the people of the world, to revive Kailasa again, to make Kailasa useful to all of you, for Kailasa to blossom in your good life, I Myself came as NIjavatara in the form of Nithyananda.

Kali yuga has matured and Pralaya has started. For those of you who want to save yourself from this Pralaya, listen, Internalise the truth 'Love is Shiva'. Give love to you and everyone around you. Only the hearts that is strengthened with love will function without stopping in this Cosmic Pralaya. In this Cosmic Pralaya, not only the deadly disease Corona, even the air is getting poisoned, water is getting poisoned. During the times where everything is getting poisoned, there is only one way to save your life. Shower great love to you and everyone around you. Only the hearts that is strengthened with love will get freed from the Pralaya of this Cosmic Era and will have the power of saving itself from Pralaya.

This is My command to everyone living in Kailasa. For Kailasavasis, for everyone living in Kailasa, for Kailasa administrators, this is my command- Royal Command of Meenakshi - Give love that makes the soul blossom to you and everyone around you. Only the hearts that is strengthened with love will free from this era of disaster and will attain death free state.

Love is Tapas. Love is Vratha. Love is the approach. Love is honesty. Love is Dharma, The fear you create in others will affect you. Kailasa administration will not happen with fear. Your consciousness will not grow with fear. Kundalini will not awaken in fear. Good love, care and support, give it to yourself and everyone around you. Only love can give goodness to you in the pralaya that is happening. Whoever caught hold of love will reach me. Others will destroy themselves and die on their own. Whoever caught hold of love will have life at my feet.

Love is Dharma. Love is Artha. Love is Kama. Love is Moksha. With good thoughts, with good feeling, with honest love, with mind filled with love, start functioning. The love that is showered on others will be start to shower on yourself. The fear that is created in others is the evil things you create on yourself. Don't destroy yourself. For Kailasavasis, Kailasa loyal people, Kailasa administrators, this is the command of Me Meenakshi. This is the judgement of Me Parameshwari. Create honest love, and share it with everyone, make happy life. To save from this Cosmic Pralaya and to have a good life, this is the only way. Only the hearts that is strenghthened with love will recover from this Pralaya. If you destroy yourself or others without love, creating fear, your life will be destroyed. Don't destroy yourself. Don't destroy people around you also.

Love is Tapas. Love is Shiva. Love is Jnana. Love is Shakthi. Love is Grace. Love is Bliss. Love is Pleasure. Love is Morality. Love is outcome. Love is attribute. Meenakshi..I am telling you the truth as it is from my heart. I myself directly have come to create Sathya Yuga, for Nithya Yuga to blossom. Whoever showers love on themselves and people around them, I will call all of you at my feet blissfully in Kailasa..

If love is not there, you will destroy yourself with cunningness. Even Ambigai will not be able to save you. Without fear, if you live with love, you will have blissful life in Kailasa at the feet of Meenakshi. Listen to the truths and make your life happy. I will give great bliss without fears. If you think my words are not worthy, you will destroy your life in fear. Don't destroy yourself. Oh humans, listen to the truths. The love filled in heart with honesty is your life saving Nector. Give that love to you and people around you. If love is given to everyone, I Myself will be in your heart. I Myself came and told the Truth.

Corina Barbu. This moment I am driving away the pain in your lower back . You will have goodness and Jnana. Back pain is removed this moment. I will be in your body and raise as Kundalini Shakthi and give you health, peace, love and bliss. Daughter, you will always be at my feet and live in Kailasa. With happiness, pleasures and bliss, you will always be with me. Don't have fear. Be Blissful.

Aparichedyananda, to worship me light lamp with castor oil, and apply castor oil in your belly, and live thinking on me. Do these two that is enough, I will give the money and mind to become Sarvajnapeeta Kartha and also giving you the life of Nirahara. Do these two, I will give you Jeevan Mukthi also.

Sheeba Elizabeth, permanently you will attain Nithyananda Jnana. Jeevan Mukthi will happen. Always live thinking on me chanting Om Om Om.

Vani Narayanan, I gave you physical health. Don't be afraid.

People listen, whoever ask for physical health and protection from Corona, those who got infected asking for healing from the suffering of Corona, I am giving boon to all of you who have come here.

Kanchan Nain, for your friend Uma, as she did Guru Dhroga, no one can do anything for her. Listen intensely, those who abused Indra, Brahma can save them. Those who abused Brahma, Vishnu can save them. Those who abused Vishnu, Shiva can save them. Those who abused Shiva, Shakthi can save them. But to those who abused Guru, no one can save them. Except the person you asked, I am protecting everyone else. Don't worry.

Whoever came asking for freedom from deadly Corona infection, all of you have my protection. You don't have death due to Corona, and you don't have worry and suffering in your life. I am protecting, be without worries.

Jayagowri Giridharan, Parashakthi Myself who did Anmartha Pooja to the Archavatara of Sarabeshwaran form of Parameshwara, is there in Adi Kailasa. I am giving that to Singapore. Come and get my Nijavatara Sarabeshwar and take to Singaore. I will make huge Kailasa in Singapore. I will give auspiciousness to Singapore. I will give great good to the world. You will live with prosperity. Do Blissfully. I am giving you blessings, wealth, enlightenment, and fortune. You will live with prosperity.

Adline wun, along with complete enlightenment, I am giving you devotion. I am giving you house with Vaastu and materials. I am clearing previous karmas, pithru saba(curse of ancestors), and gave you good wisdom and fortune. Meditate on me and chant Om Hreem Om Hreem, along with Shiva I will sit in you completely, Ambigai blessing you. Go with trust.

Mahayantha, Jennifer partar,along physical health and conscious health I am giving you Enlightenment also. Don't worry. I will heal your headache. I will give you physical health. My powers will manifest in you. Be Blissful.

Kumar Swaminathan, the devotees of Kapilaranya, drop your cunningness , make honest efforts to give love and sweetness on yourself and others, Sanga will blossom on itself. Kailasa in Kapilaranya will blossom on itself. I gave all the powers needed for Kapilaranya Kailasa to blossom. With the cunningness inside all of you, you are stopping my work. You don't have anything to do. With honest love, start treating everyone. Don't try to cheat. Without any cheating attribute, everyone sit together, without any cunningness, give love and compassion to everyone, and do the service you can, that is enough. Those who do the service they can, they have Kapilaranya Kailasa padam, and position in Mahakailasa. All of you got destroyed due to cunningness. You don't want cunningness, Start functioning with honest good love, great good will happen. Great good will happen to you, the world, everyone, for relatives, for the city, great good will happen. You will be in bliss. People of Kapiaranya Kailasa, devotees, administrators, disciples, loyal people, listen to the truth told to all of you, Great Sacred works will not happen out of cunningness. Start functioning with honest love, honest powers, honest service, I am giving good to you, Kapilaranya Kailasa, city, world and country. I am doing good. Trust and do, Ambigai with you.

Grizel Fernandez, mental depression will clear and good life will happen.

Umadhari, Parashakthi Iam with you. Good way will happen. Debts will be cleared and wealth will flourish. Fill your thoughts and Hold on to the feet of Shiva. Don't be afraid daughter. Be Blissful.

Vasantha, along with complete enlightenment, good fortune, I gave you the money and mind to become Sarvajnaeeta Kartha.

Deborah cherry, Along with the 5 boons you asked I am giving you enlightenment also, giving you goodness also. Fill your thoughts with me, I will give you Nirvikalpa Samadhi also.

Dhanuja Ramasamy, your problem is not related to mind, it is related to body. Apply castor oil in your stomach, take castor oil for 41 days andclean your stomach, after stomach is clean, mind will be in peace. Don't be afraid, your problem is not related to mind, it is related to body.

Jothika Bhalla, as you asked good job will happen within 7 days.

Neveetha Vashisht, as you asked I am giving education and success to Keya Gupta. I will definitely give you Kailasa Padhavi and keep you at my feet. Don't have fear. Be in Bliss.

Ainar Avotins, I gave all the boons you asked, and gave all goodness to relatives. You will live with prosperity. I myself with you, you will be with goodness.

Samarpini, I gave you blissful life. Iam giving you eternal life without any worries or suffering. Don't be scared.

Nithya Jananananda, I am giving you the power, devotion, mind and money to become Sarvajnapeeta Kartha.

Pavithra Lakshmanan, I blessed you wealth and Enlightenment, Household life, life partner, wisdom, fortune and Jeevan mukthi.

John truvang, I am giving you Third Eye Awakening and good enlightenment. Do Trinetra Kumbaka everyday. I am giving you wealth and prosperity also. Be Blissful.

Whoever sitting with devotion all over the world, every one of you listen, through facebook, twitter, two way video conferencing, through all mediums, whoever seeing and listening to me, my devotees, disciples, to all those who have come with integrity, I am giving you complete blessings, and powers to all of you. Your Kundalini will awaken, and with the grace of Me Parameshwari Parashakthi Meenakshi, let you have all goodness and good life.