
Deus Ultima Infinity

Elite_cobra · Action
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1 Chs

Deus Ultima ch 1

My alarm blares, and I jolt up, hitting the button. 

Today is my fifteenth birthday, and it's also the day of my annual exams. I'm feeling both excited and anxious, though mostly anxious, to be honest.

'Knock knock'

"Belzu, your appointment is in thirty minutes! Time to get up!" My mother yells from the other side of the door.

I get up, tossing my dirty clothes into the bin, and get dressed. I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair before opening the door. There stands my mother, Julia, dressed as formally as ever, while I look like a mess.

She looks at me from head to toe before scrunching up her nose, then proceeds to try and fix my shirt and hair, finally putting on my glasses.

"Mom!" I protest.

"Come on, put your shoes on. You might find out what your abilities are today! Why are you being so sluggish?" She exclaims excitedly as I put on my shoes and follow her downstairs. We get outside and hop into the car.

I glare down at my feet, and my mother notices.

"Hey, bud, why do you look so down?" She asks.

I still don't know.

'She sighs.'

"Listen, I know it's been hard. You haven't discovered your powers yet, and it's been three years since your other friends have. But you're guaranteed to know by the time you're twenty!" She puts a hand on my shoulder.

"People learn their powers at that age, and there haven't been any exceptions," she consoles.

"But what if I don't get an ability or if it isn't good?" I asked, looking gloomy.

"Everybody has an ability. That's not going to change, and I promise you'll have one. I'm more excited to figure out what class yours will fall under," she says with a smile as she begins to pull out of the driveway.

"I'm not even sure. What's the best class to have?" I inquire.

"Well, that's a matter of whether you like the ability or not. There are inoabilities that make changes to your body, whether that's turning into a specific element, object, or creature, or enhancing your body's skills. Then there are exoabilities, like pyrokinesis, telekinesis, portal making, and all that."

We begin driving down the road.

"Then last is the Jobs class, which gives you more knowledge and capabilities, like mine! My job class ability is retail seller; that's how I've not once failed to sell a house," she says proudly while driving.

"Sounds pretty boring," I whisper under my breath.

"Excuse me, young man. This 'boring' ability has been putting food on your plate for the past decade and a half! And besides, I love my job; it doesn't involve all that controlling and training like the other types," she retaliates.

I shake my head and smile a little before looking out the window.

I hope everything goes well today.

"You know, there are very few people with multiclass abilities like The Lord of Fire, who rules over all external flames and can turn into flames themselves. Just maybe you'll be like them." She explains, hopefully.

"I hope I can get a nice, unique ability like that." I uttered as we parked at the doctors.

I walk into the doctor's office and approach the front desk to sign in. The receptionist tells me to take a seat. As I sit, my leg shakes uncontrollably because I'm nervous.

"Belzu, come on back." A lady wearing a blue coat says. I walk back, and they check my height and weight before I sit in the doctor's room.

'Knock, knock', Doctor Liam comes in.

"It's been a year, bud. How are you feeling any different than usual?" He pondered

"No, I feel like my usual self." I respond as he takes my pulse and checks my ears, eyes, and tongue.

"Nothing seems different. You can go ahead and touch the ability checker, or it'll show a name and description if you have an ability yet." He says this as I walk up, putting my hand on the orb.

[Superpower: Deus Ultima]

[Description: N/A]

[Abilities: N/A]


'I look at the orb confused'

"Don't worry, it's not unheard of some abilities. Don't show what they do until the user finds out for themselves. I guess it's more fun that way, so just try and do things you'd normally not do as time goes on. If something does happen, this orb will show a better description." He explains

"We can check on his description next year. Do you want to make another appointment now? I'll get the paperwork." He asks my mom, and she agrees to sign the new paperwork.

On the way home, I look out the car window.  (What could Deus Ultima mean? Which class does it fall under? (Could I even get into a hero school with this power?) I pondered

"Happy Birthday!!"

My family yells, surprising me as I walk into the house.

"How'd it go? Find out anything exciting." My uncle Rob asks, bending down and putting his lengthy arm around me.

(I'm glad I don't have an inability that makes me 10'3 ft like him, at least.)

"Well, I found out its name is Deus Ultima, but that's it; it didn't have a description." I responded 

"If it doesn't have a description that just makes it more unique, then most anyway, be happy little guy."

Looking around, I saw my cousins and aunts.

"Is dad not making it this year also?" I question mom with a frown on my face.

"Honey, you know your dad has not been the same since his whole family passed away, and your sister's absence after the villains attacked our home three years ago was the last straw; it's why he took up being a hero." She whispered 

"But his powers won't improve. Sure, he's a C-Rank hero; his abilities description prevents him from getting stronger." I am concerned. 

"That's not something to concern yourself with; his multiplication ability is good enough, even if it's limited to himself five times." She responds 

I then settle down, eating cake and opening presents from my family, one of which is a storage pouch, a very expensive item that allows large storage space.

The party ends, and people start leaving, saying their goodbyes. I then head up the stairs to rest for the night.

(Hmm, should I start trying random stuff?) (It probably won't work.) 

I hold out my hand, imagining ice popping out, but nothing happens. I then imagine electricity and water.

(Of course, I didn't think any of that would work. I feel and look stupid.)

I pause for a minute, thinking.

(What about this?)

I focus on a pencil on the desk, imagining moving it, straining my eyes in the process. I get a large migraine, pounding my head the most it's ever hurt, and I pass out on the bed.

'Knock knock' "Hey, I'm coming in, dude." I hear a man's voice behind the door. My head is still pounding.

My father walks in, sees me holding my head, and looks concerned.

"You doing alright, bud? Have a headache?

'He looks at the floor.'

Man, you broke your glasses." He says, seeing them on the floor, then comes over and feels my head.

"Oh my lord, what happened to your eyes??" He asks, worried.