
Deus Deorum

A man by the name of Bruce Willis was born on March 28, 2006, in the state of Virginia. He had black hair, blue eyes, and stood at 5,4. Bruce was born an orphan, by that I mean his single mother died while giving birth. He watched as all the kids he ever knew were adopted or ran away to find their parents themselves. While growing up and going to school he was bullied, suicide baited and beaten. ´Why was he bullied?´ You may ask. Simple, he was seen as below everyone else. Part of it was because he was an orphan and had no parents. Therefore he was made fun of. Another part of it was he wasn´t all that good-looking, smart, or well built. Therefore he wasn´t special. Overall he was just average in every way. But, the biggest part of it was more so because of where he came from. And by that, I mean the slums. The orphanage was located in the slums where a lot of crime happens. So, you can imagine the things Bruce has seen. He has seen fellow humans killed, beaten, r*ped, sold, and so much more. He was sickened by these acts and wanted to do something to stop them. However, he was nothing special and held no power, and something Bruce learned while in the slums, was in order to make a difference he needed power. Little did he know that on his 18th birthday he would get exactly that.

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¨Your life isn´t over yet Willis.¨

When I heard a voice, I began looking around. What I found out was that I was in an all-white, square-like room, along with two chairs, a desk, and.....

¨Morgan Freeman?¨ I voiced my thoughts accidentally.

¨Ha, not exactly just one of the many forms I like to take. This is one is my personal favorite.¨

¨.....Who... are you? Also, where am I? Wasn´t I-¨

¨Dead? You most certainly are. As for who I am. I am the creator of everything and nothing, I. Am. God. Now, as for where you are, you are in my personal dimension.¨ The strange being, who is apparently God, said.

´I´m...dead.´ I thought, realizing I couldn´t smell or feel anything. However, I was able to still hear and see. While coming to this realization I began to sit in the empty chair that was in front of God´s desk.

¨Then why am I not in Heaven or Hell?¨ I asked.

¨Ah yes, well you see there isn´t just one Heaven and Hell. How it works, is for whatever religion or faith you are a part of, the god/s of that religion/faith will be the ones to control/judge where you go or decide to do something special with you. An example would be if you were a worshipper of the Greek gods. Then you would fall under their jurisdiction and end up in Elysium, Fields of Asphodel, or Tartarus.¨ God explains.

¨But, I wasn´t Christian. After seeing all those terrible things I kinda stopped believing there was such a thing as a god. Why didn´t you or any other god get involved!¨ I asked at first curious but then angry in the end.

God looks at me sympathetically.

¨Well....to start out I´m not the biblical God, or the Christian god if you would prefer. I am THE God. Head honcho. Most faithless individuals come to me and I decide which religion and afterlife fit them best. As for why I, or anyone else, didn´t get involved...well....¨ God fell silent.

¨Well?¨ I asked impatiently.

¨Sigh.¨ He sighed.

¨Most gods look down on anything that isn´t stronger than them or isn´t a god, like them, that alone should tell you why they didn´t intervene. Then there are gods who are extremely kind and caring. I would like to believe I fall under one of those. However, while those gods can intervene, and they do a lot of times, they can´t be everywhere at once. There are many worlds, universes, dimensions, and multiverses out there. As for why I can´t get involved...well..... I made an oath at the beginning of time that I wholeheartedly regret.¨ He said with a voice full of melancholy.

¨And that was?¨ I asked curiously, calming down a bit.

¨For as long as I exist, and rule, I will never involve myself with any world´s fate or any individual´s fate before their death.¨ He said.

After he said that, I couldn´t help but think of all the things I´ve seen and how much more of those things he´s probably seen than I ever will. He´s just like me, but worse. While he has the power to help...he is unable to.

¨I´m sorry.¨ I said sadly.

He seemed surprised at my apology but after his surprise dyed down, he smiled at me kindly.

¨There is no need for you to apologize, it is my own mistake. ¨You reap what you sow¨, as they say. Haha.¨ He chuckled dryly.¨

After a moment of silence, I decided to ask.

¨So, where am I going?¨ I asked while being both excited and worried.

¨Ah....yes. Well, you see for you, I have a proposition. I know other gods have done this before but I, personally, have never done something like this.¨

¨What proposition? And doing what exactly?¨ I ask, confused.

¨What I meant by what other gods have done, I meant isekai, reincarnation, transmigration, whatever you want to call it. As for my proposition, that feeling of helplessness when wanting to help others, I know it well, and I want to help you get rid of it. Therefore, I wish to have you work for me and go to other universes and help them. Of course, I´ll let you pick your universes, unless there´s some urgent emergency, and grant you some blessings.





