
Detonating Desire

The League of Villains started to attack U.A. in pursuit of kidnapping students with uncontrollable quirks. One specific girl is currently their main target. In a failed mission, Akane's class dorm has been burned and the class is forced to be split up to bunk down with the other dorms on campus. Class 1-A is not what she expected, especially Katsuki Bakugo. Read on for more!

Reneereaper39 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 2

The following morning was quite alarming for the other students at U.A. when the news of the attack started to spread. The news channels were already buzzing about the incident, which only drew in more press representatives outside the academy walls. All class reps had received word that all academics and activities were canceled, and that the students were instructed to stay inside their dorms until their teachers arrived. With the substantial amount of pressure given from the media and stressed out parents, the entire campus was on tight surveillance. Any slip up would mean the end of U.A. Midnight's homeroom class had felt the most stress, for not a single person was able to get a good night's sleep after the attack. What were they to do now?

The gymnasium was very gloomy that following morning as the students tried to adapt to their new surroundings. They were given a cot with a pillow and blanket, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a brand new school uniform to wear for the day. This was the best that they could provide for the moment until the school treasury ran up the numbers before administering their reparation checks. They showered in the divided locker rooms and passed time comforting each other for their lost mementos. Most of them were left wondering if they would have to stay in this place for the rest of the school year. Instantly, the gym doors burst open. To their surprise, it wasn't just the staff members, but also several angry parents. The commotion was loud and aggressive. Midnight and the others attempted to try and reason with them to allow the students to stay, but their cries fell on deaf ears. This was just one attack too many from the Villains, and it was the last straw. Regrettably, none of them had the right to argue. What parent wouldn't worry about their child? Once it reached a certain degree, it was out of their hands. The air became tense with never ending complaints until Principal Nezu finally stepped up to speak.

"Please! Please settle down!"

"Can it, you rat! You promised us that our children would be safe, but they were almost burned alive!" Yelled a man standing next to his son.

"For God's sake, a girl was stabbed!"

"What are you going to do about my daughter's destroyed gold necklace? It was passed down to her from her great grandmother. It's irreplaceable!" screamed a mother.

"What about my son? How can you expect him to pass his class without his notes?"

"You told us that the villains were going after one of the students, which one was it? Maybe he should explain why my daughter no longer has a bed to sleep in!" Yelled another angry mother looking across the way to what she assumed to be the prime suspect. His father caught her gaze and stepped up.

"What the hell are you staring at my kid for?!"

The fighting only escalated from there. Most of the teachers were at a loss of what to say. The facts were clear that dangerous people had broken in, harmed a child, burned down their dorm, and got away before anyone could catch them on the spot. These Villains had been tracked before and each time, they have made it more difficult to find. They could point out that as heroes, they deal with several incidents like this nearly every day, that even if they had the best top notch security system in the world and guards on every corner that a crime like this could still happen. The way a villain's mind works is simple: if they want to do something, they are going to follow through, no matter what obstacle comes their way. They could tell them that, but that's not what the concerned families want to hear. Someone was responsible for this, and someone had to take the blame. Ever since they tried to kidnap Bakugo, the rumors and comments the media spiked had put U.A. on a pedestal, meaning that anything new, any small mishap was sure to trigger more backlash. It was almost as if the villains were never the ones responsible for their own actions. It was always the heroes for being incapable.

All Might decided to activate his quirk by bulking himself up to the smiling symbol of peace they've all come to know and love. The room fell silent as he spoke "Have no fear! I am here!"

Suddenly, his weakened body reverted back to his frail, slouchy form. He suppressed the urge to spit blood rising from his gut pushing his body to its limit. His intentions were clear, but seeing how feeble he was from barely a minute's worth of using his quirk, it didn't help his claim.

A couple of parents stepped forward. "All Might, we have a great deal of respect for you for the things you have done, but you've said it yourself that you were retiring. You've fought your last battle. And after seeing you like that, how can you possibly keep our kids safe?"

All Might clenched his teeth. He was right, how could he be in this condition?

"The symbol of peace will always live on. If not through me, then by the students. As the number of villainous incidents continue to rise, we have to give our students a bright future of becoming the next heroes, ones that will carry on the symbol of peace." He explained.

"They are still our children. They can't become heroes if they are constantly put in these awful situations." Said a mother.

"On the contrary, being placed head on in a real, dangerous situation gives them more experience than what we do in class. In training, we create sessions just as hard to simulate what it would be like in a real battle." Explained Aizawa.

"But you don't try to kill our children!"

"We are currently doing everything in our power to atone for last night's incident. Our treasurer for U.A. has granted all students affected an estimate based on the value of all items lost in their dormitories as well as suffering. Any items that were irreplaceable will be taken into account before the student's check is issued. We understand that U.A. will have to better our security measures in regards to the student's safety. For the time being, we have canceled all classes for this matter to be held under investigation by the authorities. Our staff has asserted new ground rules that prohibits students from leaving their dorms until it is deemed safe to walk freely on campus. All other means of exploration will be supervised by a staff member at all times. We strongly insist that you allow your children to attend U.A. to complete their hero training, and we take full responsibility for them as we always have. We apologize for this incident and will strive so that it will not repeat. As for the allegations to the Villains motive, they were trying to kidnap a student. For the child's safety, we cannot give you this information on who specifically. In regards to the student's living situation, we have proposed that the class will be divided to share other dorms across the campus while the original building is repaired. As soon as the authorities claim the grounds to be safe again, classes will continue on a regular schedule."

The idea didn't seem to please very many parents, for when Principal Nezu's speech ended, over half the class had split up to take their reimbursements and go home. It was a disappointing sight to see. Once a parent has made up their minds, it's a real challenge to get them to change it. Those who remained were given their checks, new forms about the new security measures and contact information, and some time to talk to their kids. Meanwhile, Midnight counted off the number of kids left behind to discuss their new placement in the other lodgings. After a while, the parents got all the answers they wanted and left. There were only twelve students left. It looked like over-crowding was no longer going to be an issue.

"Alright, listen up!" began Ms. Kayama ``We are going to tell you which dorms you will now be living in starting today. This will be temporary until your own building is restored. I will say the class and building number first. When I call out your name, I want you to follow the teacher in charge of the class dorm. You will be granted the next three days to use your reimbursements to re-supply your lost possessions; that includes clothing, bedding, toiletries, school supplies, cell phones, anything you could possibly need. I suggest you take advantage of that time and get everything in order. If the amount on your check is not enough, you will notify the teacher of the dorm, with which they will contact me, and I will see what I can do to help you. Some dorms will not have the space for all of you, so you may have to share with other classmates. While you stay here, you will abide by our new set of rules, and that goes for all students at U.A. If for any reason you do not obey them, we will have to contact your families to pick you up for immediate expulsion. We cannot risk any more mishaps on these grounds. If you have any problems at all, you get in touch with the dorm teacher and they will contact me."

Aizawa extended his arm to hand her the clipboard.

Peering down, she read – "The names are as followed – "

Akane walked quietly with her two classmates Yuto and Emiri behind Aizawa. They had to be split up in groups of three to even everyone out, but the idea of not all being together like usual was a bit unsettling. It shouldn't be, considering that they had to watch several close friends be compelled by their parents to go home just before this. She felt immense sympathy for them, especially her best friend. It was a shame to see Tsuki's mom decide to pull her out, but who could blame her after she was stabbed by that mystery girl? She was a close friend and she was sorry to see her leave. She would have made a great hero. To be honest with herself, despite everything, she was actually happy to still be enrolled with these two. At least she wouldn't be completely alone.

Emiri was considered one of the smart ones in the class, which suited her outspoken personality. She was always a social butterfly and was favorable for doing well with her grades. Yuto was a bit average for a guy, even with his quirk, but nevertheless, Akane considered him to be a very loyal friend of many years. He was one of the few who understood and accepted Akane's distant and silent attitude. She was a woman of few words, as she had been throughout her whole life. She rarely opened up to anyone other than Yuto, and that was only because he was so persistent. Her lack of social skills had always been a big flaw for her. Last night really shook her up, though she did not show it. Emiri did say that the mystery girl was looking for her. For what? She didn't know. It kept her up that night thinking of what could've happened if she had succeeded in taking her. What would they have done?

The three of them followed Aizawa sensei to class 1-A's dorm, carrying their cot and items on their backs. They had seen and heard about this class all over campus, but they had never truly interacted face to face until now. Being in a new place so suddenly no doubt made things feel nerve-racking, but the outcome of not having to sleep in the gym made it bearable. Once they reached the entrance, Aizawa opened the door and walked down the foyer into the living room. Nearly everyone in the class was either conversing with each other, watching TV, or doing something on their cell phones, but as soon as the four of them walked in, all heads turned towards them.

"Sensei, any news about the attack last night?" asked the fluffy pink-haired girl with dark eyes. It took her a second to notice the three new kids standing behind him. "Who're they?"

"That's why I'm here." He proceeded to inform them of everything that went down that night and what happened to the students. The Villains were gone, but their frightening spirits remained. He was careful to refrain from speaking about their motive to kidnap Akane to keep her from being singled out. "The Villain's attacks on U.A. have left us vulnerable to the press once again, and because of that, many students have been pulled from the academy. Those who still attend are in great need of housing until their own place is re-built, so these three will be staying here. I want you to make them feel welcome here."

As if on cue, one young man with dark hair and glasses stood straight up and walked over to them. With his hand raised in the air, he spoke. "Greetings, I'm Tenya Ida, the class representative! I send you my humblest condolences for your loss and I look forward to making this a properly suitable home for you!" So stiff, his personality made him seem really wound up tight, but his straightforwardness was admirable. "Attention! Everyone must line up in an orderly fashion to introduce themselves to our new house guests!"

"Geez, there he goes again…" mumbled the dark-haired boy sitting on the couch.

"We don't have to line up, we can introduce ourselves where we are." Said one of the girls who presented a more alternative rock n' roll style. Their lack of compliance caused an irritated tic in Ida. Somehow, this seemed to be normal to them. It seemed like he was always this over the top judging by their reactions. They were so over it.

"I'll start!" The pink colored girl jumped from her seat and pranced her way over to them. "I'm Mina Ashido!"

One by one they each spoke their names in a pleasantly friendly manner. Some were a little too friendly, especially the short perverted boy with balls on his head named Mineta. Just watching his creepy wide eyes staring the two girls down, drooling from his mouth, and whispering those inappropriate sexual things was sickening. The girls in his class bopped him on the head to get him to stop. This was probably the norm for him too. It would be best to avoid him if at all possible, but then again, it's not like he could actually put up much of a fight with that small stature.

Down the line, almost all of them made a proper acquaintance, all except one. He was a blonde-haired, beady-eyed boy with a permanent scowl upon his face. He didn't look to be interested at all in what was going on, as if he was dragged into coming here by his will. When it came to be his turn to speak, he merely scoffed at them and said "Bakugo…" And nothing else.

"Please, let us know your names!" Ida commented while motioning his arm robotically up and down.

"Well, my name's Emiri Yamada."

"I'm Yuto Hatsumodo." He took a moment before turning to Akane. Having all their eyes fall upon her sent a nervous feeling down in the pit of her stomach. He could tell from her silence and looking away that she was starting to feel vulnerable, so he decided to step in. He placed an arm on her shoulder. "And this is Akane Hattori. She doesn't talk much."

"Wait! Did you say Hattori?!" asked Ida.

She nodded, yes.

His jaw dropped with surprise as he clenched his hands into fists. "Your family has been superior idols to the Ida family for years! The Hattori's have devoted their lives to masterminding criminal intent in retribution for public security for generations! They are the personification of both integrity and intellect! As a member of the Ida family, I greatly commend you! You are truly superior!"

He bowed down over and over again. It was a thoughtful sentiment, but to her, the gesture was a bit much. She wasn't anything special that would gratify this kind of treatment. All she was was a regular student longing to become a hero, like everyone else. She recalled the Ida family as one of the top Tokyo pro-hero agencies. They worked with PSI constantly as well as the local police. It's no wonder that he would recognize the name. They were truly commendable people. Unfortunately for her, Tenya's remark started to draw some unwanted attention. The other students started whispering things, mostly about how prestigious her background was. The teacher noticed this and decided to try and change the subject. If they kept on, it would only be a matter of time before they asked about the attack personally.

"I'll leave it up to you to decide where they should sleep. It will be a while before their dorm is completely rebuilt. Make them feel welcome. Classes will be canceled for the next few days following the investigation. All students need to stay in their dorms until further notice. No one leaves without telling me, not even to go across campus. These three will need to go into town to rebuy all the items lost in the fire. They only have the next three days to do so. I'm sure they could use some help." Aizawa explained in a rugged voice that sounded like he was exhausted and ready for bed.

"We will do everything we can!" Replied the class rep.

"Good. Let me know when any of you decide to head out. Ida, review the new set of rules for the class made by Principal Nezu."

"Yes, sir!"

With that said, the teacher turned and headed out the locked door. As instructed, Tenya began his long thorough speech in regards to the rules. Everyone sort of half-listened to him and carried on with what they were doing. It didn't take long before they all got sick and tired of listening to him. The rules were already given out on paper this morning. It wasn't like they didn't know. The three of them were also getting annoyed with the constant repetition. It was already bad enough without having the constant reminder all the time. Several of the students got up from their seats to make room for the new guests, which they happily took to relax. It was nice to lay back on a soft cushion instead of that stiff cot.

"I know that what happened to you guys was probably very terrifying." Stated Yaoyorozu sympathetically. "We've actually gone through a Villain attack at the training camp not too long ago, so we know how you feel."

"Wait! That was you guys?" asked Emiri.

"Yea, they planned out several traps to keep us all occupied while they took Bakugo." Explained the tentacle-armed man named Shoji.

The temperamental blonde only growled, thinking back to that shitty night. He should have realized that he was walking into a trap. He should have fought harder against them, and not get stuck in that little damned ball. Those idiots only got in the way!

"He hasn't exactly told us what all went down with the Villains, but I think it's normal to say that it was scary for him." Kirishima said rather quietly, as if he didn't want Bakugo to hear.

"Like hell, I was scared!" Well, he heard them after all. "None of you bastards know a damn thing!"

"We still had to come and get you." Kirishima added.

The remark only seemed to spite him more. Those pieces of shit Villains didn't know who they were up against. And he sure as hell didn't need help from them, at least, that's what he told himself. He didn't need a reminder.

"Just shut up!"

They could sense the fire in his eyes, but Kirishima only smiled. His explosive response caused the three of them to jolt, but it quickly faded when they realized that it didn't faze the others. It didn't take much to set him off. Maybe the whole experience was something he really didn't feel comfortable talking about. Or perhaps, maybe he doesn't want to admit that he was afraid. Everyone on campus knew about the training camp event, but it didn't occur to them why, of all people, the villains wanted him. It was rumored that he was targeted after receiving the U.A. Sports Champion title. If that was the case, then why would the Villains want Akane? She barely passed the entrance exam and was way behind her other classmates when it came to completely mastering her quirk. That rumor couldn't be right. There had to be some other reason that they wanted him. Only he could tell.

"I can only imagine what happened to you guys. Losing your possessions, your dorm, and almost losing your life. Do you have any idea why they would do that to you?" Momo asked curiously.

The three of them fell immediately silent. Their faces showed discomfort, which caused her to re-think her question.

"If it's too soon to ask, I apologize."

"Actually, we should probably find out where we will be staying." Yuto suggested, trying to take their minds off of it.

"An excellent idea! I'm sure that our dormitory's layout is exactly the same as yours. The first floor is the living area, the second and third for the students' personal quarters, the fourth is our gym, and the fifth is our vacant space set for large gatherings and storage. I'm sure that we will be able to find an accommodation that suits you all." Tenya replied, his arm unnecessarily chopping the air to indicate his certainty.

"But the second and third floor has no extra rooms."

"Maybe we could clear out a closet space." Muttered Midoriya with his hand under his chin in thought.

"Then where are we going to put the things that are already in the closet?"

"Put it all in the storage on the fifth floor?"

"There's no room in there!"

"I've got an idea!" Said the friendly Ashido with her finger in the air. "They can bunk with us. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other better. It may be a bit cramped, but I don't mind sharing my space with someone who needs it."

"They did say that we may have to share rooms, but I don't want you to feel obligated to do this for us. We could always just sleep down here." Yuto suggested. He was trying to be considerate, but sleeping on the couch that everyone has sat on out in the open, that's just stupid.

"Nonsense! Being a hero means helping those in need! If giving up part of a room is what is necessary, then it's an honorable sacrifice I am willing to make!"

If Tenya was offering to let Yuto stay with him in his room, that was NOT going to happen. If he's this strict and uptight, who knows what kind of buttons he would unknowingly push. Tenya was nice and all, but he had a feeling that he was the type of person who would go crazy over a loose sheet of paper, or a misplaced book. In his mind, he was praying for someone else to offer to share.

"Hey, Hatsumodo." He turned to the lightning striped boy, Kaminari. "I've got some extra space, and a pull out bed if you wanna bunk with me."

"You had me at 'pull out bed'." He replied with a slight twinkle in his eye.

"How about it, Emiri? Wanna stay with me?" Ashido asked, leaning in to hear her answer. With warmth rising in her chest, she whole-heartedly agreed. All that was left was Akane.

"I would offer my room, but my furniture has made my room tight as it is." Explained Yaoyorozu with a dim expression. As vice class president, she didn't want to appear inhospitable.

"My room is full of all my instruments. I don't have much room either." Said Jiro.

"No way. Has the Gods of desire finally answered my prayers by presenting me with this heavenly opportunity? A beautiful girl with hair and a body to resemble the fiery flames of passion!" All eyes followed down to the small determined, drooling face of Mineta. "Please, let her stay with me. I'll make her company all worthwhile."

Nearly everyone felt discontented at this sadistic boy.

"There's no way she's gonna stay with you, you little perv!" Shouted the invisible girl, Hagakure. Kaminari blanked out for a moment as the sudden realization just hit him of his missed opportunity.

"Oh how clever. To think that I already gave up my half of the room to Hatsumodo." Yuto narrowed his eyes at him, watching as he clenched his fist in bitter sadness, knowing that he will never be granted the sweet pleasure of sleeping next to a pretty young girl like her. As if that would happen anyways.

"We will not condone such inappropriate behavior!" Tenya shouted towards the both of them. Honestly, when would they learn not to act so immature?

"Actually, Hattori?" She turned to the friendly face of Uraraka. "I have plenty of unused space in my room. You can stay with me if you like?"

After hearing that gut twisting testimony from the little grape dude, Akane was hands down ready to accept staying with anyone else. Without a single moment's thought, she gave a faint smile and nodded. Just like they did on the first night they stayed in the dorm, all the girls decided to give the three of them a grand tour of everyone's room, well those that were willing to show them. The only ones who refused were Tokoyami and Bakugo, and they had no interest in seeing Mineta's room. No doubt that he would have a bunch of crazy erotic stuff in there. He did enough damage making Emiri and Akane uncomfortable as it is, and Yuto was filled with the strongest desire to punch him into a crater. He definitely needed to watch his back when it came to Akane.

They each dropped off the small amount of items they carried to their designated rooms before heading back downstairs. Yaoyorozu decided it was a great time to break out her new tea blend along with Sato's tasty assortment of pastries. It was the perfect way to ease their tension after everything they've been through in the last twenty-four hours. It was only courteous to show them that they cared. While enjoying their tea time, the students asked what all they had lost in the fire. They were disheartened to hear that they had lost everything. So much for enjoyment… Midoriya tried to shed some light on the subject by reassuring them that they would be more than willing to help them get what they needed to start school again.

"You three should make a list of all the things you will need. We can go into town tomorrow and help you get it." Todoroki suggested.

"Great idea! I needed to get some new shorts anyway!" Exclaimed Ashido.

"This will be so much fun!" said the invisible girl to Mina. It was certain that these two were the best of friends with their bubbly personality. Even Emiri and Yuto were getting excited. Though they had lost a great deal of personal things, it was titillating just knowing that they had the money to buy whatever they wanted. Each check administered was more than enough to provide for it too. Akane wasn't as happy as she expected she would be. For the sake of her friends, she kept her poker face emotionless.