
Detective Liu Jiange

Liu Jiange is a retired old policeman, in his decades of police career, he has solved one strange case after another with his wise thinking, meticulous observation and rigorous reasoning. Is this an accident or a deliberate murder? Everyone has something to hide. What are they hiding? Who is the real killer? a conspiracy involving many people and interests, a conspiracy hiding many secrets and crises. This book is a magical mystery novel, and we will follow Detective Liu Jiange to uncover one magical case after another in his police career.

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17 Chs


After saying goodbye to Huang Yan, we left the hospital together and discussed the case as we walked back.

"I... I think there must be something wrong with this Mengling. I replied while recalling the conversations just now, and I pointed to a document in the car, which we printed out of the bank statement of Zhang Mengling that Captain Hou sent to us, which recorded the money she sent to her hometown every month, and the amount was very considerable. Much more than her income level.

"Oh? So do you have any conclusions? Uncle Jiange was very interested in my reasoning, and he encouraged me to continue.

"I personally think that the woman Li Shilan saw and quarreled in the room the night before the accident must be Zhang Mengling, and the conflict between Li Mingming and his father must be because of Zhang Mengling." I voiced my conjecture, which I think is the most plausible explanation.

"Is it? Go on. "Uncle Jiange didn't interrupt me, he wanted to hear how I reasoned out.

"I think the whole incident is something like this: Zhang Mengling applied for a job to be a nanny in Li's house, and after a long time, she fell in love with Li Mingming. Because she is in love with the rich second generation, Li Mingming will give her some money privately from time to time, which is the money we found out that she sent to her hometown beyond her income range. Then found out that she was pregnant three weeks ago, Li Mingming wanted to officially clarify her relationship and marry her, but Li Shilan thought that Zhang Mengling was just a little nanny, and she didn't have to take it too seriously if she had to play, so she didn't agree, which caused a conflict between father and son. The night before the accident, Li Shilan, who was also Zhang Mengling, hoped that Li Shilan would agree to her being with Li Mingming, but Li Shilan may think that Zhang Mengling was blackmailing him with the child in his belly, which led to the further intensification of the conflict. The final gas explosion accident was actually a premeditated murder, which may have been planned by Li Mingming and Zhang Mengling in partnership, or Zhang Mengling may have committed it alone in order to be with Li Mingming. "I told my reasoning process one by one, and I thought the story was likely to be true.

"There is some truth in what you said, and the whole logic can be strung together." Uncle Jiange listened to my analysis and thoughtfully, he nodded in approval.

But it was still impossible to explain what happened to the corpse of the homeless man in the Li family's manor, and why Li Shilan wanted to buy that worn-out second-hand gas stove. You analyzed in the morning that the homeless man may be Li Shilan's stand-in, but this round of analysis just now did not have anything to do with the stand-in at all. "I also have some doubts, I feel that my reasoning still has many holes and needs more evidence to support it."

"Yes, the story you just told can logically straighten out some things, but there are still many doubts that cannot be answered, and more importantly, we have not yet found evidence, and only by finding evidence can we prove whether those reasonings are correct." Uncle Jiange said, his tone becoming serious.

"So what are we going to do next?" I asked him, and I trusted his experience and judgment.

"We have to go back to the Li Family Manor and carefully check the various information we have collected to see if there are any clues that have been missed. We also continue to investigate Zhang Mengling, who is the key person in this case, and we need to find out her relationship with Li Mingming and her whereabouts on the night of the incident. We will also continue to investigate the identity of the homeless man to see if he has any connection with Li Shilan, or whether someone deliberately put his body there to create a false impression. Uncle Jiange said his plan, his eyes flashing with determination and confidence.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." I said that I had no objection to his plan, which I thought was the most reasonable thing to do.

"Then let's hurry up, time is running out, we need to find the truth as soon as possible." After Uncle Jiange finished speaking, he asked me to speed up the car and drive towards the Li Family Manor.

I looked at the scenery in front of me, and I felt a little nervous and expectant, I don't know if we can find the truth, I don't know what the truth will look like, but I believe that as long as we don't give up, we will be able to solve this mystery.

When we were about to arrive at the Li Family Manor, I suddenly saw a familiar figure on the side of the road, it was He Xiaoya, she was wearing a red dress, her hair was scattered, her face was pale, and she looked haggard. She also seemed to see our car, and she quickly ran to the middle of the road, waving her hands and waving desperately at us, as if she was looking for us in some hurry.

As soon as Uncle Jiange saw her, he hit the brakes and parked the car beside her. I also quickly got out of the car, wondering why she was here and if she had any important clues to tell us.

"I heard that Li Mingming was arrested, is it true?" He Xiaoya asked eagerly as soon as she saw us, and the anxiety in her eyes could not be concealed, which made me feel a little strange. What is her relationship with Li Mingming? Why did she care so much about him?

"Yes, it was taken away in the early hours of this morning." Uncle Jiange answered her honestly, his tone was calm and there were no mood swings.

"Why was he arrested? Why is this? This matter has nothing to do with him! He Xiaoya listened to Uncle Jiange's words, she became even more excited, her voice also raised a few decibels, and her tears were about to flow out. She obviously didn't believe that Li Mingming would be the murderer, did she have any special feelings for him?

"His alibi was debunked, and he returned to Yongjia on the day of the crime. So the police suspected him of murdering his father. Uncle Jiange briefly explained to her the latest developments in the case, his expression serious.

"It's not true!" He Xiaoya shouted angrily, "He can't do such a thing!" He is a good man, he loves his father, he will not kill him! Her words were full of firmness and trust, I wonder if she had any unforgettable memories with Li Mingming that made her so convinced of him?

"Unfortunately, the police think so at the moment. The case is still under further investigation. Uncle Jiange paused for a moment and said lightly, without wavering or hesitation in his eyes.

"No, I'm going to get him out, it's all my fault!" He Xiaoya hurriedly ran away, her words revealed a kind of self-blame and guilt, did she have anything to do with this matter, or did she do something sorry for Li Mingming?

I looked at her back, full of doubts and curiosity, I wanted to know the real relationship between her and Li Mingming, and why she would say that it was all her fault. Does she know something we don't know, or is she hiding something we need to know?

Not long after returning to the Li Family Manor, we received another call from Captain Hou. His voice sounded nervous, saying that he had an important news to tell us, so let's hurry up and listen.

"What? You said He Xiaoya ran to the Public Security Bureau to turn herself in? Say that Li Shilan was killed by her? Uncle Jiange said, his tone full of surprise and incredulity, he obviously did not expect this result.

"That's right, He Xiaoya said that the gas explosion accident in Li's manor was planned by her, because Li Shilan did not allow her to be with Li Mingming. Captain Hou said, his voice revealing a heaviness and helplessness, he had just learned the news.

"This Li Mingming is really fragrant." I couldn't help but interject, I think this case is getting more and more complicated, who are the women around Li Mingming, all of them will do everything for him.

"It seems to be true, but it's easy to understand, who called him handsome and golden!" Captain Hou smiled.

You continued. Uncle Jiange said.

"Okay. According to He Xiaoya's confession, she and Li Mingming met less than a year ago when their family first moved in, and she fell in love with Li Mingming at first sight, and then they fell in love soon and confirmed their boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. But it seems that Li Mingming's father, that is, Li Shilan, has always been opposed, does not agree with the two of them together, and has a very firm attitude. Captain Hou said, with some sympathy in his voice, perhaps feeling that He Xiaoya and Li Mingming were a pair of pitiful lovers.

"And then? Uncle Jiange asked, with some curiosity in his voice, probably wondering how He Xiaoya changed from a girl in love to a murderer.

He Xiaoya also said that one night two weeks ago, when she was near the Li family manor, she overheard Li Shilan and Liu Xiaojing discussing the will while enjoying the shade in the garden, and it is said that Liu Xiaojing told Li Shilan to let him designate the heir and insurance beneficiary as Liu Xiaojing, and Li Shilan promised to consider it at that time. Captain Hou said.

"Aha, this is a new situation, we have not learned about it before. "I said, I think this news is very interesting, does this mean that Li Mingming may really be the murderer?

Yes, in this way, Li Mingming's motive for killing was further strengthened, but He Xiaoya insisted that Li Mingming had nothing to do with this case. Captain Hou said, his voice tinged with some bewilderment.

"This happened after that quarrel between Li Mingming and Li Shilan? Uncle Jiange asked, a little puzzled in his voice, he wondered if the two things were connected.

"Probably yes, He Xiaoya said that I can't remember the specific date. At that time, she was about to go for a walk in the park across the road when she overheard it when passing the courtyard wall of the Li family manor. Captain Hou said that there was some helplessness in his voice, and he felt that He Xiaoya's testimony was not accurate enough, but He Xiaoya said that he really couldn't remember.

"It's interesting. I said, I think this detail is very strange, did He Xiaoya deliberately hide something?

He Xiaoya also admitted that the woman who saw Li Shilan on the second floor of the Li family's manor villa the night before the accident was herself. At that time, Li Shilan said that he would give her a large sum of money to let him leave her son, but He Xiaoya refused. Captain Hou said, there was some admiration in his voice, probably thinking that He Xiaoya was a woman with a backbone.

"That's what the owner of the thrift market overheard when the woman said, 'I don't want your money!'" I said, I think this evidence is very strong, is this proof that He Xiaoya's confession is true.

"After all this, He Xiaoya decided to get rid of Li Shilan," Captain Hou continued, "When she first heard that Li Shilan wanted to give Liu Xiaojing all her inheritance to Li Mingming, she felt that it was nothing, as long as she and Li Mingming could be together. But then Li Shilan said that he would give her a large amount of money to let her leave Li Mingming, and she wanted to settle the new debt and the old debt together. "

That makes sense. Uncle Jiange said, some understanding in his voice.

Yes, she confessed that this would kill two birds with one stone, removing obstacles to be with Li Mingming, and perhaps preventing Li Shilan from modifying his will and insurance beneficiaries. Captain Hou said, a little amazed in his voice, "Such a young and scheming woman is really rare."

"These Li Mingming must not know. Uncle Jiange guessed.

"Yes. He Xiaoya said that she did not tell Li Mingming, and Li Mingming did not know anything. Captain Hou said.

So, how did she explain Li Mingming's return to Yongjialai on the day of the crime? "

She said that because Li Mingming was going to the United States and wanted to stay in the United States for a long time, she specially rushed back to see her, and then she persuaded her to leave. These things have nothing to do with Li Mingming. "

"Shouldn't two little lovers get tired and crooked when they meet together? Why did you persuade him to leave? "

He Xiaoya needed time to commit the crime, so she said that she made up a reason to go to the interview to persuade people to leave. "

"So did she confess how she committed the crime?"

"Yes. She said that she noticed Li Shilan's old gas stove, and on the day of the crime, while Liu Xiaojing and Zhang Mengling were both going out, she sneaked into their house, using the key secretly obtained from Li Mingming to open the door, and then cut the gas pipe. "

"But when we went to her house to inquire before, she and her mother testified that they were both at home at the time and had not gone anywhere."

"Now it seems that the two of them are committing perjury."

"So why did they both commit perjury? "

"It may be because they both know that He Xiaoya killed Li Shilan, they both want to protect He Xiaoya, and neither of them wants He Xiaoya to go to prison." "

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else. We also detained He Xiaoya, and of course Li Mingming has not yet been released, because I think there are still many doubts here. "

"Yes, I also think there are a lot of doubts in it. I think you may need to interrogate Li Mingming again. "

"That's for sure, you can come and interrogate with us if you need to." "

"Okay." It was late, but we decided to go over.

In the interrogation room, we met together with Li Mingming, who had been detained for more than ten hours. Although he still looked unruly, he seemed to have withered a lot of spirits, and his face was obviously haggard. There is a trace of stubbornness and unyielding in his eyes, as if he is challenging our bottom line.

"We want to check with you again, did you commit a gas explosion and kill your father?" Captain Hou asked Li Mingming. Captain Hou is an old fritters, and he knows that Li Mingming is not so easy to subdue, so he has been pressing him in a soft and hard way, hoping to get the truth from him.

"I've said it many times, I don't! I love my dad so much, I wouldn't do anything like that! Li Mingming retorted loudly, his voice echoing in the interrogation room, making people feel that he was a little excited. His father was his only relative, how could he possibly kill him?

"But you have admitted that just a week before your father's death, you and he had an argument, and you said that you could love what you would do when he died." Captain Hou continued to ask, his eyes sharp, as if he wanted to see through Li Mingming's mind.

"It was just my whims, I was arguing with him at the time, so I didn't talk too much, but it wasn't serious." Li Mingming explained that his face showed deep remorse, he regretted saying something like that at that time, if he could be more understanding and tolerant, maybe their relationship would not have deteriorated to this point.

"In addition, you also admitted in the morning that on the day of the crime, you had secretly returned to Yongjia." Captain Hou presented another key piece of evidence, his tone became more severe, and he felt that Li Mingming was about to collapse.

"But I didn't come back to kill him, I didn't know he was drunk again at noon that day." Li Mingming defended, his voice was a little trembling, his eyes were a little flickering, and he did not dare to look directly into Captain Hou's gaze. He may have come back to Yongjia for another purpose, a purpose that he did not want to say.

"Maybe you planned to do it in some other way, but seeing that he happened to be drunk, you planned to create a fake gas explosion accident." Captain Hou pressed forward step by step, and his words were like a sharp blade, piercing Li Mingming's heart. He wanted Li to confess his guilt, or at least give a reasonable explanation.

"Not so!" Li Mingming denied it, his voice was a little hoarse, his body was a little trembling, and he felt that he was almost unable to support it. He wasn't a murderer, and he didn't want to admit that he had done something he hadn't.

"So what should it be? You tell me what you came back to Yongjia for? Captain Hou asked, his words like a hammer, hitting Li Mingming's heart. He wanted Li Mingming to tell the truth, or at least give a credible reason.

"... I want to see my lawyer and I won't answer any of your questions anymore. Li Mingming finally collapsed, his voice was like a wail, his tears were like a waterfall, his body was like a puppet, and he didn't want to say anything more. He just wanted to see someone who could protect him, someone who could trust him, someone who could save him.

At this time, Uncle Jiange spoke: "You came back for He Xiaoya, right?" She just turned herself in, and she admitted that she killed your father. "

Uncle Jiange is an old detective, he has been watching Li Mingming's reaction on the side, he found that there is a trace of unknown love in Li Mingming's eyes, he guesses that Li Mingming and He Xiaoya have an unusual relationship, and he wants to use this news to test Li Mingming's true thoughts.

"This can't be! This whole thing has nothing to do with her! Well, I move, I say it all, I killed people! I caused this accident and killed my father! When Li Mingming heard the news, his heart was like being struck by lightning, his mind was blank, and there was only one word left in his mouth: move.

"Then, please describe the whole thing in full."

Hou Xiaoya's surrender seemed to have broken Li Mingming's defense line at once, and the original resistance and silence disappeared, and Li Mingming said it all like a bamboo tube pouring beans. His voice had a hint of trembling, and his eyes revealed fear and remorse.

"I met Xiaoya more than half a year ago, when our family had just moved over, and then I met her, and the first time I saw her, I fell in love with her at first sight, and I felt that I was her for the rest of my life. She was nice to me too, we had a lot of common hobbies and topics, and soon, we were in love. Later, I took her to meet my father, and at first my father did not object, and he was very kind to Xiaoya, bought her a gift, and invited her to come to the house for dinner. But from about three or four months ago, his attitude suddenly changed and he began to fiercely oppose me and Xiaoya. But when asked him why, he just wouldn't say it, just let me stay away from Xiaoya. I had many arguments with my dad about this, the most violent one was the one you just mentioned, he said that if I didn't break up with Xiaoya, he would break off the father-son relationship with me, give me no more money, and let me get nothing. I was very unconscious, and as soon as I got excited, I said, 'When you die, I can do whatever I want!'" Then my dad sent me to Hangzhou. In order to be with Shinoya, I began to plan to kill my father. I bought a dagger, and that day I found out that my flight to the United States was going to be postponed, and I thought it was a great opportunity, so I came back by bus, intending to stab my father with a dagger, and then go back to Hangzhou without knowing it, and then fly to the United States, so that I would have an alibi. But when I arrived, I found that my father was drunk like mud, and my mother and Liu Mengling had gone out, which was a better opportunity, so I cut the gas pipe in the kitchen, then helped my father to the kitchen, and lit the gas with his lighter. After seeing the fire burning, I left and quietly went to Hangzhou, just in time for the flight I was going to. That's how it happened. After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look into Uncle Jiange's eyes.

"And what about that dagger you're talking about? Uncle Jiange asked.

"I threw it into the river when I went back to Hangzhou. Li Mingming replied. "In which river did you throw it? How did you throw it? Has anyone seen you? Uncle Jiange asked.

"I threw it in the Qiantang River, I threw it on the bridge, I didn't know if anyone saw me, I was in a hurry, so I threw it casually. Li Mingming said.

"What lighter did you use to light the kitchen gas?" Uncle Jiange asked again.

"My dad's Zippo. Li Mingming said.

"Where did you get it? And where did it go? Uncle Jiange continued to ask.

"I took it from the living room, lit it and threw it in the kitchen. Li Mingming said.

"Did you notice any special signs or inscriptions on the lighter when you threw it?" Uncle Jiange asked. "No, I didn't look closely, I just remember it was silver, a little old. Li Mingming said.

"Do you know where your dad's Zippo came from? Did he tell you its story? Uncle Jiange asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me, and I didn't ask. Li Mingming said.

"Then do you know why your father suddenly objected to you and Hou Xiaoya? Have you ever wondered what secrets or secrets he might have? Uncle Jiange asked.

"I don't know, I didn't think about it, I just felt that he didn't understand me, didn't respect my choices, and didn't support my happiness." Li Mingming said.