
Detective Conan Kogoro Mouri : The strongest uncle

This story will be after chapter 91 of the book Case Closed : Strongest Uncle because i'm tired of waiting Mister translator. Anyway it's free of charge and raw easily findable. The real crime world is not as simple as in the anime at all, blood and darkness are mixed with the ultimate evil in the world. Detective Conan, a famously modified version of the magic, is a terrifying world where tricks are rampant. Kogoro is carrying the system and is about to be the strongest detective in the world. What I've been searching for is the truth. Of course, money and beauty are also indispensable.

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Chapter 82 When everything start to tear apart

Kogoro Mouri looked carefully at Gozo whole body, his expression was very strange, his face showed a mix of surprise, distress and fear.

Nearby, Conan also laid on the ground, looking at the blood who is already solidified.

The wounds in the abdomen of Gozo were fatals and had the marks of hanging, the bleeding caused by such wounds would kill anyone.

But no weapons was found in the room, that is to say the murderer must have taken the weapons away with him. Neverthless, forty-minutes already passed, so the culprit must had enough time to deal with the blood on the floor outside the door but he should not have enough time to be able to take away the weapons, open the windows to jump into the sea.

Without the most direct evidence, the murderer weapons, the only possibility left is to search for others clues.

Mouri began to observe the blood on Gozo corpse, he carefully observed every drop of blood, nothing was left on it unlike the bread crumbs left like in the anime.

Interesting, this murderer is very cunning !


While the duo were doing their research, the situation outside is starting to be chaotic.

Every suspect present are accusing each other, the fat aunty, Marika pointed her finger at the yellow-haired man and said : "I heard that you owe a large debt, I'm sure you killed Dad to quickly inherit his fortune to pay off your debt ! "

The yellow-haired man couldn't refute, seeing this Akie who is beside him quickly rebucked : "Aunty, I'm sure you are the one who want Grandpa fortune the most. As clear as you have said earlier on the deck, and when uncle wanted to leave the company he has been stopped by Grandpa, there was also Ichiro whose prize-winning painting have been torn off by Grandpa.

I'm sure you three conspired for a long time to kill Grandpa !"

Wearing a white suit Joji angrily said : " Enough ! Are you still not enough ashamed, Dad just died and you are already starting to talk like that. "

Aunt Fatty Mariko codly sneered : " Heh, Joji you too you are not a good person, I'm just trying to help to find the killer. Do you think I didn't know, your restaurant buisness was so bad that you tried to borrow some money from Dad but you ended being lectured by him, it can be a good reason for you to kill him."

Suddenly Mariko seemed to have remembered something : "Oh, by the way doesn't we have an outsider here ? Takeshi why don't you give us your opinion ?"

Waving his hand, Takeshi asks : "ah ah , what can I say ?"

Mariko expression turned dark in an instant and said : "Takeshi, earlier I heard everything, I didn't expect you to be the son of the brave man who died 10-years-ago. "

Hearing this the expression of the crowd quickly turned into disbelief.

The bald man, Kitaro can't believe it : "Takeshi tell me, did you come back to take revenge ? Is it because of this affair from 10 years go, where Dad took your father company fortune that forced him to death, and after that your mother depression led her to die the next year, letting you becoming orphan. That's why, today you came back to take revenge, is it true ?"

Natsue eyes widened and asked with a quivery voice : "Takeshi, tell me, is this really true ? Are you really the son of the brave man ?"

The face of Takeshi kept changing, he looked at the alarmed crowd and laughed widly : "It's true ! Since you recognized me then there is nothing to hide anymore, I'm his son, it is also true that at the beginning I planned to kill this old man by approaching Natsue, but I really fell in love with you Natsue and I'm not the one who killed him. "

When Natsue heard Takeshi admit his true identity, her tears began to flow, she no longer believe Takeshi words. She turned her back and directly ran out.

"Good boy ! You still want to argue" said Joji and he forcelly caught Takeshi.

"Beside you, who want to kill Dad ! Moreover your idendity has been revealed by Dad earlier and since tomorrow is the wedding, if you don't act today the wedding will be canceled and you won't have the chance to enter the family and reclaim your fortunes."

"Ha ! Earlier during the dinner you were the last to show up, I'm sure you have enough time to kill someone in between." added Akie.

"I already told you, I'm not the murderer and let go of me." said Takeshi while trying to struggle out his body from Joji hold.


Kogoro Mouri saw the scene and couldn't help to say, what a good play ! The feud between high-class family is a really interesting spectacle, more than enough to film 34 episodes.

Joji seeing Détective Mouri is here went to him with Takeshi in hold : " Détective Mouri, we all think this stranger killed my Dad, what is your opinion ?"

Mouri said with a smile : "His motive for murder is very strong, but it is not possible to conclude that he is the murderer."

"I think the murderer is just him, since his identity has been exposed, he was forced to kill. " said Mariko, she was stubborn and didn't bought what Mouri explained.

The crowd started to support her claims, in an instant Mouri understood that for the people of these larges families, who killed Gozo isn't important, what they saw is only the property and for that they won't care which scapegoat is taken to quickly solve the case.

Indeed, these high-class families are the ugliest humans ! It is really not easy for Miss Natsue to retain her good natured side in this evil circle.

Mouri watched as Takeshi was locked in the warehouse, If Kogoro Mouri doesn't find the culprit, then it's sure that Takeshi will be send to the police by this group.

Kogoro Mouri didn't find any clues in the room for a long time.

"Hatamori housekeeper, I wish to know if there are other rooms with weapons except the kitchen ?" asked Mouri.

Hatamori housekeeper reflected on Mouri words and seemed to remember something "Oh ! I think that Mr.Joji came as a cook, it seemed he have kitchen knife in his room. "

"May I ask you to open Mr.Joji room to check his set of knives ?" asked Mouri.

"Of course !" everyone followed behind the steward toward Joji room, behind the door they found the box where the set of knives were kept, the crowd opened only to be left disappointed.

The cutter in the box is neatly arranged and there are no missing half handles.

That is to say, it's not with these tools that the murderer used to kill.

This time the killer is really flawless, Mouri sighed and picked up Haibara : "Little Ai, have you found something, if there is remember to tell uncle about it."

Haibara shooked her head gently.

She reached out her hand to smooth the frown between Mouri's brow, feeling this the Détective couldn't help to smile.

No ufesul clue can be found with Mouri IQ, let alone Conan, still this little kid didn't give up and ran toward the crime scene to look for clue.


So this chapter end with this scene.

So do you know who is the real culprit ? What did he use to kill Gozo and how ?

Haibara action was really lovely in my opinion ahah ! Really love this character.

See ya and wait the next chapter.