
Suicide Mission

Tatiana heaved a sigh of relief as she stood behind a store. The criminal she tried to capture outsmarted her making her escape death narrowly. The dominant shadow of Jaguar,the criminal gave her an uneasy feeling. She removed one of her sleeping potions from her back pocket, inserted it into a gun and fired it at his heart. Jaguar took two paces backwards and fell which made a thud. Tatiana immediately contacted some of her mates to help her send him to base ASAP. "Great job Tat" said Mrs Reonella."I know.....let'sleave it to Zane then" replied Tatiana. Reonella then said"Okay.Time for your hybernation session.In two months time, you will be allowed to visit your sister". Tatiana walked from floor to floor till she reached the last room, on the eighth floor,in the left corner.

"Finally" she exclaimed before opening the door with a fingerprint and a strange move. As Tatiana lay on the bed,she was feeling very relaxed and happy. She had missed Anania so much and kept pushing the date of their meetup forward. The last time they had a conversation using video call,she felt the hints of disappointment, frustration and confusion in Anania's voice when she told her she would be going on a suicide mission and can't pay her a visit. She thought Anania was emotionless and would never fall in love little did she know... it was a lie.

Suddenly, there was an alarm on her phone. There was a fire outbreak in one of the newly built hotels of Evan's Taylor. The E.T group of companies were one of the most powerful entrepreneurs in Paris. Tatiana smiled, she had to find out the reasons behind the bankruptcy case, theft and fire outbreak in E.T's investments. "This is interesting, I wonder who is behind all this " she said sarcastically with a smirk on her face.

Tat how are you wanted to check up . Mom and Dad are really worried about you. Please come home we really miss you.

Those were texts from Anania, her sister. As Tatiana watched her lamp intensely, she began to think about her family.

The next day was tedious and involving.All Tatiana did while she sat in the cafeteria with Harm(harmony) her co-detective. Although Mr Homer, Mrs. Reonella's husband died a few years before the project began, the secret agency was well hidden in a thick forest. There were no remote areas nearby and the place was built with so much care,passion and creativity. Underneath it was a huge base for hiding in case of an unusual attack and that place was stocked with all requirements for daily living.The place was a tall 7 flats apartment with a cafe, detective offices, bedrooms, a prison for hard core criminals, the main meeting room and many more which included a pool downstairs. Tat and Harm were discussing current affairs and E.T's inestments.

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