
Detective black

FG_Frost · Action
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23 Chs

Alexander Graves

A week had passed since the harrowing incident at Evan Reed's house. Evan had spent most of that time in the hospital, recovering from his injuries. Adrian had been restless, his mind constantly racing with the possibilities of what might come next. Now, as he sat in the interrogation room, he watched Evan closely. The young man looked pale and shaken, but there was a fire in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

Adrian leaned forward, his voice calm but firm. "Evan, I need you to tell me everything you know about the man who attacked you. Why did he want you and Mr. Whitmore? And why did he kill Mrs. Whitmore?"

Evan took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he recounted the events. "Mr. Whitmore... he's been working on something for years. Ancient binding spells and tomes, things most people wouldn't even believe existed. He thought he could unlock secrets that had been lost for centuries. I was his protégé, learning from him, helping him with his research."

Adrian nodded, encouraging him to continue. "And the intruder?"

Evan's eyes darkened with fear. "He called himself Vortigern. He's a water sorcerer, but he's different. More powerful than any I've ever seen. He wanted Mr. Whitmore because of his knowledge. The journals, the books—everything Mr. Whitmore had written contained valuable information. Vortigern wanted to use that knowledge for something dark, something dangerous."

Adrian's jaw tightened. "And Mrs. Whitmore?"

Evan's face crumpled with grief. "She was in the way. Vortigern... he killed her to send a message. To show he was serious, that he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted."

Adrian felt a surge of anger and determination. "Do you know what his ultimate goal is?"

Evan shook his head. "Not exactly. But I know it has something to do with an ancient site Mr. Whitmore discovered. A place with immense power. Vortigern believes that by unlocking its secrets, he can gain control over all the elements."

As Evan spoke, Adrian's mind raced. The pieces were falling into place. He had been investigating a shadowy organization called Elementum Obscura for the past few weeks. They were dedicated to mastering all elemental powers and using them to reshape the world to their will. Few knew of their existence, and even fewer knew about their hierarchy. But Adrian had spent weeks gathering fragments of information, slowly piecing together the puzzle. Vortigern's actions matched the organization's goals perfectly.

"Evan," Adrian said, his voice low, "I think Vortigern is more than just a powerful sorcerer. I believe he's connected to a group called Elementum Obscura. They're a secretive organization with ambitions to control all elemental powers. Vortigern might be one of their leaders—one of their dark commanders."

Evan's eyes widened in fear. "You think he's part of that group?"

Adrian nodded. "It makes sense. Their goals align perfectly, and Vortigern's actions suggest he's high up in their ranks. We need to find out more about him and this organization if we're going to stop them."

As Adrian left the interrogation room, his phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a call from the forensic team. He answered it quickly, his heart pounding in anticipation.

"Detective Black, we've got a match on the blood sample," the forensic specialist said. "The blood belongs to a man named Alexander Graves. He's been on our radar before, a known water sorcerer with a history of violent crimes."

Adrian's heart skipped a beat. "Alexander Graves? Where is he now?"

"We're still trying to track him down, but we have some leads. I'll send you the details."

Adrian thanked the specialist and hung up, his mind already planning his next move. He knew he couldn't wait for the police to catch up. Alexander Graves, also known as Vortigern, was too dangerous, and every moment they wasted was another moment the sorcerer could use to further his plans.

Back at his apartment, Adrian gathered his gear, his mind focused on the task ahead. He knew he would have to face Vortigern alone, at least initially. He couldn't risk involving more people and putting them in danger. This was his fight, and he intended to see it through to the end.

He double-checked his weapons, ensuring everything was in order. His hands, still shaped like human hands but radiating darkness, clenched into fists. He would use every bit of his power to stop Vortigern and protect those he cared about.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the city, Adrian stood at his window, looking out at the darkening skyline. He could feel the tension in the air, the sense of something ominous approaching. But he was ready. He had to be.

With a final, determined breath, he turned away from the window and prepared for the battle to come. He knew it wouldn't be easy, and the road ahead would be fraught with danger. But he was a detective, and this was his duty. He would find Vortigern, stop his plans, and bring justice to those who had been harmed.

The city's fate hung in the balance, and Adrian Black was determined to tip the scales in their favor.