
Detective black

FG_Frost · Action
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23 Chs

A soul that was taken

Adrian stood outside the Elemental Archive, the massive structure looming over him in the early morning light. The rain had stopped, but the air was still heavy with moisture. Police cars surrounded the building, their lights flashing silently in the dawn. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay inside, and then made his way through the police cordon.

Inside, the scene was one of controlled chaos. Officers moved about, gathering evidence and securing the area. The Archive, usually a place of quiet reverence, was now filled with the murmurs of investigation and the occasional crackle of police radios. Adrian's keen eyes took in every detail, searching for anything that might give him a lead.

He spotted Chief O'Reilly near the entrance, speaking with an officer. The Chief's face was set in a grim expression, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. As Adrian approached, O'Reilly turned to him, his expression softening slightly.

"Black," he greeted, his voice a gravelly rumble. "I wish we were meeting under better circumstances."

Adrian nodded, his jaw set. "What do we know so far?"

O'Reilly sighed. "Not much. Ms. Ellison is dead, and several tomes are missing. Whoever did this knew exactly what they were after."

Adrian's eyes darkened. "Any idea who?"

"That's what we're trying to find out," O'Reilly replied. "Elena is here. She's been going through the scene, trying to piece things together."

Adrian's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Elena. He found her deeper inside the Archive, examining a section of the floor scorched with blackened marks. She looked up as he approached, her eyes flashing with determination.

"Adrian," she said, a mixture of relief and resolve in her voice. "This place is a mess."

"Yeah," he agreed, kneeling beside her to inspect the damage. "What have you found?"

Elena pointed to the scorch marks. "These are from high-intensity electrical attacks. Whoever did this had control over electricity and used it to overwhelm Ms. Ellison's defenses. She put up a hell of a fight, though."

Adrian nodded, his mind racing. "And the tomes?"

"That's the strange part," Elena said, standing up and leading him to a nearby shelf. "They didn't just grab random volumes. They took specific ones. Here, look."

Adrian followed her gaze to the empty spaces on the shelves, noting the labels that once marked the tomes' places. Each missing tome was of particular significance.

"They took the Tome of Shadows, the Grimoire of Flames, and the Codex of Binding," Elena explained. "Each one contains powerful spells and knowledge related to dark arts and elemental control."

Adrian frowned. "This wasn't a random theft. They knew exactly what they were after. But why those specific tomes?"

Elena shook her head. "I'm not sure yet. But it can't be good. Whoever has these tomes now has access to some of the most dangerous knowledge in existence."

Adrian's mind raced as he considered the implications. "We need to find out who did this and why. Fast."

They continued their investigation, piecing together the events of the night. They found traces of the attackers' entry point—a shattered window on the far side of the building. The frame was bent inward, suggesting the use of powerful magnetic forces.

"Electromagnetic manipulation," Adrian muttered, examining the damage. "That narrows it down."

Elena nodded. "That fits with the electrical attacks inside. And there was something else..."

She led him to the spot where Ms. Ellison had fallen. The area was marked off, and a forensic team was carefully examining the scene. Elena pointed to a small, almost imperceptible mark on the floor—a symbol etched into the stone.

"Do you recognize it?" she asked.

Adrian leaned in, studying the symbol. "It's a mark used in soul-binding rituals. Whoever did this didn't just kill her—they took her soul."

Elena's eyes widened. "That means... it must be the child."

Adrian's jaw tightened. "So, we have an electromagnetic sorcerer and a child capable of soul manipulation. This just keeps getting worse."

They spent the next few hours combing through the Archive, gathering every piece of evidence they could find. Adrian's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and theories, each piece of the puzzle slowly falling into place.

As they worked, he couldn't help but steal glances at Elena. Despite the dire situation, there was a comfort in her presence, a silent strength that steadied him. He noticed the way she moved with purpose, her focus unwavering, and he admired her resolve.

Finally, as the morning wore on, they reconvened with Chief O'Reilly to share their findings. The Chief listened intently, his expression growing darker with each revelation.

"We're dealing with a powerful and well-organized group," Adrian concluded. "They have a plan, and it involves those tomes."

O'Reilly nodded grimly. "We need to find them before they can use that knowledge. I'll have my best men on it, but you two... you're our best hope. Keep digging. Find out who they are and what they're planning."

Adrian and Elena exchanged a determined look. The stakes were higher than ever, but they were ready. Together, they would uncover the truth and stop the darkness from consuming their city.

As they left the Archive, Adrian felt a renewed sense of purpose. The battle ahead would be tough, but with Elena by his side, he knew they stood a chance. And as the sun finally broke through the clouds, casting a hopeful light over Lumis, he allowed himself a moment of optimism. The fight was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever came next.