
The End of The World.

Finally! We've done it.

"We've beaten the forces of darkness. I wonder if the Goddess of Light will reward us for our success and bravery." I cheerfully raised my mug of the not-so-finest booze around, but it made do. As did the rest of my comrades.

"Cheers! We couldn't have done it without you, Aldera." Rascal, the hero sang my praises while playing around with some of the women servicing our table. His real name wasn't Rascal, but he always acted like one, so I nicknamed him as such.

"That's right, Aldera. You even disobeyed the gods to join us in our fight against the darkness. Truly, thank you." Isbalf the dwarf said.

"Isbalf, don't worry about all that. We're here to party. Why so serious?" I replied while rubbing the top of his head.

"Don't play with a dwarf's hair! Damn angel." Much better. It's a time to enjoy. Seriousness can wait.

Many heroes, royalty, adventurers, and even some mercenaries have gathered around to celebrate the death of the Lord of Darkness. I, as Isbalf said earlier, was an angel. I descended from the heavens against the wills of the Gods and Goddesses.

I couldn't just sit around and do nothing, not when Ryou-kun was in danger. Admittedly it was painful having my wings clipped as punishment for descending, but the love of my life was facing a horrible darkness. It was the easiest decision in my life.

However, the celebrations and happiness didn't last forever. As long-lived species, we grew more and more powerful. The Gods and other species grew wary of me and Ryou-kun for different reasons, but nonetheless, those reasons brought the forces of the Gods and Species of this planet together once more.

The Gods were scared we were growing too powerful and challenging their positions, and the other species didn't like having strong, unbeatable beings growing even more powerful. What if we betrayed the rest of the world? Who would stop us? It had to be now before it was too late.

These sickening thoughts filled their heads as they turned their weapons against us. Unfortunately, I was unaware of the upcoming betrayal. I was merely peacefully raising my daughter. The very moment I traveled away from home, like rats they invaded my home. Imagine my surprise coming home my husband and sweet little child dismembered.

I assume they wished to catch me off guard during my grief over seeing the bodies of my beloved family, but I guess they haven't heard. Plans never survive contact with an enemy. And with this sight in front of me, I was more than an enemy. I was death incarnate. I was destruction. I was their end. People make the mistake of believing emotions don't make someone stronger.

I mean it's laughable. Powering up because your friend was hurt? Boo, fucking hoo bitch. There was something none of them accounted for. What happens when someone on par with a deity, whose powers were for healing and helping people becomes corrupt? What happens when someone who always held back because they didn't wish harm upon others, wishes for death upon all? What happens when a being such as an angel becomes a demon whose only wish is to slaughter?

What happens when that release of restraint allows them to reach the depth of their true power? Another thing they forgot to take into account. When an angel who was strong enough to become a god falls and becomes a demon, do they become an ordinary demon? Or do they become the next Lord of Darkness? The Queen of Darkness. Instead of powers that heal others, I have powers intended to wreak havoc and destruction. Powers meant to eviscerate my enemies.

Wouldn't someone like that be stronger than a god? If not on par with them.

What happens then? I'll tell you.

Death sweeps across the lands. Heroes fall, and The Gods shudder and falter. The world ends. That's what happens.

Amongst the plain of death and decay where no plants or trees survived. The ground was black, razed by the flames of war. The nearby river flows more with blood than water. The skies darkened from the residing evil. Amongst these plains stood me, the Queen of Decay, Queen of Darkness Aldera.

"Haa… Hah… Bare your fangs. Wield your swords. Brandish your steel. March your armies and heroes across my lands. Surround me. Only to realize despair."

"The entire world will bleed. The oceans will turn red. The lands and skies will blacken. The sun won't be able to shine on such an evil world. It will be an endless night."

"The sin of killing my people and assassinating my children will be the death of every living thing on this planet. Only then I'll be satisfied."

"Satisfied? Nay. Only then will we have true peace. That's right. This is for the sake of peace. The only fate that awaits evil such as yourselves is purgatory. Agony. Hell."


???? PoV

The world has become silent. Even nature doesn't wish to disturb the Queen's rest.

Not a single breeze, change in temperature, new life forms, nothing. It truly was a silent planet as Aldera stood, unmoving.

That's when a distant God or Being more powerful than anything on this planet noticed a strange occurrence. 'Planet 03211 only has one surviving organism? I need to check things out.'

"Is this the only survivor? Let's see."

[System initializing]

[Scanning planetary forces]

[1 Survivor; Aldera]

[Scan history]


"A tragedy. This isn't how this planet was supposed to meet its demise. I'll revert time. But what should I do about Aldera?"

"She's too fine a specimen to erase from existence."

The god-like being decided to reincarnate her. He sealed her memories and reincarnated her as a male. He wished to give her a second chance at life without such hurtful memories. So changing her gender and sealing her memories was the most he could do. He also wished for her to ascend to a higher existence, so he let her keep some of her capabilities.

"I think that species will do."

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