
The World Turned Red

Years 2025...

After returning from school, Sean usually went straight home and changed her school uniform and immediately did her errands at home such as cleaning the house, washing clothes and so on.

But this time she was forced to neglect it all in order to find her younger brother who ran away from home after getting a fight with their stepsister.

Lately, the weather has deteriorated so much, even she has a prejudice that something bad will happen in the near future. Sean didn't want anything to happen with her only biological family. After hearing from her neighbor that her younger brother ran away from home after a fight with their stepsister, Sean immediately knew where he was going.

Bambu Garden is located not too far from the back of the house, it only takes about ten minutes for Sean to arrive at this place.

This Bamboo Garden is a place that can be considered forgotten, perhaps because the place is quite far from residential and located in a remote area so most people unwittingly forget this place. However, no one knows that the Bamboo Garden is the place where the brother and sister's secret hideouts are located.

Here Sean finally arrived at a place where her younger brother usually hid. A cave that is not too big and not too small. This cave is covered with bushes and small trees and located at the corner of the garden so it is difficult for others to find this place.

"Al..." Sean called the name of her younger brother, "... Al, are you there?"

"Sean..." as Sean entered the cave, she was greeted with a hug from a seven-year-old boy who was sobbing, "Sean... Sean, it's hurt wuwu..."

Hearing the grievance of her younger brother, Sean's complexion changed immediately, "Be good Al, don't cry, where are you hurt?"

Al let go of his arms and showed his right thigh, "It's here, hurt Sean ..."

Sean showed her gloomy face and grit her teeth after looking at her bruised younger brother's thigh, "That little bitch has gone too far"

She sat on the mattress, "Sit here! Your bruises must be treated immediately"

"En," Al obediently sat beside his sister.

Maybe no one would believe that inside this remote cave not only there is a mattress but some home furnishings also there.

For this sibling, this cave has become a second home for both of them. They secretly brought some furniture from their private rooms at home to make the environment in this cave better, even the medicine box they carried.

Sean took an ointment from the medicine box and applied it to the bruises on her younger brother's thigh.

"Why did you fight with Selena? I told you many times don't get close to her!" Sean wanted to scold him but when she saw her younger brother who was so sorry she finally only gave a sigh.

She is somewhat helpless about their situation now.

Two years ago was the most beautiful and memorable time for the sibling, where their family was still intact. Mother, father, younger brother, and herself, a simple but happy family.

Everything changed after their mother died in a car accident. Three months later, their father brought two unknown women into their homes.

That's where their suffering begins.

Her father married that woman without the consent of Sean and her younger brother. Sean was helpless, at that time she thought she would only have a new mother, unfortunately, things weren't that simple.

A year later her father died in bed in an unnatural way. The doctor said that her father died of a heart attack, but Sean felt there's definitely something fishy about father's death.

Alas, even if she can dig the truth, what can she do? she was just a middle schooler who had nothing.

Al lamenting himself as he mumbled, "Mother's favorite porcelain was broken by stepsister ..."

It turned out, their deceased mother's favorite porcelain was slammed and broke by Selena. And Al accidentally watched it, not only did she not apologize, but she also insulted that the old pot was not worth keeping in the house.

Of course, that made Al angry and talk back to Selena.

Usually, Al was quite obedient and quiet, but his stepsister's behavior has touched his bottom line. No wonder he dares to rebel.

Meanwhile, Selena who is usually treated like a princess by peoples cannot tolerate her being yelled at, especially the person who yells at her is a child smaller than her.

As a result, Al's right thigh became a victim of his stepsister's anger.

Hearing her younger brother's explanation, Sean was eager to tear up that little bitch Selena to pieces

The porcelain was only the property of the deceased mother left at home because most of their mother's remains are sold by their evil stepmother.

If only Sean was on the scene, maybe Selena would not dare to land her hand againt Al.

In the eyes of others, maybe the sibling looks feared of the pair of stepmother and stepsister. Unfortunately, their judgment is wrong.

Sean was always being a strong headed and intelligent girl, in the middle of the seizure of property, she can still take the most ownership. Therefore her stepmother did not dare to touch her and her younger brother for a while. After all, the two of them are still useful to that evil stepmother.

"I'll make her pay for it later!"

"Sean let's stay here temporarily until late afternoon," Al asked pitifully.

"Alright," she rubbed her younger brother's hair, "Have you eaten?"


"Then, take a nap!" Sean stepped aside and let her younger brother lie on the mat.

After watching her younger brother close his eyes, she took out a small knife from her pocket and took out an unfinished wood carving.

This is something they usually do in their second home, besides playing outside, they usually only take a nap or Sean starts carving wooden, of course, it is just a fad job of her to spend time.

In the middle of her carving, suddenly ...

Boom, -

The sound of the explosion heard from outside, it was quite loud followed by a small earthquake around it. Sean was alarmed by that even her younger brother who had just fallen asleep was awakened.

"Sean, what is that?" Al grabbed the uniform of his sister.

Sean shook her head, "I'll check it!"

"I'm coming too!"

Sean didn't answer it as she stands up and walks out with Al following behind her. Suddenly her steps stopped as she frowned...

'It should be still noon now, but why is it red?'

From inside the cave, she can see the weather outside is red. The noonday should be brightly colored unless there is rain. Only afternoon and dawn are red. But why is this?

Sean took the cellphone from her pocket and checked the time. She frowned deeper 'It's still 1.00 PM'

"Don't tell me this is so-called 'Blood Moon'?" she also read the news that there was a 'Blood Moon' phenomenon at the end of this year. To think this happens during the day.

"Sean ..." Al doubtfully watched as his sister suddenly seemed to be pondering about something.

"Al, you wait here, don't come out unless I call you!" Sean said solemnly.

Al wanted to follow but after being seriously reminded by his sister, he couldn't help to wait here for a while.

Sean walked out cautiously...

As soon as she left the cave, she was surprised by what she saw ...

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