
Destiny Unleashed

“In a world where destiny hangs in the balance, where ancient prophecies weave their intricate webs and where the power of choice can shape the course of history. A tale of adventure, magic and self-discovery awaits those who dare to embark on this extraordinary journey. In the land of Verdia, Julia, whose fate is entwined with the threads of an ancient prophecy. As the prophecy reveals itself, her dormant powers awaken, setting in motion a chain of events that will alter the course of Verdia’s future. But lurking in the shadows is a malevolent force, seeking to exploit Julia’s powers for their own nefarious purposes. Betrayal and redemption intertwine as loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil becomes blurred. Join us on this epic quest as this novel takes you on a thrilling adventure through a world of magic, mystery and self-discovery. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embrace your destiny?”

Crown_Abigail · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Julia walked out of the kitchen and strode towards the Lord's room. The mansion was quiet except from the chirping sounds of the crickets and the frogs croaking as it had rained two days back. Julia felt someone was look at her, she turned and found nobody there. She wondered who the person was. She hastened her steps and finally she was in front of the Lord's room.

She knocked on the door but she received no response, she knocked a few times but it was still the same, no response. She pushed the door open and entered. The room was a bit dark with not many candles burning even though there was enough to light up the entire room, while the ceiling held a round chandelier with some burning candles, the room was very big.

Julia's inquisitive eyes moved to notice the walls surrounding the bed were built slightly curving and not straight. The room had long windows draped in black curtains. Julia walked towards the table present in the room and placed the tray on it.

She was going back to her room but the ever so clumsy Julia just had to be clumsy and in the Lord's room. She tried to stable herself but it was to no avail. She closed her eyes and prepared to fall on her bottom.

One, two, three seconds nothing happened. She felt something wet drop to her forehead. She opened her eyes and was met with the most mesmerizing golden eyes.

She had not seen people with golden eyes except Lily and hers were not as bright or prominent as this one. She felt spell bound just by looking at his eyes.

'He is so bea… wait a minute.' She thought to herself and froze upon the realization that she was in the Lord's arms. She widened her eyes not knowing how to react.

"Are you planning to stay this way, I do not mind it tho."

She heard the Lord say. She immediately removed herself from the Lord but in doing so she was about to fall again when the lord steadied her.

"Clumsy, are we."

She immediately bowed to the lord to apologize.


Aiden was inside the bathtub in the bathroom completely immersed under water with his eyes closed. He looked too peaceful without a care of the troubles going on in the world, when he suddenly opened his golden orbs which seemed to glow under water.

He abruptly stood up causing the water to splash around the bathroom. He picked up a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He got out of the bathroom and saw the red haired woman.

'It looked like she had just taken a bath.' He said to himself as he saw the tip of her hair drip with water. She was about to leave and the next thing he saw was her falling.

He did not think twice before he rushed to her so that she would not fall. He did not know why but she could not bear to let her fall. He felt puzzled, why was he worried about her? Immediately he caught her in his arms. She felt so soft and light as if any slight pressure he applied could break her.

The wind blew gently and a sweet smell assaulted his nose. She smelt wonderful. Her eyes were closed and her long lashes cast a shadow on her cheeks. Her small pink lips looked alluring. He wondered how it would taste.

He saw her open her eyes as she stared back at him and watched as her eyes widened as if realizing she was in his arms. He controlled the urge to smile at her actions which he found to be very cute. "Are you planning on staying this way, I do not mind it tho." He said to her.

She removed herself from his arms and he immediately felt the loss of her not being in his arms. She was about to fall again when he caught her and steadied her. 'She is so clumsy.' He said to himself.

"Clumsy, are we." He said and she bowed to him as if to say sorry. "I-I am sorry Milord." Julia said. Her heart was pounding and Aiden could hear it very clearly.

"At this rate, your heart is going to jump out of your chest." He said with a smile while looking at her chest. Julia tried to stable her erratic heart.

Aiden walked towards the table and picked up the glass. He downed everything in a go. Lately, he had been feeling so blood thirsty, not as in killing people but he craved blood and in large amounts.

It was not until now that Julia noticed the Lord was not in anything but a towel which hung loosely on his waist. Her eyes darted at the well defined manly chest of his which was taut to look at.

"Enjoying the view? I do not mind it though." Aiden said with a smirk. Julia quickly looked away with flushed cheeks.

Aiden did not know why, but he was enjoying seeing her get flustered. Generally, Aiden does not like associating himself with women and was not interested in them. He found them irritating and unpleasing to his eye.

But this one here, got his interest. He did not find her irritating at all and she was pleasing to his eye. What was he even thinking? He shook his head and stared at the woman who had her head lowered. He placed the cup down and Julia went ahead to pick up the tray and leave the room because she felt suffocated.

Julia was about to leave the room when she heard the Lord question? "How did you manage to get Lily to talk?" Aiden had always wanted to know. Julia was stumped, she actually did not do anything. She only advised Lily to speak more and it would worry our family if something was bothering her but she could not talk freely about it to them. She did nothing special.

"I did not do anything Lord Aiden. I only advised her to talk more." Julia said. Aiden nodded his head.

"You can go." He said.

Julia did not waste anymore time and bolted out of the room. Aiden smiled at her actions. 'He was not going to eat her was he? Maybe, maybe not.' He thought while smiling. He changed into his clothes and got on the bed. He picked up a book by the bedside table to read.

Meanwhile, Julia finally felt she could breathe. She dropped the tray in the kitchen, washed the cup and left for her room.

Two days later Julia was accompanying Lily in the garden who was reading a book.

"Why do you take after your brother Lily?"

They heard a voice behind them. Lily looked up and a smile adorned her face as she ran to hug the person that spoke. "Mace! I have missed you so much." Lily said

"I have missed you too. You have gotten so good in speaking." The boy called Mason said as he pinched her little cheeks. Lily just grinned at what he said. He looked up and his eyes met Julia's. Julia bowed to him.

"I thought you do not like maids Lily. What changed?" Mason asked.

Lily put her hand on her chin as if thinking about something. "I do not know but I just like her." Lily said.

"Ohh, that is disappointing. I thought you did not like maids, I wanted to take her and let her be in my mansion."

Lily looked at him with a glare. "Don't you dare. Nobody will take her away." Lily saud as she left Mason's hand to go and stand in front of Julia as if to protect her.

Mason laughed at Lily's reaction. "Relax, relax. I was just joking with you. Always so fired up."

Mason glanced at the red haired woman and asked, "What is your name?" "Julia." Julia replied while her head was still bowed.

"Hmm. When did you start working here? I have not seen you before." Mason said.

"Maybe because I was not Miss Lily's personal maid then. I usually work in the kitchen and cleaning the areas on the left side of the mansion." Julia replied respectfully.

"Ohh. That will explain that." Mason said.

The left side of the mansion was not in use. It was only used when they had guests.

Mason looked at Julia some more and he felt that she was really beautiful.

"You are beautiful Julia." Mason commented.

Julia's cheeks seemed to turn to a shade of red, "Thank you Mr.?" Julia asked not sure of what to call him as she did not know his name.

"Just call me Mason. We are friends now." Mason said with a small smile. Julia had to admit that he was really handsome.

"That is improper Mr.Mason. I do not dare to call you my friend." She replied with a bow.

"It is alright. Now I am telling you that we are friends."

Mason had taken a keen interest in Julia and he wanted to know more about her.

"Were you born here?" Julia heard Mason ask.

"No, I was not. I lived in Oaksville with my parents and grandmother." Julia replied.

"Ohh, why are you here now? I understand that Oaksville has been vacated and it is under renovation now but, what about your parents and grandmother? Did they allow you to work as a maid?" Mason asked curiously.

At the mention of her parents and grandmother, Julia's eyes became watery. Her eyes were very clear and beautiful. Mason thought to himself.

"I am sorry. I should not have asked right?"

He asked as he did not like the way she was sad and about to cry. Julia was about to reply but Lily interrupted them.

"What did you do to her Mason? Why does she look like she is about to cry?" Lily asked like a mother hen protecting her chick. This made Julia smile.

"So I am no longer your Mace?" Mason asked with a sad expression.

"I did not do anything to her. We were just talking." But Lily refused to believe him. She looked at him with suspicion.

"It is true Miss Lily. We were just talking. Something got into my eye." Julia said to defend Mason. She was really happy that the little girl was protective of her even though it had not been long that they got to know each other.

"Are you sure?" Lily asked with narrowed eyes as if she did not believe what they were saying.

"Yes Miss Lily." Julia said with a smile.

"Why are you so cute? And you look a lot like brother Aiden but he is not cute at all." Mason said trying to win her over again.

"Okay I forgive you, just this time." Lily said with a glare.

"Now that is my favorite sister." Mason said as he patted her head.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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