
Destiny Says It

Alliah, a girl drowned into her dreams not wanting to give up one of these even for love. Her pride is higher that what you imagine. This pride was the cause why her man, Elias, left her. But what if one day their path crossed again? Will they be able to build up their broken relationship for the second time? Will they give each other a second chance when Destiny Says It? -------------------------- "Alliah!" Eliash shouted while running after Alliah. "Elias!Can't you understand it? I want to work in London!" Alliah shouted back. She stopped infront of Elias. She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. The only thing running in her mind right now is to leave thw country. "This is my dream." she seriously said. "But how about us?Will you forget everything?" a tear fell from Elias's eyes. Alliah stepped closer to Elias and wiped his tears. She gave a peck on his forehead. "I'm sorry. I won't forget you my love. Just. Let. Me. Go." she told the man. Elias breath heavily. He hugged Alliah tightly. He know to his self that he couldn't stop Alliah from leaving. He know the pride of her girlfriend. "I'm sorry..." Alliah whispered again. "I'll let you go now." Elias faced Alliah and smiled at her. He didn't wait Alliah to say something. He just left the lady alone in the shore. He didn't looked back because if he knew that he can't stand to see his girl walk away from him. "I hope we will see each other again soon. Destiny will find a way....my love." Alliah wiped her tears after saying those words. She turned her back and started walking on the opposite direction. She love Elias and nothing will change.

senyora_flores · Urban
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4 Chs

How Did It Started?

"Excuse me!"

I shouted while running. I am late for Pete's sake. I woke up late and there was a traffic.

I breathe deeply before slowly opening the door of our classroom. I am currently on my 3rd year med school.

"Good morning, Miss Villalva." my professor sarcastically said.

"AH--SORRY FOR BEING LATE, DR.CRUZ," i smiled at her and walk to my desk.

My seatmate immediately pinch my waist. I looked at her sharply.

"Can't you wake up earlier than 5?" she whispered.

I just ignored her and opened my textbook. Good thing my prof didn't gave me a punishment. Maybe because it's our final week for this year.

After my three classes for the day i went to a bookstore. The time is already 8 p.m. but i'm still here wandering around the city.

I looked for something to read during my free time. I smiled when i saw the book that i'm looking for. I was about to get that one last copy when someone touched it first.

"Owh," i whispered in a disappointed tone.

"Uhm--excuse me miss," the man called me.

I looked at him and i was in shock when i saw his face. Omg, he's an angel. His face features was really great.

"Are you still getting this book?" He asked me.

"Oh-yes. But you get it first so i think. I'll just look for another book." I smiled at him.

I turned my back at him and look for another book. Though, i was really sad. I've been dreaming to have that book since the first day it was published.

I worked and sold some of my stuffs just to buy the whole damn series. Well, i can really buy it but i feel upset if i'll buy it using my parents money.

"You can have it,"

I was froze on my place when i heard what the man said. I looked at him with my unbelievable expression. Is he serious?

"Well---really? Are you sure?" i asked.

He hold my hand and put the book there. I was about to thank him but he immediately walked through the door of the bookshop and leave.

"Thank you," i smiled and went to the cashier.

I can't believe that this book will be displayed on my room. I am waiting for a taxi infront of the shed when the rain suddenly poured.

What a day. I don't have any umbrella. I sighed in disappointment and just hugged my bag. If this get wet, it'll be the most devastating moment of my life.

"Miss?" a car stopped infront of me.

My eyes widened when i realize who that person it. It's the man who have me the book.

"There will be no taxi here. It's unsafe for you being alone in that shed. There's a typhoon. Will your boyfriend pick you up? He should be here.Tsk." the man said.

I blinked twice because of disbelief. Oh. Is he mad?

"Mister, i don't have boyfriend and i have no choice but to wait here because i live in Makati and it's few minutes drive from here." i politely said.

He nod slowly and looked at me again. He opened the passenger's seat so i was shock.

"I'll give you a drive. We live in the same city and uh--building," he offered.

I thinked twice because i was scared. He's a stranger so why would i go with him. But if i still stay here--it's dangerous.

I looked around and there i find a cctv. I smiled and went inside his car. If i die tonight a cctv footage will be a great help.

"Don't worry. I am not a rapist. I'm just an engineer." he chuckled.

"I'm Alliah Celestine Villava. University of the Philippines MedSchool." i introduced myself.

"Engr.Elias Cohenn Ygnacio. Also a Up graduate."

I smiled and took my phone out. I lowered the brightness and searched his name on social media.

I grinned and sent him a friend request on facebook. A follow request on Instagram and Twitter.

Good thing his phone didn't make a noise. He's cute. He's also an engineer that made him more attractive.

He has a perfect haw line and a moreno skin. His eyes were deep and a pointed nose. He's dashing in his suit and brushed up hair.

The car was really silent that made the atmosphere so awkward. I took out my phone again and plyed a music.


I heared him humming while the song was playing. Is he a fan too?

"Yes. I am a fan," he smiled at me.

Omg, am i too loud? Or is hhe a mindreader?

"Oh. By the way, would you like to borrow the book?" i asked him.

"Is that okay with you?"

I nod at him and get the book out of my bag. I put it at the backseat that made him curious.

"You can read it for the mean time. I still don't have time to read the story. I'm reviewing dor the finals."

"Oh-thank you." he replied.

I just gave him a small smile and pay an attention on the road. It is really windy. Good thing i bought supplies yesterday.

The music stops when my phone rings. It's my mom. Calling.

"Eomma," i answered.

"Do you have supplies?" she asked me.

"Yeah. I think it'll be fine for 3 days if the typhoon will be staying for few days, "

I heard her thanked God. She called my dad and told him my situation.

"Arasseo,take care." my mom told me before hanging up.

I just smiled and send him a vurtual hug. How i miss them both. I wish i can have a vacation in Korea next year.

"We're here," Elias break the silence.

"Thank you! I'll pay you next time." i happily told him.

He chuckled at me. I stared at him for a long time.

"Unit 302. A sushi will do," he gave me a smirk.

"Hmmm? Okay," i opened the passenger's seat door and went out.

We both ride rhe elevator and went ro our floors. Mine was in the 8th floor and his was 9th floor.

When i arrived at my floor i waved at him. He also waved at me and said.

"Nice meeting you, Dr.Villalva."