
The auction function was self-explanatory, it was the most common way for players to trade with each other.

The mercenary guild was one of the characteristics of Destiny Online.

In Destiny Online, there were four types of quest: normal quest, dungeon quest, hidden quest and mercenary quest.

A normal quest would be, as its name suggested, a normal quest accepted from common NPC. Usually involved collecting items, killing specific monsters or running errands for the NPC. As long as the player did not get on the NPC's bad side, he or she would be able to access it.

Dungeon quests had two types: prerequisite quest and the dungeon quest itself. 

The former was the requirement to access the dungeon quest and the latter would be the quest that followed it, usually requiring one to clear a dungeon run. A low level dungeon's prerequisite quest was simple, usually just for the experience and show; high level dungeon quests were difficult to clear.

As for hidden quests, they were the kind of quest where Nocturne got the golden shard from. One has to fulfill different criterias in order to trigger the hidden quest, and there were no clear instructions about it. They were random, rare and unpredictable but the rewards were usually fantastic.

Lastly, mercenary quest. As its name suggested, the quest was posted at the mercenary guild either by NPCs or players. 

There were all kinds of mercenary quests, ranging from running errands to slaying a dragon or sieging a city. 

If a player came across something strange in the game, he could bring it to the mercenary guild and ask around. Maybe it was a quest item that other players were seeking. Every player could register themselves to be a mercenary and form a mercenary group themselves.

As for the rewards, the mercenary quests from NPCs usually rewarded players with money and some EXP; quests posted by players had no EXP but usually had better monetary rewards or items.

Of course, Nocturne's priority was class change, anything else would have to come after that.

He already had thoughts about what class he would go for: Protection Paladin.

Due to his talent Halo Master, Nocturne would eventually be a full time buffer for his party and his priority would be keeping the buff up for his party. In order to keep the buff on constantly, he would have to increase his survivability. 

Be it a dungeon raid or a PK (Player Kill) team, a tanking class had the highest survivability. 

Even though Nocturne was not tank enough to be the party's main tank, the plethora of survival skills a Paladin had was more than enough to make him the sub-tank of the party. Even if he could not fill the shoes of a sub-tank, being a lucky mascot was more than enough, a mascot with constant halo buffs activated.

As for PK (Player Kill), either the DPS, usually a glass cannon, or the healer of the party would be the priority target. If Nocturne became a Holy Paladin that focused on healing, he would attract all the fire from the opposite team and his party would easily lose the buff. 

On the contrary, becoming a Protection Paladin would put the opposite team in a difficult situation. The opponent might have to think about who to target first, the healer, the DPS or the walking buff machine.

The town was huge and Nocturne had no idea where the hall for class change was. He simply stopped a patrol soldier and asked for direction.

With the directions given by the patrol soldier, Nocturne shuttled through the streets and alleys and finally made it to the class change hall.

He got to the Paladin instructor, Fionna Blooddawn.

Fionna had long wavy blonde hair, blood red armor that complimented her fierce presence and voluptuous body. Her eyes were cold and strict, she was emanating a pressuring presence just by standing there.

"What's the matter, rookie?"

"Instructor, I'm here to accept the trials for my class change."

"Oh? Have you thought about what class you are going for?"

"Yes, I have. I am going to be a Protection Paladin."

"Okay. Here. Kill all the mobs inside there and I'll consider you passing the trials." Fionna sounded fierce even when she was giving instructions, as expected of the woman who possessed the title of Blooddawn.

"Yes ma'am." Nocturne received a dungeon scroll and a glass bottle from her.

"Acquired: Paladin Class Change Trials (Protection) dungeon scroll, Holy Water."

"Accepted quest: Paladin Class Change Trials (Protection)"

Paladin Class Change Trials (Protection) (Quest Difficulty: Level C)

Quest description: You've accepted Paladin's class change trials (Protection). Kill all the demonic beings in the dungeon.

Completion: Demonic beings 0/20

Nocturne opened up the scroll and before he knew it, he was teleported into the dungeon.

A barren land appeared before his sight, the sky was dark and in front of him was a small path blanketed with dried leaves; the trees on both sides had almost withered.

Crack. Crack.

The sound of twigs breaking could be heard. Nocturne turned to the origin of the noise and saw a skeleton moving under one of the withered trees.

As though the skeleton sensed the presence of a living being, two blue flames ignited in its empty eye sockets. It got up with a rusty sword in his hand and some torn rags on its body.

It staggered and tried to make its way to Nocturne.

[Skeleton Warrior (Common)]

[Level: 8]


Judging from how wobbly the skeleton walked, Nocturne had a feeling that a strong wind might blow it off its feet. 

"Uh... Okay?"

He drew his sword and shield and engaged the skeleton warrior.

-52, -48.

The skeleton warrior's Defense was low and its Attack Speed was as slow as a turtle. 

Nocturne landed two attacks on the skeleton warrior before the skeleton warrior landed one on Nocturne's shield.

-12. Blocked.

Battles that occurred in Destiny Online had a high level of freedom. If an attack landed, it landed; if an attack was blocked, it was blocked, there was no accuracy rate, evasion rate or block rate. 

Of course, in order to help out players who were not good with combat, the system would assist the player's action and movements, but only to a certain extent.

Nocturne killed his first skeleton warrior without any problem and he pressed on forward.

He killed 19 skeleton warriors along the away, it was not difficult but the skeleton warriors did not drop any gear as well. Judging from the game, the last skeleton warrior would be an Elite monster, if Nocturne could stand his ground and engage the last skeleton warrior carefully, he would be able to clear it without a problem.

He had no idea whether or not the last skeleton warrior would drop gear since it was just a class change dungeon and it should not be overly difficult. Otherwise, if the majority of the players were stuck in the class change dungeon, the devs would surely be criticized for the flawed design.

As expected, at the end of the path, Nocturne noticed an empty space in the forest. There was a small water puddle there and beside it was a skeleton warrior in broken armor, kneeling on one knee with its sword on the ground.

Behind the skeleton warrior was a small treasure box, it should be the final reward of the dungeon.

When the skeleton warrior sensed the presence of a living being, blue soul fire ignited in its eye sockets, it drew its rusty sword and charged toward Nocturne.

[Skeleton Warrior (Elite)]

[Level: 8]

[HP: 900]

The Elite skeleton warrior was much faster than the previous ones and it was not clumsy at all, it was nimble and agile in fact.

Looking at its intimidating presence, Nocturne lifted his shield.


The skeleton warrior launched an attack but was successfully blocked. It pulled its sword backward and unleashed multiple slashes at Nocturne.

Nocturne only managed to block some of the attacks but after he got familiar with the skeleton warrior's movements, he was able to keep up with the attacks and even counterattack.

He had two halo skills activated, which increased his armor and regeneration, his HP was still dropping by at a controllable rate.

In the end, he consumed a vial of potion and managed to turn the skeleton warrior into a pile of bones.


Next would be the exciting session of treasure box opening. Nocturne rubbed his hands and walked closer to the treasure box.