
Destiny of Parallels

Story of two best friends/rivals who go through many trials & tribulations to achieve their goal and save the world but don't get the happily ever after ending that many are familiar with.

SimplyWill · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Admission of the Newcomers

Yuu points at himself, "You want a duel with me...?"

"YES WE FORMALLY REQUEST A DUEL!" The royal knights scream in unison.

"Ugh, stop screaming you fools." Jewels says irritated.

"You dare call the faction of royal knights fools!?"

"Jewels, who are these idiots?" Yuri asks casually, ignoring their previous statement.

"These are the knights directly under the king. They're a group of knuckleheads but they are the strongest in this kingdom on the level of Grand Master, while the head of them is said to be on the level of Sage."

"Oh, so some pretty strong guys want to fight me?" Yuu laughs now obnoxiously.

"We are only to deliver a letter!" The Royal Knights hand over a letter to Yuu directly. "Now that our goal has been accomplished we will take our leave!" The Royal Knights march loudly in unison out of the guild hall.

"What a strange group..." Yuri says after their leave.

"What does the letter say, Yuu?" Jewels asks curiously.

"Oh, yeah I should open it." Yuu begins to tear open the letter and read it. "Dear young warrior..." Yuu read slowly.

Yuri snatches the letter, "Gimme that Yuu you're reading too slow." Yuri begins to read the letter.

"Dear, Young warrior, I, the head of the Royal Knights, would like to formally invite you into the royal capital to have a proper duel. You must be wondering what inspired the flashy entrance of my knights and a letter from me, the head of the royal knights himself. Well, what caused all of this is that I heard of the defeat of Sara, now That still doesn't explain why this concerns me though. This concerns me because Sara was trained under me personally and I'm one of the greatest swordsmen in the kingdom of Isan and have been for the past 25 years so the defeat of my one and only pupil by a foreign young adult has caught my interest. Considering all of that, I would personally like to invite you inside the royal capital gates to come to the Royal Knight barracks and duel me. If you do agree to the duel please come to the gates in a week's time at the crack of dawn where my knights will accompany you. They will wait for 20 minutes at the gate before departing. If you happen to agree, don't be late! P.S.- If possible bring the boy who defeated a demon along with you, he has piqued my interest also."

"What a strange guy..." Yuu says as he's quite puzzled, "I know one thing for sure though! I'm going to fight him!" Yuu is now fired up.

"Yeah, I'm quite curious what type of guy he is after this letter." Yuri says curiously.

"You two just got a free ticket into the best part of the entire kingdom, the capital. Most people can't ever get in, in their entire life but you two have come and accomplished so much that you've begun to catch the attention of Royals it would seem." Jewels inform them of how grand this is.

"Well, I guess we'll be going into the capital and I'll get to fight a strong opponent!" Yuu says anxious to fight the Royal captain.

"Alright, Jewels, we're going to head out and go train until the time comes to meet with the Head of the Royal Knights." Yuri says as the two get ready to depart. "Oh, yeah Jewels." Yuri suddenly pauses and turns around, "We're going to need you to guide us to the capital gate if that's not too much to ask?"

"Of course, I'm quite interested to know how this all will unfold considering that man requested you two..." Jewels say with disgust.

"Thanks, Jewels, seriously!" Yuu bows.

Yuri smiles, then bows also. "Bye Jewels, We'll meet you here in a week."

The two train vigorously doing physical, mental, and mana training for a week straight, getting lots of proper rest and eating properly as they didn't for the time they were getting registered as adventurers.

*On the morning of the meeting*

"YURI WAKE UP!" Morrid is screaming in Yuri's consciousness as the two boys oversleep.

Yuri yawns loudly confused as he checks the time. "OH CRAP! YUU WAKE UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Yuri screams as he scrambles to get himself ready to go to the capital.

"Why are you yelling, Yuri..." Yuu yawns loudly now.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE TO MEET JEWELS!" Yuri continues to scream.

"OH CRAP! IT'S ALREADY MORNING!" Yuu begins to panic.

*20 minutes later*

Yuu & Yuri breathing exhaustedly finally make it. "Hey... Jewels... sorry we're late." Yuri says.

"Why are you two breathing so heavy...?" Jewels questions.

"Well.. we woke up kind... of late." Yuu says while still taking breaths in between.

"It's fine we just need to get moving now, I've prepared a carriage to get us from here to the capital gates. Follow me." Jewels began to move urgently.

The two follow Jewels and enter what seems to be a royal escort.

"Hey, Jewels, where'd you get this really nice carriage?" Yuu asks casually.

"Oh, I haven't told you two, have I? Well, to sum it up, I'm from a royal family but when I was about 18, I left the household and capital to go be an adventurer where I met Sara and the head of the royal knights and we had one other member that passed away. After about nine years I retired from adventuring and became the guild receptionist because I was apparently "best qualified" during the time." Jewels tell the story while the carriage is moving.

"WAIT SO YOUR ROYALTY!?" Yuu asks, surprised.


"I could tell that much from her gestures and movement but you being an ex-adventurer clears up a lot of my questions, especially about how close you and Sara are." Yuri says.

"Wow, Jewels, you're actually really cool, You should tell us more about you!" Yuu says excitedly.

"Yuu, stop being rude." Yuri says sternly.

"Why'd you say that like I was boring Yuu..." Jewels muttered sadly. "Maybe one day I'll tell you two more but it's hard to talk about some things..." The carriage grows silent. 

"We're near the gate, Madam Jewels." The coachman informs her.

"Well, you two enough chit-chat get ready to enter the capital. Beware, it's quite the sight to see." Jewels says with a smile.

The adventurers finally approach the gate and when they do, they see knights in gold armor with a special crest.

"Hey, Jewels, why is their armor different than Sara's?" Yuu asks, confused.

"That's because royal families fund the royal knights significantly better due to them being personally protected by them." Jewels seems disgusted while telling the two. "Anyways, let's get out and introduce you two to the royal knights sent to escort you."

The three approach the knights before one tells them to halt suddenly, "That woman can not enter with you two, as she has been banished from the capital long ago!"

"What do you mean, Jewels, can't enter!" Yuu screams at the knights.

"Yeah, I agree with Yuu, why can't Jewels accompany us as she has been!?" Yuri is also frustrated with the knights.

"It's fine you guys, I told you my past is hard to talk about..." Jewels say to the boys with a sad smile. "You two better not hurt them." Jewels says while emitting slight bloodlust.

"We assure you we will not harm them." The knights kneel and put their hands on their chests to signal a pledge.

"Go, with them you two, I'll be back at the guild waiting for your arrival." Jewels smiles again.

"Ok Jewels, we'll see you in no time!" Yuu says with a big smile.

"Yeah, we'll meet this old guy and be back in no time." Yuri smiles.

The two say their goodbyes to Jewels before departing through the gate with the Royal Knights and watching it shut, waving goodbye to Jewels.

"Watch over those two, Goddess." Jewels pray as she looks up at the sky before returning back to the guild.

After going through the gate the two enter a carriage with the knights now. Immediately after moving, they start to admire the capital and notice its beauty.

"Woah! It's beautiful!" Yuu says as they enter the capital.

"Wow... The model of the streets, the building designs, the street shops, the elegance of the people, the huge water fountain in the center of the courtyard, and especially the huge castle." Yuri is not able to hold back his excitement this time.

"Yes, compared to the normal kingdom the capital, Isan is beautiful." One of the knights says with pride.

"Strangely enough though, I prefer the normal kingdom. It just feels more homey and friendly, especially to us being from a small village and all." Yuri says proudly.

"Yeah, I agree it's more of my taste." Yuu smiles.

One of the knights scuffs at the two. "Anyways, we're nearing the knight barracks where you will meet the captain, Be prepared." He warns.

The boys finally arrive and as soon as they exit the carriage, Yuu is attacked at his neck by a fast sword attack from the captain but he defends against it. Yuu glances at the captain with a pissed look. Yuri is just sitting back observing the captain, kind of confused because he thought the captain would be an elegant man. The captain has short gray hair (We don't know if it's from age or he just was born with gray hair), has dark brown eyes, a defined but slim physique, and stands at about 6 '2.

"Now, why would you do that...?" Yuu says while emitting slight bloodlust.

"It was just to test you, kid." The captain says with a sly smirk.

Yuu now begins to attack him. "Well, I have the right to test you then too!" Yuu says fired up.

The captain parries Yuu's attack easily and puts his blade to his neck. "Calm down boy, let's at least get inside the building first." The captain sheaths his sword.

Yuu was amazed that his attack was so easily dismissed. "Ok, but we're going to continue this!"

'What a weird man.' Yuri thinks to himself.

*Five minutes later*

The captain escorts the boys inside where they then sit down at a round table to discuss things such as Yuu's win against Sara and Yuri's win against a demon.

"Ok, well since I requested you here I guess I have to go first huh?" The captain says as if he's annoyed by this. "I requested you here to discuss the battle between you and Sara. Also, about how this boy defeated an upper-class demon alone." The captain looks over at Yuri.

"I defeated the demon because I was stronger, it's that simple and don't call me 'boy' it's either Yuri or nothing." Yuri says coldly.

"Sorry about that, Yuri." The captain responds coldly.

"I can't really explain how I beat Sara either, you just kind of had to be there." Yuu lets out an awkward chuckle.

"Well, if that's the case we'll just have to see in combat." The captain stands up. "You two follow me to the training grounds so we can duel." The captain signals for the two to follow.

Once out on the training grounds, Yuu and The Captain prepare to duel until an uninvited guest comes out to the grounds very loud and optimistic...

"Wait, captain! Not to give orders or anything of the sort but I'd like to request you let me deal with this peasant to show you how unworthy he is." The mysterious knight bows.

"If you genuinely think you can beat him rookie and he agrees, have a shot at it then." The captain is kind of puzzled by the knight's sudden arrival.

"I don't mind, it'll be a good warm-up." Yuu says happily.

The knight chuckles, "We'll see boy."

The battle begins... Long story short Yuu dodged all the knights' attacks for about 5 minutes then one tapped the poor young knight unconscious with the hilt of his sword after using a singular step to get behind him...

"I knew this was going to happen." The captain shakes his head. "Now that he's out of the way, would you still like to duel?" The captain asks.

"Of course! Can I get a stamina boost from Yuri just to regain what I lost?" Yuu asks.

"Yes, please do as it was my rookie knight that drained your stamina even if a little." The captain says still disappointed with his subordinate.

*Five minutes later*

"Ok, I'm ready!" Yuu says once again fired up.

"Let's begin then we'll start when your companion says go." The captain says with his hand on his blade.

"Ready, set, GO!" Yuri screams to signal the fight may begin.

"Let's do this!" Yuu screams as he rushes the captain.

The captain dodges all of Yuu's attacks effortlessly and laughs.

"Hey, what's funny you geezer!" Yuu says frustrated as he feels mocked.

"You're one rude brat!" The captain was offended by Yuu's comment. "Let me teach you some manners. < Stance of the Ancient Lion! >" The captain begins to move incredibly fast where Yuu and Yuri can't see him.

"Sheesh!" Yuu is thunderstruck by his display of power. "I won't give up that easily though! < Stance of Rising Wind. >"

Yuu begins to read the wind currents from the captain's rapid movement and blocks his attacks. 'I'm blocking but these attacks are strong.' Yuu thinks to himself.

'Seems Yuu's struggling in close combat, Never thought I'd see it…' Yuri thinks.

"Oh, you're quite the unique one!" The captain screams while clashing blades with Yuu. "You won't be able to defeat me just defending though." The captain says before he stops attacking.

"You're right." Yuu says with a smirk as he thought the captain fell back. " < Flash Quickdraw. >"

"Oh, what speed you've applied to such a basic move but does it deal any damage!?" The captain says before rushing headfirst at Yuu.

Yuu smirks "What a silly question you've asked..." Yuu unsheathes his sword as fast as light and comes in contact with the captain's blade...

The captain laughs, "You really thought you would damage me with that!" The captain throws Yuu back with brute force.

"Gosh, old man, you really are annoying for someone whose arm is broken." Yuu uses visual magic to see the captain's broken arm. "Well, that should answer your question of does it deal damage." Yuu says with a smirk.

"Alright, kid I'll take this seriously." The captain switches his weapon to his left uninjured hand. "Let's get this over with kid, I'll only be able to use my left for now but that's more than enough." The captain rushes Yuu and lands multiple heavy attacks.

"Your left isn't even close to as strong as your right!" Yuu defends against most of the attacks until the captain flips his sword and begins to speed up.

"Crap, how are you moving like that with your non-dominant hand..." Yuu is confused about how the captain is so strong with one hand.

"You'll learn with due time, kid." The captain continues to attack vigorously. 

Yuu jumps back out of the captain's range, "Let's end this, no more games!" Yuu begins to emit strange energy but not bloodlust, more like he has no worries, a free spirit. "I'll risk it all on this blade that I wield." Yuu takes a huge gasp.

"Oh, a standoff!? I accept." The captain enters a proper sword stance with only one arm.

"Uh oh, these two are serious..." Yuri begins to prepare a spell to stop the two from killing each other.

Both take a fierce step and rush each other putting all of their remaining power into one strike, Yuu enters a two-handed position that will allow him the most movement and power behind one strike whereas the captain with his one arm enters a similar stance but with only half his power. Meanwhile, Yuri is rushing to finish a defensive spell to nullify the power and put protection on both of the two after seeing the power of these two and knowing their capabilities.

"AHHHHH!" The captain screams.

"AHHHHHHH!" Yuu screams.

The two clash blades, and the area grows quiet for a second but it feels like an eternity to the ones in battle (as well as Yuri) then there is a huge smoke screen of dust before seeing one left standing.

"I... guess you win huh, old man?" Yuu does a light chuckle before coughing up blood and passing out with a happy smirk on his face.

"You're not too bad, kid." The captain's upper right side begins to gush blood before he passes out afterward.


*Three hours later*

"Ugh, my head is killing me..." Yuu wakes up rubbing his head.

"YUU YOU IDIOT!" Yuri screams. "YOU WOULD BE DEAD IF I DIDN'T CAST THAT SPELL!" Yuri continues to scream.

"I didn't even know you cast a spell. I was so engulfed in the fight I ignored my surroundings." Yuu chuckles.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY YUU YOU COULD'VE DIED." (Yuri is in complete mom mode)

"Sorry, Yuri but he was a strong opponent. I couldn't just give up."

"I understand that Yuu but you can't just risk your life for the thrill of the battle!" Yuri explains.

"It wasn't just for the thrill of the battle, Yuri. It was for the experience of the battle, that experience can only make me better, Yuri." Yuu says with a serious look on his face.

"Well, next time at least don't lose then." Yuri says stubbornly.

Suddenly the door burst open, "WHERE'S THE BOY I FOUGHT!?" The captain screams.

"Uh, I'm right here..." Yuu says hesitantly.

The captain runs up to Yuu in his bed, "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MY DISCIPLE!?" The captain is still screaming.

"Um... that'd be great but I feel unworthy as of right now. I can tell you were holding back even at the end of the fight. Also, I have a master already." Yuu look disappointed.

"Oh, you could tell, huh?" The captain says. "Well, that's good you have the ability to measure your opponent's strength, you'll need that too." The captain continues. "Also, don't worry you can have more than one master, so how about it?"

*The room goes quiet*

"Well, how about this instead! You enter the royal academy with all the other young adventurers and royalty." The captain proposes.

"Really!? That sounds great! I always wanted to go to school!" Yuu is now overjoyed.

"Also, I'd like for you to enroll with him, Yuri." The captain proposes to Yuri now too.

"Oh, uh... I'd be glad to!" Yuri stutters before accepting the offer as it shocks him.

"Okay, well then welcome to The Royal Isan Academy! My name is Adam, the founder of the academy and also the captain of the Isan Royal Knights! Nice to meet you two formally Yuu & Yuri!"