

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Spiritual Training

         Xing'er comes out of Weixian's room

Weihe: ( who has been waiting outside) Princess! How is the master? How is Miss Phoenix?

Xing'er: Weixian is resting now, and the Phoenix girl is still unconscious. Weihe! Tell me what is the relationship between Weixian and the Phoenix?

Weihe: Nothing, master only met Phoenix princess a few weeks ago, and she saved his life. My master is only returning the favor to miss Phoenix.

Xing'er: (thinking) Is that so? Then I have nothing to worry about.

Weihe: Immortal of peace, don't bother, I Know that you have been in love with my master for a very long time now, so I'll help you.

Xing'er: Thank you Weihe, but  I don't need your help, I have all the qualities and abilities to make Weixian fall in love with me. All you need to do for me is to keep that Wenren Yu far away from him. 

Weihe: Okay! Immortal of peace. 

Xing'er: By the way, I have already given up my Immortal identity, so just stick to calling me princess Xing'er.

Weihe: Okay. Princess, I'll leave now. (he bows down to Xing'er and enters Weixian's room). Master, are you doing fine now?

Weixian: Yes! Thanks for your concern.

Weihe: So...oo! Master III...ii wanted to ask you something.

Weixian: What is it? Speak!

Weihe: Master, do you like miss Yu?

Weixian: (confused) of course I like her she saved my life.

Weihe: No, I mean are you in love with her?

Weixian: ( surprised) What?

Weihe: ( trying to defend himself) I only want to know, 'cause you were willing to give her half of your cultivation, and you have never done that for anybody before.

Weixian: No! (In an angry tone) Weihe! How can you say such a disrespectful thing, do you even still regard me as your master?

Weihe: Master please forgive me, since I know you don't love her I'm happy. Master! Please don't fall for miss you, while princess Xing'er is waiting. If you do that you'll become a selfish man.

Weixian: Weihe! Leave first, I still need to rest.

Weihe: Okay! But master, don't forget what I said, princess Xing'er is the best for you, Miss Yu is an arrogant and hot-tempered young lady, she's a bad omen.

We leave: Get lost!

He leaves

Weixian:(Sighs) Stupid Boy!

           In the room where Yu was kept

Renyu: ( She wakes up, but still feeling weak) Xie Qi! Xie Qi! ( She opens her eyes and finds out that she is unfamiliar with the environment ) Where am I? Xie Qi! Xie Qi!

Weihe: Stop calling, she's not here.

Renyu: (After hearing Weihe's voice, she jumps up aggressively and grabs Weihe's clothes and pushes him onto the bed while she sat on him and draws his two hands down his legs, trying to stretch him) Weihe!, What have you done to Xie Qi? Bring her out now!

Weihe: ( In serious pain) Let me go, the aggressive woman let me go.

Renyu: Dream on.

She continues to stretch him, each drawing harder than the first. And Weihe continues to scream out in pain.

Weixian: ( Enters the room with Xing'er) Looks like you are completely healed now, you have the strength to bully others.

Wenren: (quickly lets go of weihe, and climbs down from the bed) Wei... Weixian!, Where is Xie Qi? What have you guys done to her?

Xing'er:(Disgusted by Wenren's arrogance) Is that how you people of Jade Palace appreciate your benefactor?

Renyu: (Turns to look at Xing'er) Who are you? Why are you here? 

Xing'er: ( Angrily) Who are you? Why are you here?

Renyu: You don't know me? Ohhh! So! You're a low leveled cultivator, I see no wonder you're here, you're here to increase some of your spiritual prowesses. Master Weixian! I didn't know that you were so generous to increase others' spiritual prowesses for free.q

Xing'er:(Angrily) You spoilt phoenix brat, how dare you act so rudely to me? Do you even understand what you are saying?

Wenren: (surprised) Wh... why are you getting angry, I was even hoping that when you receive you're training you would call me so that we could receive the training together, or share the process with me.

Xing'er: Evil creature! I'll rather die here with you now than allow brother Wei and Lize Domain to be humiliated by a little brat. ( she lashes out at Wenren, but all of a Sudden a godly prowess from Weixian sends her flying to the ground).

Renyu: Ahaa! Are you receiving the training now?

Weixian: ( Knowing fully well that Wenren Yu had no idea what she was talking about) Princess Yu, I think you should rest a little, although you're recovered now, you still need to rest. So you mustn't act rashly.

Wenren: Okay. (She sits down on the bed) By the way, where is Xie Qi?

Weihe: Xie Qi! Xie Qi left, she ran away while you guys were ambushed by the masked men. Master and I were heading to your Palace to officially thank you for helping us with the Yin Glass. But instead, we ended up saving you why Xie Qi ran away.

Wenren: Xie Qi! Xie Qi is in trouble? No, I must save her.

She tried to teletransport, but it didn't work, rather she felt dizzy and was about to fall, when Weixian suddenly teletranported to where she was, and held her waist to prevent her from falling, but rather, he fell on the bed with Renyu on top of him).

Weixian: Careful, you are still weak so don't act rashly. ( He quickly removes his hands from her waist, and they both stood up).

Wenren: (thinking) This isn't right, why is my heart beating rapidly? It looks like it's about to come out of me, Could it be that I haven't healed properly yet? Am I dying? (To Weixian) Tha...thank you!.

    30 seconds after

Weihe: ( Weihe realizes the sudden silence felt awkward so he decided to break the silence) So! Master goddess of peace was quite angry when she left, don't you want to go see her and apologize to her?

Wenren: goddess of peace?

Weihe: Yes! The lady you just pissed off was Zu Qiaoliu, Also known as the goddess of peace. She was the youngest child and only daughter of the Water god "Zu Lui Yi". But has changed her name to Lu Xing'er.

Wenren: Changed her name? Why?

Weihe: Because she loves my master. But I'm quite happy because she and my master will soon become a couple.

Wenren & Weixian: What?

Wenren: Nu Weixian! You're getting married?

Weixian: No! It's a misunderstanding. Weihe, what nonsense are you saying?

Xing'er:( Who has been listening to their conversation before from outside suddenly enters) It's not nonsense. Weixian while you were recuperating, I asked Starlord "Zhang Jin Qi" to fix an appropriate date for us to get married. And he was supportive of the decision.

Weixian: (Angrily) Xing'er what were you thinking? You know I don't want to marry you.

Xing'er: Weixian! If you don't want to marry me, then who do you want to marry?

Weixian:(Notices that everyone looks at him in anticipation, waiting for his answer) I don't know! Xing'er, the truth is I'm not ready to get married now. So please don't waste your time on me. ( He leaves)

Xing'er: (thinking) Weixian! I'll wait for you, even if it's a thousand years, ten thousand years, hundred thousand years, I'll wait for you until you finally realized that you love me, and we'll build a happy family together.

Wenren: (thinking) How can she force him to marry him, so unreasonable?

Xing'er: (Turns to Yu) When are you leaving?

Wenren: Very soon.

Xing'er: I want you to leave now.

Wenren: What? I..I. goddess of peace, I understand that you hate me because of the spiritual training jokes, but I meant what I said.

Xing'er: Shut up! Stupid brat, do you even know what you were saying?, Do you know what it means to have spiritual training with an ancient god?

Wenren: No! Is it bad?

Xing'er: You're indeed an idiot. (She leaves angrily)

Wenren: (thinking) How dare she insult me, I'll get revenge later.

Weihe laughs

Wenren: Dear Weihe! Can you tell me what spiritual training with an ancient god means?

Weihe: Well in ancient times, it was recovered by the god of knowledge" Jin hang Yi" that spiritual training can increase one's cultivation quickly, especially with an ancient god. And this process is carried out by sleeping with an ancient god or goddess. 

Renyu:(shocked) What??????????

Weihe: So! When you said that the goddess of peace was going to receive spiritual training from the master, it meant that she and the master will have to, (he hesitates then continues) well do that with each other.

Renyu: I..I

Weihe: (Laughs) You even said that you wanted to share the process with her, you're indeed stupid sometimes.

Renyu Embarrassed by her mistake disappears.