

As the dignified descendant of Phoenix and the future god of fire, Wen Ren Yu has always been known for being arrogant and unbothered by anything. She was raised within the walls of Jade mountain by her overprotective mother, kind-hearted stepfather, and carefree stepbrother. Although she was a descendant of Phoenix unlike others she ranked lower compared to them even though she was very good with her cultivation. One day while preparing to visit the palace of Prince Yan Xin and Princess Li Qin her childhood friends, she was informed that the god of revenge from the demon clan was murdering the innocent at the "Mango Bush valley". Although knowing she was no match for him, she still went ahead to confront him. On reaching there, she meets our male lead for the first time, as well as the second. They battled all out and went their separate ways.  Days later Yu runs into Yi Ze again, but this time at his icy kingdom. They both were placed in an arranged marriage by both families for Yu, Although Yu had long time Fancied the god of Ice, She Realized that she had fallen in love with the god of love. A Forbidden yet Fated Love awaits these two immortals of different worlds one the head of demon clan, and the other a dignified god of immortal realm. After much struggles and battles through together, Wenren finally admits her feelings for Weixian, but a misunderstanding later leads to Wenren Yu taking the life of her Lover

ChungHwa17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15: Master When Wu Yi

Yi Ze: Yu what do you say?

Wenren: Yi Ze! Please let me think about it, I'm afraid I can't answer you now.

Yi Ze: Fine, but please try hard to see the reason why you should agree to this. It's not just for your benefit, but the whole world.

Wenren: Yi Ze! I've told you I'll think about it.

( At Empress Xin chamber)

Ling Long: Empress Tang! What are your plans now?

Tang Xin: I don't know. Li Ze Domain has succeeded in allying with the best evil sects, and now they are all against us. We also have become their Target in this fight. And now I don't even know what I should do. I don't know if I should support the Icey Kingdom or allow them to fall now.

Ling Long: Empress Xin! I say that you kill two birds with one stone.

Tang Xin: How?

Ling Long: Empress Xin! Now the Icey Kingdom is in danger, they would need allies. So I think that you should allow Wenyu to marry into their family, to become close with them, and carry out the plan. By then Wenyu can lead the Icey Kingdom and be the sect leader as compensation for what he did to your family. Besides, I know that you're against wenren Yu falling in love with anyone,  and I can tell that the relationship between Frost and Flame god has no love chemistry. So you have nothing to worry about.

Tang Xin: ( smiles) Well I think that's a great suggestion, I like it. I think that I will make do with it. Besides someone has to pay sooner or later for what happened to my family.


       AT   SKY LAND


Wen Qing: Uncle! Here I am.

Wen Wu Yi god of fire wen renyu's biological father, who has been gone for more than 22 years. He is seen wearing a long reddish wine garment, with a long black cape on it. He is also having long darkish red hair, tied into a bun, and a string of hair is released to fall. He has emerald eyes, and his scent was like a rising Volcano that got mixed with emerald-like waters from " Assal". He is holding a pet cat, which appears to be as white as snow, and has big black eyes like an evil witch. And the girl standing close to him" Wen Qing" appears to be his niece and Wen Ren's cousin. He is the sect leader of the "Emotionless Hall/Temple" known, and he is usually referred to as the " Honorable Superior")

Wu Yi: Wen Qing! Do you have news?

Wen Qing: Uncle! From what I heard recently, my First cousin's sister( referring to wen renyu's) has been having some issues with the " god of love", so the ice Immortal has been trying to woo her into marrying him. 

Wen Wu Yi: Nu Wei Xian! Nu Wei Xian! When will you learn to bring down your age? Even in love you still act proud, bo wonder if Nuwa caused you to experience a tragic love for 5 lives. How unlucky you've been, for the past 3 lives you've been experiencing a tragic love story with Renyu! And now even when her so-called mother decided to seal her inner powers and memories to prevent her from loving again and getting hurt, you still lead her astray. What I'm I going to do with you?

Wen Qing: Uncle! Do you think that my cousin's sister can escape this life of tragic love?

Wen Wu Yi: I don't know, but I think that she can as long as she doesn't entangle her fate with Weixian! But that is quite impossible, right?

Wen Qing: Yes! They have been lovers for 3 lives, and they couldn't even escape entanglement in this life. So I don't see how they won't fall into a whirlpool of tragic love.

Wen Wu Yi: They might escape it? 

Wen Qing: How?

Wen Wu Yi: Why can't they? Come to think of it, in this life they are enemies, and their memories of each other have been sealed. So it's not so impossible to help them in this life, I'm I, right?

Wen Qing: Yes! I understand uncle.  But how do we get this information to them now?

Wen Wu Yi: A'Qing!

Wen Qing: Yes Uncle!

Wen Wu Yi: Prepare the formation.

Wen Qing: Why?

Wen Wu Yi:(gives a badass beam) I think it's time to visit my long-time wife and deserted daughter!!!!


 Wenren: Xie Qi! What Should I do next? Weixian has fallen into a terrible path, he's against us now. And I can't even talk with him, he wouldn't listen.

Xie Qi: Phoenix! Haven't you already decided to marry Prince Yi Ze? Why are you still bothering yourself with Weixian?

Wenren: I don't know! I just don't want him to get hurt. Weixian may be a villain, but I'm sure that he's not a bad person. I..I...I think that I..II. I've fallen for him.

Xie Qi: (excitedly) See I told you. You like him. Now you accept him.

Wenren: Okay! Fine, I like him. So what? It doesn't make any difference, he still hates me.

Xie Qi: We can fix that.

Wenren: How? All you have to do is to inform him about your marriage with Yi Ze and watch him burn in jealousy.

Wenren: What if he isn't jealous? What if he doesn't even care at all, then what do I do?

Xie Qi: Phoenix! He will. Trust me. If he doesn't, then you'll have to marry Yi Ze before he becomes jealous. (She laughs).

Wenren: Not funny ( she disappears to Li Ze Palace)

( Still at Jade mountain)

Xie Qi:( sees Xiao Hui and decided to ignore him, but as she tries to leave, she is held back by Xiao Hui who drags her back) What are you doing?

Xiao Hui: Elder sister! Why are you ignoring me?

Xie Qi: What do you mean? I don't understand.

Xiao Hui: Elder sister you know full well that I didn't want to come here, if not for Father's sake. You know how important " The Ten Temple Deities" is to father. So we must help him. 

Xie Qi: Yes! We must, and I'm doing my best here, but still, father didn't trust me, and insisted that you come here. It's so embarrassing and annoying.

Xiao Hui: Sister! Stop thinking that way, it's not through father only wants me to assist you that's all. Besides I Know fully well that you're in love with" Night immortal" so you'll be distracted from your mission.

Xie Qi:Nonsense Who said that I'm in love with him? Yang! I'm telling you, if you don't stop coming close to me I might injure you by accident. So stay away from me. (She leaves)

          At Li Ze Palace

Wen Ren: Weihe! Where is your master?

Weihe: Busy! He's very busy.

Wen Ren: Doing what?

       ( Weixian and Shishi both came out of Yi Ze's room)

Weixian: Shishi! Thank you, thank you very much for keeping me company today, I'm very much grateful.

Shishi: Anytime. Goodbye, Brother Wei! ( She bows to him, walks up to Wenren who gives her a deadly stare, bows to her, and leave).

Weixian: Fire Immortal why are you here?

Wenren: What was that?

Weixian: What do you mean?

Wenren: I mean what was that? Why were you guys so intimate, don't tell me she's already experiencing spiritual training before marriage.

Wei Xian: Nonsense! Renyu! What kind of man do you think I am?

Renyu:(angrily) A double-minded and Wanton Man. I should Kill you on behalf of Justice. You know that I.. II... II

Weixian: You what?

Renyu: II.III.. anyways you shouldn't see other women, it's bad for your image.

Weixian: Since when did you start Caring for my image?

Renyu: I've always cared, it's just that you never noticed.

Weixian: Well anyways I don't care about you, so stop caring for me. I've told you before I'm marrying Shishi! And you coming to see me is bad for my image too. So stop coming here. ( He turns to leave) 

Wenren: I'm marrying Yi Ze!

Weixian: (stops) What?

Wenren: I'm marrying Yi Ze!

Weixian: (turns to Yu anxiously)Why?

Wenren: It's because of you. You have been gathering people from Subaru to attack the righteous sect, so the Icey Kingdom decided to form Allies with Jade Palace against Li Ze Palace.

Weixian: Are you happy about it? (heartbrokenly) What am I even saying, you're happy, it's Yi Ze. Future ice god. Anyways I'm happy for you, and now you see, why you shouldn't come here again, it's not good for both of us.

Wenren: Wei Xian you...uuu

Weixian: Thank you for informing me princess Yu!, But I'm afraid I'll have to say goodbye here. ( He leaves together with Weihe!)

        In Weixian's room

Weihe: Master are you heartbroken?

Weixian: why would I be, well because princess Yu is getting married. And I can tell that you're in love with her!

Weixian:(surprised) Youuu...uu! Weihe! Are you insane?

Weihe: No I'm perfectly fine. But Master don't you feel I bit jealous as you think about it?

Weixian: I don't.

Weihe: Fine if you say so. I'm happy to help with that. But Master I just wanted to let you know that whoever you choose now, is okay by me. Just follow your choice wisely.

End of episode