
Destiny intertwined

In an ancient city, the fates of people of various backgrounds and destinies are intertwined. A baby is left in front of the church, destined to face the difficulties of the world. A dying girl, her last desire for life flashed in her eyes. As for a non-commissioned officer, the fortress he was guarding was burned down by fire, and he had almost nothing in his heart. Under the sunset, these souls with intertwined fates met on the streets of the city, creating a singular point in Ina's life journey. Their meeting was not accidental, but an arrangement of fate. They were destined to change each other and face the challenges and tests in life together. However, fifteen years later, the city once again fell into flames and was engulfed in flames. Under the burning flames, a half-elf sergeant stared silently, his heart filled with complex emotions and struggles. "If you had expected this day... Lake, would you still lend a helping hand on that day like you did in the past?" Ina confided in loneliness, in the wilderness, where no one responded. This is a story full of twists of fate and inner struggles. It is a profound exploration of encounters and separations, choices and consequences in life. In the raging flames of the fire, they will face their inner truths, as well as their thoughts about the past and the future.

DaoistL6lG2g · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5 Graduation

It was a woman with burgundy hair and golden eyes who was between twenty and twenty-five years old. She was wearing a black regular teacher's uniform and taking care of the potted plants in front of the shop.

Her delicate white skin and pretty appearance are enough to make most men fall in love with her.

At that time, the long-awaited but familiar voice made Ma Kesi put down the flowers she was concentrating on for a rare moment and looked at the crowded streets. Among them, the bunch of white hair stood out among the many colors. , so that she quickly found the little clever guy who was both loved and hated.

Ina approached, perhaps because she hadn't seen her for a long time. Before the white-haired girl could say anything, the lady had already embraced the girl in her arms.

"Little guy, you are really going too far. You said you would take a break from school for a year, but you really didn't see the teacher once a year." Ma Kesi said with resentment while helping the girl smooth her hair:

And Ina, who was buried deep in the snowy peak of Makes, suddenly stuck out her little face, stuck out her tongue at the other party, then broke away from Meikesi's embrace and took a few steps back.

"That's because I'm too busy. Just studying "Basic Theory of Magic and Magic Power", "Deployment of Elementary Magic Circles", and "Apprentice's Magic Knowledge and Practice" has already made my head hurt, and I can't wait to fall asleep every day."

"You're a smart little guy with so many reasons." Ma Kesi raised her hair: "You're the only one here?"

Ina blurted out on the spot: "There is still uncle, but I don't know where he has gone now. Maybe he was seduced by the big-breasted big sister."

"It's interesting. I can make it up. Well done, little guy. This month's pocket money will be halved!" Lake, who arrived shortly afterward, succinctly interrupted the girl's wonderful speech prepared by rubbing her hair.

"Good morning, Ms. Older." Lake looked at this lady, who was both a knowledgeable teacher and a bronze-level professional.

No one knows why a scholar has a rank that even ordinary professionals cannot reach.

I am afraid that the high-end alchemy potions that only the great nobles can afford can explain this.

As for why a descendant of a great noble came to teach in a remote small city on the front line, Lake didn't care much.

"Good morning, Mr. West." Max nodded politely in response.

At this time, after some struggle, Ina finally broke free from Lake's hand. Even though most of her long hair had been ruined, under Lake's gaze, she had no choice but to remove it herself.

Ma Kesi was not bored enough to disturb the interaction between the two. She waited patiently for the girl to finish combing her hair, then took out a booklet with a brown cardboard cover from her pocket and handed it to Ina. .

Skill certificates are the result of the only time in the past few hundred years that almost all independent nations and federations of the human race have reached an agreement to formulate rules and standards. Ordinary people use it to prove their professional abilities. Due to strict assessment and wide recognition, it is often used by ordinary people to apply for jobs, or even apply for decent jobs.

Even if some holders of advanced certificates do not possess the slightest bit of extraordinary ability, their status can still be equal to that of high-level extraordinary persons.

What Meikesi gave to Ina was the "Human Common Language Certificate" that she passed a year ago. Having this small brown book means that the white-haired girl can at least try to apply for a job as a trader, or travel to medium and large chambers of commerce. Businessman works.

"Oh!" Ina agreed, but due to the influence of her life in the slums, she was actually not too excited.

In the ghetto, especially among homeless people, hard fists and broken knife heads are always the most effective, followed by money.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"?" The girl who didn't understand tilted her head, and Ma Kesi couldn't help but hold her forehead and sigh.

Finally, she hugged the girl.

"Don't you really think about continuing to learn knowledge and becoming a businessman or a teacher?" Her eyes hinted at concern and worry. No adventurer can determine their mission this time. Tomorrow, the next battle will be inevitable. Can come back alive.

But at the same time, she was so clear that the white-haired girl would not change her goal just because of a few random words.

"If I hadn't awakened my magic power, I might have chosen this way..." Ina glanced at Lake standing aside.

"I still want to be an adventurer, like Lake!"

"Then, it's time for us to leave..." Reike interrupted the farewell in a rather uninterested way. He could see that Ma Kesi was concerned and reluctant to leave Nina, but it would be dangerous for everyone to delay it any longer. Not a good thing.

He took the girl's hand and walked towards the crowd after exchanging a few final greetings.

"Teacher Meikesi is waiting for me to become an adventurer. Remember to prepare an apple pie for me." Ina waved goodbye.

"May the Goddess of Dawn protect you, little one." Ma Kesi watched them leave until they disappeared into the sea of people.

And at this moment, as if everything had a plan, at the same time that makes finished saying goodbye, two men in black robes walked out of the shadows of the classroom store at the right time, or in other words, they had been waiting there early in the morning.

They pressed their right hands on their chests and asked respectfully:

"Miss Eric, everything is ready. Can we leave?"

Ma Kesi turned around with a slightly disgusted expression, raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked with a hint of irony: "What? You haven't been back to the family for a few years, do you think that even some families have to send a few people to watch it?"

"I'm very sorry if our behavior displeases the eldest lady." One of them bowed slightly again. "But please don't get me wrong, we are doing this just to ensure the safety of the eldest lady, and my subordinates believe that the lady should not pay so much attention to communication with civilians. You are from the Eric family..."

"Shut your mouth! Guard!" Ma Kesmei stared at the man in black robe who spoke and interrupted him directly.

"I said too much, please forgive me for my mistake." The man in black robe was shaken by the drink, and he saluted cautiously again, not daring to say anything more.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly became extremely commotion. A carriage pulled by two horses with red hair and a height of two meters, after knocking down several civilians, stopped impartially on the avenue in front of the store.