
Destiny in Despair

All days were same for her until one day she found out; her days are numbered. Now she is trapped in her desires that she always wanted to fulfil which were buried deep inside her heart. This story is about her struggles from fear to bravery of facing death and choosing a life that belongs to her, only her even though she can see her end.

Mithra_MA · Urban
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2 Chs


Tick.. Tick.. Tick..

It was 5:30 am, her phone was ringing reminding her to wake up, a ringtone that has been her only companion in the early morning for the past 24 years. Her hands slowly, a bit lazily reached the table next to her looking for the phone to switch off the alarm. She sat on the bed reluctant to leave her sleep still dozing , and her husband lying next to her sticking to his blanket as the day was in mid winter. Her feet was looking for her slippers which slipped a little beneath the bed. She stood up suddenly as she heard the tick tick from her room in the calmness of morning which reminded her of the running time. The mosaiced floor was cold enough to lose all the strength she gathered just a while ago. She bended and looked for her slippers. She wished to switch on the flash light but thought of her husband who was calmly enjoying his sleep. She was desperately looking for her slippers and finally succeeded but by then even her pale lips turned into violet shade and her whole body was trembling. She slowly closed the door and rushed towards bathroom, had her morning bath which was a custom in her family; a custom that defined an ideal and neat housewife. Her mind though always opposed this fact but never had the courage to raise a question against this belief. She turned on the radio in the kitchen and started with her morning chores. The morning breakfast and lunch were being cooked in the stove.

Hello listeners, you are listening to 27.222 radio fm.. wishing you a good day. She slowly turned on the volume and a simple smile brightened her face. The sky turned into a light blue. She muted the radio, simmed her stove and went to her son's bedroom who was a college student. She knocked rapidly in his door " wake up.. wake up. Its already 7 am."

"Ahh.. Yes maa."

She went back and served her husband in the dining table.

"I will be late today. You don't have to wait for dinner. Some pending work in bank."

"hmm" She nodded.

Time is up, its 8.30 am. They all rushed to their work in a hurry that she didn't even got a hearty smile but it was ok, she is used to it. She closed the front door and slowly went back to kitchen. She smiled at the radio and increased its volume back sat on her rocking chair;

Hello listeners, you are listening to 27.222 radio fm.. wishing you a good day..