
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

The New Gamer Girl

Day: Monday

Location: My House

Time: Morning

I got ready for classes and dreaded the day I had to encounter Mark and his stupid puppets after the stunt they pulled last week. I sighed and messed up my hair then put on my earrings then put on my new bracelets that I got when on a date with Krystal two days ago.

"Are you gonna be okay? I can always come with you just in case.." Lustie said then rubbed my shoulders.

"Nah, it's cool. I'm Peak Human so it should be fine as long as I keep a look out for my stamina." I smiled then put on my black jacket and red scarf.

"Okay. Just be safe okay?" Lustie smiled.

I nodded and walked off then left my room and went downstairs then grabbed my keys and left the house. I walked outside and locked the door behind me then began to walk to campus.

I minded my own business while walking to school then as I was texting back some people, Lust-E began beeping then I clicked on the Lover Finder notification then looked ahead, using my Peak Human Vision to see who it was. I noticed a woman with half dark purple hair and half silver hair with red highlights. She was wearing a rather large jacket for the cold winter weather with leggings and fur boots.

"Is that her?" I asked.


I nodded and was about to cross the street before I instinctively walked back on the sidewalk then my Precognition activated and showed me a vision of the girl getting hit by the car. I grunted then ran down the sidewalk. The girl was about 20 feet away from my original starting position. The speed limit was 25, but this car was going 40. Seems like the person was running late for work.

"Fuck I lost again..? I'm so tired of this bullshit game.." The woman said and groaned softly.

The woman had her headphones in and was on her phone, so didn't hear the car horn. She stepped onto the road then looked up and noticed she was about to get hit then her eyes widened.

I grabbed her and stopped the car with my foot then grunted. The woman held onto me out of pure fright. The car was smoking and the horn was still going off. The crowd of people looked surprised at the scene and I let the woman go and she looked at me surprised.

"What the hell..?" Mark asked as he looked at the scene.

"Did you see what I just saw..?" Eric asked.

"Yeah...the loser stopped that car with his foot. What the hell was that shit...?" Jake asked in awe.

I looked at the car and noticed it was totaled. I walked to the driver's side and looked inside of the car.

[Yeah...he's definitely unconscious. I'll call an ambulance and a tow truck. You defuse the situation. I'm sure three assholes would like to know what you did.]

I nodded and walked to the woman again. "Are you alright?" I asked.

The woman looked at me then snapped out of her trance and picked up her things then stepped backwards from me a bit. "Wh-What the heck...How did you stop-"

I looked around me and noticed everyone was as equally as surprised as she was. Even Mark and his friends were surprised.

'I guess I could've...gotten her out the way...Now I caused her to be scared of me and exposed that I was Peak Human..' I thought to myself.

I just walked away and she looked at me.

"W-Wait..!" She said then hurried behind me.

[Hold on. You didn't even let me get a chance to even register her.]

I heard her voice and stopped then turned around towards her. She stopped and exhaled. I crossed my arms and looked at her.

"I just...wanna say thanks for...saving me. I guess I should pay more attention to my surroundings." The woman said shyly and smiled.

I nodded and uncrossed my arms then placed my hands in my pockets. "I'm glad you're okay. I'm hoping that man inside the car is alright too. I know I probably did too much instead of moving you out the way, but there wasn't much time."

"I-It's okay! I was just shocked! I haven't ever met anyone that strong before..." The woman said then looked back at the car and the crowd.

I looked at the scene as well and noticed the man was still alive then sighed in relief. I watched the car get towed by the tow truck. "So what's your name?"

The woman looked at me. "M-Me? I-I'm Faith! Ah...Faith Winters!"

[Faith's Information Acquired!]

Name: Faith Winters

Age: 20

Birthday: July 5th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: British

Height: 5 Feet 1 Inch

Weight: 113 lbs

Bond Percentage: 0%

Status: Stranger

Education: College

Occupation: College Student, Online Streamer

Most Desirable Trait(s): Empathy, Luck, Passion, Charisma, Talent

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Conservative

Favorite Food: Junk Food, Desserts

Favorite Drink: Sodas

Favorite Gifts: Streaming Equipment, Video Games, Electronics

[Faith's Unique Traits Registered!]

Introverted: Passive Activation. While on dates, if in a place with less people Faith will be happier and her Affection Meter will increase faster. If in a location with a lot of people, the Affection Meter will increase slower or will outright decrease if there are too many people in the area. (2% per minute in the location)

Game Freak: Activates when playing video games with her and Affection Meter will gradually Increased per hour played. If playing her favorite game, the Affection Meter will increase drastically. Talking about video games also boosts her Affection Meter.

Sheepish Nature: When Bond Percentage is less than 50%, Faith will natural become very reserved and shy. It is harder to increase her Affection Meter and Bond Percentage if Bond Percentage is less than 50%.

I looked at Faith and moved my eyebrow. "You don't really look like you're from around here. Where are you from?" I asked.

"I'm not from around here...I'm actually from the United Kingdom. I came all the way down here because I needed a better university to attend and needed to move away from my parents.." Faith answered.

"You're attending Matsugaya College?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah! You know the place?" She replied quickly.

"I'm actually headed there right now. I can show you around if you'd like." I shrugged.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 3%]

"That'll be a huge help..!" She smiled a bit then followed me to the campus.

I walked onto campus and had Faith following behind me then proceeded to show her around. She looked around in awe and was impressed with how big the campus was.

We sat at the courtyard and began to talk with each other and learn more about each other.

"So, why'd you want to move away from your parents?" I asked.

"Mmm...mainly because they wouldn't let me pursue my dream as a streamer and I found it very unfair that they would control me like that despite me making a lot of income." Faith answered.

"Really? What do you stream on?" I asked.

"Well there is this new streaming app called Trinity EX and it's actually pretty good. It rivals even some mainstream apps like Twitch and YouTube. Here. This is my profile." She said then shower me her phone screen.

I looked at the phone screen and looked at her profile. "Wow, 342K Subs. Pretty impressed." I smiled.

"Mhm! Did you hear that VTubers are the wave right now and even big streamers watch them? I wanted to get into it but people said they like the way I stream like...with my facecam and stuff." Faith said then twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.

"How much do you make per stream?" I asked.

"Around 12k per stream. Yearly I make 4.3 million since I stream every day and I have a lot of active subscribers. I don't really stream for money, but I'm not complaining." Faith giggled. "Oh! Do you have discord? I can add you."

"I mean I have it but I barely use it." I said.

"Add my discord, we can talk more on there later." Faith smiled.

I nodded and took out Lust-E then proceeded to add her discord to my phone and she added my discord back.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 7%]

Eric and Jake walked onto campus then noticed me and Faith sitting together.

"Yo bro, didn't he send your brother to the hospital? You should get him back for that." Eric said.

"Did you see what he did to that man's car? Plus I shot at Ashley to kill and he took the bullet and lived. The fuck you expect me to do at this point. He's gotten up each time we beat his ass, he took down an entire gang by himself basically, killed Axel and Sebastian...that freak is unstoppable. There isn't much of a point anymore. We're done here." Jake said.

"Nah I'm not gonna bitch out of this one." Eric said then walked over to me.

"Bro what?" Jake said then followed Eric.

Faith giggled a bit as she talked to me and began to feel a little bit more comfortable. She noticed Eric and Jake walk up then looked back at me.

"Hey bitch!" Eric said then went for a punch.

I caught his fist and Eric looked surprised. "That's not gonna work on me anymore, Eric. Now leave us alone. We are actually trying to have a good day." I said then pushed him away.

Eric looked a bit surprised then glared and went for another punch, but I dodged it then stood up.

"Seems like you didn't hear me the first time. Maybe I'll have to actually teach you a lesson." I said then walked away from the table.

Eric grunted as he punched my face. Some of the other students noticed and were surprised that I took his punch. "The hell..?"

I grabbed his wrist and took his hand away from my face then he tried to pull away, but I pulled him to me then punched his face and he groaned then fell to the ground with a broken, bloody nose. I stepped on his stomach and looked down at Eric.

"Oh how the tables turn. I should continue beating your ass, but unlike you...I actually have a heart." I said then got off him then the bell rang.

I looked at Jake and he felt his heart stop for a second before picking Eric up and taking him to the infirmary. I grabbed my bag and sighed.

Faith stood up and looked at me. "Who were they?"

"Just some old bullies, but I doubt they'd mess with me anymore after today. Anyway come on let's go to class." I smiled and placed my hands in my pockets.

Faith nodded and followed me inside of the building. I walked her to her first class then went to my own classroom. I greeted Gloria and Whitney as I walked in the class and they greeted back and smiled. I took my seat then the bell rang for classes to start.

As the school day went on, I noticed I had no classes with Faith at all, but it didn't bother me much since she was texting me in between classes on Discord. I walked into the final class then looked at Akira. I walked to her desk and placed my hands on her desk and she looked at me then smiled.

"Well well...~ If it isn't the big shot himself..~ I heard about your little date..~ I'm surprised you even pulled her..~" Akira smiled.

"Honestly I am too, plus she's very much a wild card.." I smiled and chuckled.

"Say, are you free this Saturday? I'd like to hit the casino and the nightclub with you again." She smiled.

"I should be free, so yeah let's go ahead and do that." I nodded.

Akira smiled and nodded then the bell rang and I went to sit down in my seat then Akira stood up and began to teach the lesson she had prepared. After learning about Akira, it was easier to notice her fake smile when teaching about the lessons. She looked a bit exhausted, but still continued to do this line of work because it pays.

The bell rang and we all gathered our things then left the classroom. I checked my phone then noticed Faith had texted me. She invited me out to the arcade and I decided to take the offer. I walked out of the building then met up with Faith at the front gates of the campus.

"H-Hey!" Faith said as she noticed me.

"Sup." I smiled and looked at her. "Ready?"

She nodded and we began to walk down the sidewalk together to the arcade. It was a little awkward for the first few minutes of the walk since Faith was very sheepish. She was talkative when she wanted to be but I was doing most of the talking for the both of us. I decided to break the ice between us.

"What are your favorite types video games?" I asked, looking at her.

[Faith's Affection rose to 18%]

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 12%]

"W-Well...I really like fighting games and simulator games! I also play MMOs and RPGs. I also play a few anime games too." Faith answered.

"There's a good fighting game in the arcade that just arrived there called Twili Paradox. Maybe we can play that along with a couple of other games there?" I asked.

[Faith's Affection rose to 29%]

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 16%]

"Yeah! I'd like to play with you! T-The Arcade Games I mean..." Faith blushed and got embarrassed by her own comment.

I chuckled softly and looked ahead. "I know what you meant."

She smiled a bit and felt relieved.

Day: Monday

Location: Twilight Arcade

Time: Afternoon

We walked into the arcade together then I went to buy a few tokens for us. After getting the tokens, we went to play a few games together including the one I told her about. I noticed her Affection Meter was constantly rising. She was having fun playing games and quite frankly, I was also enjoying myself a lot too. It was a joy to see her so happy.

We went over to a crane machine and she pointed at the stuffed animal that she wanted. Using my Intuitive Aptitude and Enhanced Intelligence, I was able to fully understand how to work the crane and how to manipulate it to my favor. I placed in one token because that's all I needed to win. Faith watched very closely as the crane latched onto the tiger plush. We both watched the crane pick up the plush. Faith was watching in anticipation then her eyes widened when the tiger went into the hole.

"Yes!" Faith cheered and hugged me.

I looked at her and smiled. She opened her eyes then quickly let go of me and blushed madly.

[Faith's Affection rose drastically to 79%]

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 28%]

I chuckled and got the tiger plush and handed it to her. She took it out of my hands then hugged it and blushed. I smiled at her then took her to get something to eat at the Arcade.

"I really had a good time here. I'm actually glad we had a fated encounter this morning or else we wouldn't be here today." Faith smiled and took a sip out of her soda.

"I mean that's true taken we did not have a single class together." I chuckled and ate a chip.

She nodded and heard her phone buzzing. She looked at her phone and noticed a notification pop up alerting her that it was almost time for her to stream. "Crap! I forgot I was gonna stream today!"

"Ahh, what's your name on Trinity EX? I'll watch you when you stream later." I said.

"Oh! My name is Faithful Queen! Hopefully you can make it to one of my streams." She smiled then stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

I nodded and watched her leave and looked at Lust-E.

[Date Successful!]

[Credi Earned: 4400]

I got up and went to throw away my trash then left the arcade to go home.

Day: Monday

Location: My House

Time: Evening

"I'm home!" I called out and smiled.

"Welcome home, Big Boss!~ So meet any new women?" Lustie asked as she floated towards me.

"Yeah, a woman named Faith Winters. She's a sheepish woman, but she's really cute and a streamer. I like her a lot." I chuckled softly.

"Well you have all week to get some work done!~ She's added to the list of women!~ Geez man, it's already been two weeks and you've gotten a lot of women under your belt!~ I don't really have much else to teach for now so just do your best!" Lustie smiled.

I nodded then went upstairs to my room and rest and relax for the evening. I flopped on my bed and decided make a Trinity EX account and look up Faith's Trinity Account and catch her stream. I clicked on the stream and began to watch.

"Fuck! My teammates are complete ass! I told you to not go for point B! Oh my god! You're fucking dogshit kid, if my team wasn't full of a bunch of oldheads I'd be shitting on you! I can't do this...oh my god I'm so close to rage quitting..! I'm so tired of this Neverending Night kid..." Faith groaned.

I smiled and enjoyed seeing her so comfortable and even donated some money to her.

"Hm? Oh thank you for the donation...Shiro! Hey! Thank you again for taking me out to the arcade!" She giggled and smiled.

I smiled and typed no problem in the chat and she giggled softly then went back to the game she was playing. I turned off my phone and decided to watch a little TV before heading to bed.