
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The Grind Doesn't Stop

Day: Wednesday

Location: Airport

Time: Afternoon

[Right here, we should be seeing some familiar faces arriving soon~ I made sure to have the right women still registered in my database.]

I noticed Ui waiting for someone at the airport and decided to walk up to her. "Hey Ui."

Ui looked at me and smiled. "Oh hey, come to see me off huh?~ You're so sweet, a real charmer aren't you?~ Wish I could stay for longer, but duty calls y'know~ See you whenever I see you, big guy~" Ui walked off.

[Eh..? The fuck?]

Ui laughed and walked back to me. "Nah I'm just fuckin' with you~ I'm actually waiting for a friend to show up. I asked my agent to fly her out here~ She should be showing up in a second. She's been wanting to come out here for a bit now and I said, sure why the fuck not right?~ I'm sure you'd recognize her once she pulls up~ Speak of the devil, there she is. Hey Ash! Over here, girl!"

I looked at the woman who walked up to us. It was none other than Ashley Ayami. Her appearance has changed over the two years. Her hair was now shorter and instead of blue highlights they were now yellow. She had a side swept bob hairstyle now. She wore a black v necked tshirt with her band name, "The Darkness", displayed on the front, black jean shorts, and a pair of black converse shoes.

[Ashley's data updated!]

Name: Ashley Ayami

Age: 20

Birthday: March 17th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Korean American

Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 121 lbs

Bond Percentage: 100%

Status: Lovers

Education: College [Associates Degree]

Occupation: Band Leader, Model

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust, Flirtation, Passion

Least Desirable Trait(s): Romance

Libido: Extremely High

Favorite Food: Spicy Foods, Fast Foods

Favorite Drink: Juices

Favorite Gifts: Band Items, Sex Toys

"Hey Ash, how was your flight?~" Ui asked.

"Ehh...It could've been better if this one guy wasn't trying to make moves on me the entire plane ride. I kinda understand how Jessica felt when she said she wanted the plane to explode in midair." Ashley rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"C'mon it couldn't have been that bad." Ui laughed.

"It was, and-" Ashley looked at me and her eyes widened. "Holy fuck, Shiro?!"

"The one and only~" I chuckled.

"Shit it's been two years, I missed you..!" Ashley smiled and hurried over to me and hugged me. I hugged back then we let each other go.

"Alright, so before we go, I have to use the little ladies room. Wait for me you two, will ya?~" Ui smiled then hurried off.

"So what have you been up to these past two years, Stranger?~" Ashley asked and smiled.

"Eh...been doing the same routine for the past couple years. Decided to move out here because of the fine weather~" I chuckled.

"Yeah, sure. And I came out here to meet another guy." Ashley laughed. "You're so full of shit, I know you came out here for the women~"

"Yeah that to." I laughed. "What about you, The Darkness. What you been up to?"

"I've been getting my band off the ground and up~ We already have a billboard top 100 and a couple of Gold Songs that have been playing on radio~" Ashley smiled.

"Oh? You should let me hear some of your music." I smiled.

Ashley smiled and noticed Ui come back. "Took you long enough."

"Oh shut up~ I was only gone for a minute." Ui smiled.

"So can we head out? I'm hungry." Ashley crossed her arms.

"In a bit, they haven't started handing out luggage yet, but it shouldn't take too long." Ui said.

[Compatibility Detected - Ui x Ashley: 53% Compatibility]

We waited for Ashley to get her bags and once she got them, we headed to the hotel. We got Ashley checked in and I waited in the lobby for them to come back down. As I waited I walked to the food area and got two Compatibility Drinks from Lustie.

"You got this, playaaa~" Lustie smiled.

I nodded then walked back to the lobby area and noticed Ashley and Ui. I handed them the drinks and they happily accepted then and began to drink them. Ashley liked it a lot, but Ui only thought it was decent.

[Ui's Bond Percentage rose to 80%]

[Ui x Ashley Compatibility rose to 63%]

"So you two up for a date?" I asked.

"Yeah sure where to?" Ui asked and smiled.

[Cruise Ship: Compatibility Increase]

[Heavenly Beach: Compatibility Increase]

[Casino: Ui Bond Percentage Increase]

I looked at the three options from my interface. I closed the interface by blinking and smiled. "Heavenly Beach." I said.

"Good choice, I've been wanting to hit the beach~" Ashley smiled.

[Ui's Bond Percentage rose to 85%]

"Yeah me too!~ I already have my bikini under my work clothes so I'm ready." Ui said.

"Glad we were on the same page~" Ashley smiled.

"Let go~" Ui smiled.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Heavenly Beach

Time: Afternoon

"Ahhh~ The beach!~ Last one in the water is a rotten virgin!~" Ashley said as she ran to the water with her floaty in her hands.

"Better catch up Shiro~" Ui laughed and ran to the water.

I chuckled and ran to the water as well and went in normal human speeds to blend in with the other two. I made it to the water last, but only because I wanted to let the women win.

"Looks like you're a rotten virgin, Shiro~" Ashley giggled at me.

"Yeah whatever." I laughed and splashed her with the water.

Ashley giggled and splashed me back. Ui splashed both of us and we splashed Ui back and she swam off. We splashed each other and had a great time in the water. After being in the water for thirty minutes, we got out and chilled together on the sand. I noticed a beach ball roll towards me and a group of people looked at me as I picked it up. I noticed a familiar face as I looked at the group of guys.

[Isn't that...Eric?]

It indeed was Eric. He had changed from the last time I saw him. Similar to Mark, he was more humbled, more nice than he was when I interacted with him. His hair was still the same black, but he now had blue highlights in his hair and his body was lightly tanned.

I walked over to the group and looked at them. "Long time no see, Eric." I said.

"Damn is that really you Shiro? You're toned out and got a little taller now." Eric said and smiled.

"You know this guy?" One of Eric's friends asked.

"Yeah, we went to the same college at one point. Pretty cool guy." Eric said.

I tossed the ball to Eric. "What are you doing out here?"

"I'm here with my sister. My mom practically begged me to take Baylee with me. Originally I was just coming with a group of friends, but plans change. I know it's been two years, but I just wanna apologize-"

"Nah it's cool man." I smiled and turned around.

Ui and Ashley watched then smiled.

"Hey, if you wanna play with us...you can." Eric called out to me.

I turned around and looked at them then closed my eyes and smiled. I looked back at Ui and Ashley. They both nodded at me and let me know they were cheering for me.

"Alright Eric, I'll play for a little bit...but I'll play solo." I said.

"Two against one? Is he that confident?" One of Eric's friends said.

"I heard he was very good at sports, well didn't hear I know he is." Eric said then remembered our basketball game. He smiled and nodded. "I know he's only gotten better but we won't lose. Jackson! Let's do this!"

"Right on bro!" Jackson smiled.

It was me against Eric and Jackson. I noticed a small crowd form near us. They wondered what we were playing and then watched. It was Jackson's serve first. He served the ball and I hit the ball in the air then ran ahead and jumped in the air. Eric jumped as well to block the ball, but I lightly tapped the ball to make it go slightly above his hand. He looked surprised and looked back.

I landed on the ground and watched the ball. Jackson hit the ball back in the air.

"Eric go for it!" Jackson said.

Eric jumped up to spike the ball. I jumped up and blocked the ball, making the ball fall on their side of the court. He looked surprised and looked back at the ball.

"Wow, he's good." A woman said.

"We shouldn't judge yet, it could be beginner's luck." Another man said.

Jackson smirked and looked at me. "Yeah he's not all talk, but this time we got him." He said then tossed the ball in the air then served the ball.

I returned the ball by hitting the ball in the air. I ran ahead and jumped in the air. Jackson jumped up to block the ball. I smacked the ball then the ball curved around Jackson and he looked surprised. Eric tried to save the ball from hitting the ground but was too late.

I landed on the ground and chuckled the stroked my hair.

"He's so hot.." a woman said and fanned herself.

"So you know he was this good at sports?~" Ui asked.

"Nope, but now I do and I remember why I love him..~" Ashley smiled.

"Yeah same here..~" Ui smiled. She heard her phone beep then picked it up and looked at the message. She set her phone down and continued to bathe in the sun.

After a game of beach volleyball, I ended up winning 10 to 4. Eric and I dabbed each other up then I headed back to Ashley and Ui.

"So you gave them free points huh?~ Felt bad didn't you?~" Ui smirked.

"A little." I chuckled and sat beside them.

We chatted for a bit longer and played in the sand, building sand castles and other random shit we could think of. After another fourty five minutes passed, we got up and got ready to leave the beach.

"Ahh that was very fun!~" Ui smiled. "Sadly duty calls~"

"Yeah I should be getting ready to meet up with Aubrie since she's here with Miss Delsarte." Ashley smiled.

"I'll see you two later~" Ui waved.

"Yeah, catch you two on the flip side~" Ashley smiled and waved.

I waved back at the two and headed to my hotel room to wash the sand off my body and freshen up then head back out.

[Date Successful!]

[Ui x Ashley Compatibility rose to 70%]

Day: Wednesday

Location: Heavenly Boardwalk

Time: Afternoon

I noticed Ani staring out into the ocean while standing on the edge of the beach's board walk. She looked so graceful, so peaceful, and beautiful.

I walked over to her and stood beside her. I looked out into the ocean as well and felt the gentle breeze and enjoyed the ocean smell. "You know...it's very peaceful here on this side of the beach. It feels like you can become one with the ocean..~"

Ani looked at me and smiled. She giggled softly and looked back out into the ocean. "Yeah..~ It's very peaceful and I love it..~ I don't think anything can disturb such tranquility..~"

A woman skipped towards us and hummed Gurenge then stopped when she saw us. She gasped. "Konnichiwa, you two!~ Genkidesuka?~"

"Oh my god bruh..." I said.

[Ah hell naw man what the fuck man..]

I knew that obnoxious voice anywhere. It was none other than THE Baylee Sanders.

[Baylee's data updated...]

Name: Baylee Sanders

Age: 21

Birthday: June 21st

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Caucasian (Wannabe Japanese)

Height: 5 Feet 5 Inches

Weight: 141 lbs

Bond Percentage: 50%

Status: Friends With Benefits

Education: Homeschooled [Completed]

Occupation: Streamer, Professional Cosplayer, Cam Girl [Retired], Being a WEEB, Blanche's Assistant

Most Desirable Trait(s): Flirtation, Romance, Empathy, Charisma, Talent, Passion, Luck, Lust

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Desperately High

Favorite Food: Japanese Foods

Favorite Drink: Boba

Favorite Gifts: Weeb shit, Manga, Anime Figurines, Bro just anything dealing with Japan

Ani turned around and looked at Baylee. I looked at Baylee as well and honestly...she was much more cuter now, still obnoxious and annoying, but I'd fuck her again. Her hair was now rainbow colors with a hint of black, her true hair color, on her bangs with an array of bows clipped on her hair. She wore a light blue and pink striped shirt with overall with shirt pants legs. She had on rainbow arm sleeves on both sleeves and a cat beanie on her head.

[Her fashion...is still kinda wack. Cute. But wack as shit.]

"E-Excuse me..?" Ani asked.

"Gah! I think I got it wrong again!

Gomenasai!" Baylee bowed towards Ani. "I'm still practicing it, I won't get it wrong next time because that's my ninja way!"

I facepalmed and sighed softly. I couldn't be more disappointed in the degeneracy of our generation. I've never cringed so hard before and I felt like drowning myself because of it.

"Wait a second. I've seen you before around the resort. You're the new personal assistant for Miss Delsarte aren't you?" Ani asked.

"Mmmmhmmmm mmmmmmhmmmmm mmmmmmhmmmmm!~ I'm Baylee, but I like to go by Banira which means Vanilla in Japanese!~" Baylee said.

"O-Oh! It's nice to meet you, Baylee. I'm Ani, I work at the Hotel, sometimes other jobs as well depending on what's needed of me~" Ani said.

Baylee gasped as if she was gasping for air after drowning or getting strangled. "No frickin way! I actually work with an actual real japanese girl?! Oh my god!~"

"What?" Both me and Ani said at the same time.

Lust-E played the "Bruh" sound effect.

[Girl hell nah.]

"U-Uhm...I-I'm not-"

"You're tan too just like meee!~ Are you also into ganguro fashion as well?!" Baylee asked in excitement.

"Gan...guro..?" Ani asked confused.

"She means Gyaru.." I sighed.

"O-Oh...and N-No! No, uhh...I'm not Japanese...N-Not even close ehh heh heh...I'm actually Polyne-"

"Oh! Have you been to Shiroishi?! Tashirojima?! Tsukuba?! What's it like there? Will you take me to Japan sometime to show me around? Pleeeaasee?" Baylee asked in excitement.

"Uhhh, well I mean I'd love to but...I don't- I mean I'm not-"

"Haaah!~ I can't believe I'm friends with a Japanese girl who's tan and seems like me!~" Baylee sighed with excitement.

[Oh nah, she can't get away with this!]

"Ehhh heh heh heh..." Ani chuckled with nervousness.

[Please...shut her bitch ass up before I do something about it! I can't take it anymore! I can't! I endured this shit for TWO FUCKING YEARS! SHE'S OFFICIALLY MADE ME LOSE MY MARBLES!]

"Hey look over here! Remember me doing this?" I said then got Baylee's attention. Ani looked at me and watched me do Naruto hand signs for a Chidori and grabbed my wrist then lightning surrounded my hand.

"Oh-em-gee!!~ Shiro!~ My Kareshi!~" Baylee hurried to me and hugged me and giggled.

I made sure to release the lightning before she hugged me. I gave a nervous chuckled and she let go of me. "Okay..okay.."

"You also know Shiro?" Ani asked.

"Yeah!~ Me and Shiro always watched anime and hentai together back at home!~" Baylee giggled.

Ani blushed and blinked. "O-Ohh...wow uhh..."

"Shirooo~" Baylee groaned and stomped her feet like a little kid. "Take me to Japan one day please?~ Pretty please?~"

"Alright, alright just shut up please. I'm getting a splitting headache..." I sighed.

"Ani!~ When we go to Japan you'll show me around right?~ Right?~" Baylee asked.

"Uh...Baylee, I'm trying to tell you that I've never been to Ja-"

"Haaah!~ I can't wait to go it's gonna be so fun!~" Baylee sighed with excitement.

"-pan...Ehh heh heh..." Ani nervously chuckled.

[Compatibility Detected - Baylee x Ani: 5% Compatibility]

'Let a meteor hit me please..' I thought to myself.

"Well since you two are here, would you two like to go on a date?" I asked.

"Sure~ I wouldn't be polite to accept such an offer from a person like you..~ Where did you have in mind?~" Ani asked sweetly.

[Aquarium: Compatibility Increase]

[Gift Shop: Compatibility Increase]

[Erotica Mall: Ani and Baylee Bond Percentage Increase]

"Let's do the Aquarium. I actut wanna see what kind of fish they have in the area." I said.

"Okie dokie~ Let's go~" Ani giggled.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Aquarium

Time: Afternoon

We made it to the Aquarium and the three of us walked in. Baylee looked around in awe, I was quite surprised to see how large the aquarium was as well. It was even larger and had more to see than the Destiny Island Aquarium.

"This place is very nice..~ I love it here as I come here almost every time when I'm on break..~" Ani said then walked ahead. "C'mon I can show you around~"

"That'll be great~" I smiled.

Ani began to show me and Baylee around the Aquarium and tell us facts about each fish there was in the Aquarium. She was very knowledgeable about the different kinds of fish and I even learned something new about the different fish. Baylee was in complete awe, she loved the fish. Like Chloe, I basically had to keep Baylee in check.

Ani loved touring us around the Aquarium. I could tell it wasn't everyday that Ani gets to show anyone around and show off her knowledge. She felt really good about herself and felt so free.

Baylee pointed at the different fish and expressed her amazement. We soon made it to the dolphin area where the dolphin show was being held. We sat in the crowd and began to watch the dolphin show. Ani and Baylee were both excited as they watched with anticipation and glee.

Twenty minutes pass and the show was over then we left the stands.

"Did you see the dolphin do like ten flips in the air before diving back down in the water? It was so sugoooiiii!~" Baylee giggled.

"It was really cool..~ The dolphins seems to have a really good trainer..~" Ani giggled softly.

"Hey Ani? Can I ask you something?~" Baylee asked.

"What's up?" Ani looked at Baylee.

"Would it be okay to show me your Omanko?~" Baylee asked.

"My what?" Ani asked in confusion.

"Omanko~ You don't know what an Omanko is?~" Baylee asked.

"N-No I don't know what it means.." Ani said shyly. "Do you know what she means?"

I whispered the meaning in Ani's ear.

Ani blushed and her entire face began to show a bright red. "W-What? You wanna see it here..? W-Why?"

"Come on~ I heard every woman looks different, I wanna see yours~" Baylee smiled.

"B-But what if we get caught..? I'd get fired.." Ani said nervously.

"Awww...hmph!" Baylee pouted.

Ani sighed and looked down. "Okay, I'll show you really quickly.."

I stopped Ani. "You don't have to succumb to Baylee. Baylee is as reckless as the Krystal from two years ago."

"R-Right.." Ani chuckled nervously. She looked at her phone to check the time. "I should go...I need to be back at the Hotel..~ I had fun you two~"

"We did too. I'll see you around..~" I said.

Ani nodded and hurried off.

[Date Successful]

[Baylee x Ani Compatibility rose to 13%]

Baylee's phone began to ring as she got a call from Blanche. "Okay!~ I'll be right there~" Baylee said then hung up.

"Gotta go?" I asked.

"Mhm! Miss Delsarte needs me~ I'll see you later, Shiro~" Baylee said then ran off.

I watched her and smiled. Even though Baylee was slightly...well annoying as fuck, she was attractive in a weird kind of way. I liked her so...

I decided to find a new location to go to and try to get another date in.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Airport

Time: Evening

"Shit I knew I dropped my key card here.." A woman said then bumped into me. She stumbled backwards and grunted lightly. "Sorry about that! I- Oh, Shiro! It's you. Remember me? I'm Monika."

[Monika has been registered]

Name: Monika Davidson

Age: 27

Birthday: June 19th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Mixed [Black and White]

Height: 5 Feet 5 Inches

Weight: 121 lbs

Bond Percentage: 56%

Status: Friends With Benefits

Education: College [Bachelor's Degree]

Occupation: Fashion Designer, Model, Actress

Most Desirable Trait(s): Flirtation, Romance, Talent

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Normal

Favorite Food: Breakfast Foods, Fruits

Favorite Drink: Coffee, Cocktails

Favorite Gifts: Sporting Gifts, Fashion Gifts, Baking Gifts

"Hey Monika, what's the rush?" I asked.

"I dropped my key card here at the airport and I need to find it so I can get inside of my room." Monika said.

"Ahh, well allow me to find it for you." I said then began looking.

"It blends in well with the-"

"Found it." I said then bent down and picked it up.

"Floor. How the hell did you find it so quickly?" Monika asked and watched me.

"Well, with eyes like mine, it's easy to spot the things that look out of place or spot things even if they blend in well." I chuckled. "Enhanced Vision..~"

"Y-You two! What are you two doing at the airport at this time?" A woman asked.

I looked at the woman and checked out her appearance. She was wearing her work clothes which was security clothing. She has a sexy, curvy body with a tan complexion. Her hair was black and her eyes had a soft shade of pink. She also wore blue eyeliner. I could sense the immeasurable amounts of lust in this woman. This woman was incredibly hot as well...I mean crazy hot like I'd fuck her now then ask her name never kind of hot.

Lust-E began beeping.

"My bad Raita, I sorta dropped my key card. I'm headed back to the hotel." Monika said.

[Raita has been registered]

Name: Raita Mona

Age: 25

Birthday: September 19th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Arabian

Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches

Weight: 129 lbs

Bond Percentage: 0%

Status: Strangers

Education: Unknown

Occupation: Security Guard, Cam girl

Most Desirable Trait(s): Lust, Passion

Least Desirable Trait(s): Romance

Libido: Immeasurably High

Favorite Food: Desserts, Pineapples

Favorite Drink: Milk

Favorite Gifts: Sex Toys, Kinky Gifts

"H-Hold on...You two m-might be up to something suspicious...I need you to come with me for a uh...full...body search..." Raita said.

"Come on, give me a break...I'm tired. I was at a shoot all day so can you give me a freebie this go around?" Monika sighed.

"A-Alright, f-fine just this once though.." Raita said.

"Thanks, have a good night." Monika smiled and walked off and waved goodbye.

"You might need to check me.." I said.

"R-Really..?" Raita asked and felt her heart skip a beat.

"Yeah...I've been reported for having a deadly weapon hidden somewhere..~" I said then crossed my arms.

"Sir, you need to come on me- I mean with me- I mean at me- I mean walk with me to my...uh office room..." Raita said with a slight lecherous smile on her face.

I smirked back and followed her to her office. She closed and locked the door behind us. I looked at her and noticed her slightly panting. She was so horny that she didn't know what to do with herself.

"O-Okay...~ Where was the weapon reported to be at on you..?~" Raita asked.

"In my pants, officer..~" I chuckled lightly.

[Raita's Bond Percentage rose to 19%]

"I guess...I should take it out of your pants...and.." She paused and gulped then let out a bit of a lewd chuckle. "Inspect it as well..~"

"By all means...do as you wish..~" I chuckled.

Raita walked to me and reached for my belt and slowly unbuckled it then unbuttoned my pants then heard a knock on the door.

"Officer Raita! You better not be masturbating or searching another guest in there! You've conducted 30 searches already! That's enough you don't need to overdo it!" A male officer said.

"Uh! No Officer Gray! I am not searching anyone or masturbating! I'm looking for my uhh...bra!" Raita said then facepalmed.

"Yeah, I'm unlocking the door and coming in." Officer Gray said.

I placed my finger on Raita's lip then quickly hid under her desk. She sat in chair on her desk and unlocked it then went to Google Docs and began to type in random shit.

Officer Gray opened the door and looked around then noticed Raita at the computer. He rose an eyebrow and noticed what she was typing. "God, I'll never understand you Raita...leave the door unlocked alright? Last time you locked yourself in here and we don't need another incident like that alright?"

"Y-Yessir.." Raita said.

Officer Gray left her office and closed the door.

Raita made a soft sound when she felt me touch her thigh. She rolled back in the chair and looked under the desk at me. "We...we shouldn't do this. Not here anyway..~ You should get out of here before you get caught..~"

"Yeah..~" I said then crawled from under her desk.

"What's your name by the way?" She asked.

"Shiro Moji.." I smiled.

"My name is Raita Mona..~ If you need me, you know where to fine me..~" Raita smiled.

I nodded and left the office then hurried out of the airport and back to the hotel before any of the security spotted me.

Day: Wednesday

Location: My Hotel Room

Time: Evening

"Alright...That security officer is a baddy like she's managed to make me horny from being in her presence.." I said.

"As much as I wanna help you crank it out, you'll have to get that assistance from Lust-E but yeah I sensed that shit..." Lustie said and smiled.

"I'm gonna call it a night for now, but I'm gonna go a little harder tomorrow~" I smiled.

"You better~" Lustie smiled.

I nodded and laid on my bed and prepared to head to sleep.