
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Night of the Rebels *

Day: Thursday

Location: My House

Time: Morning

I sat up and looked beside me the noticed Ashley and Lustie laying on both sides of me. Ashley made a soft noise and rolled on her side, grabbing my arm. She pulled me closer to her and mumbled. Lustie groaned and pulled me toward her.

"Hey...he's my boyfriend...stop pulling him..." Ashley groaned softly then pulled me again.

"He's..my husband..! He's mine before yours.." Lustie said then pulled me toward her once again.

I looked at the two then noticed them sit up. "Uh ladies.." I started.

Ashley rubbed her eyes then looked at Lustie with distaste. "Who the hell are you..?"

"I would ask the same question if I didn't already know you." Lustie said.

Ashley looked at Lustie then a sudden realization hit her. She looked at Lustie with a surprised face and babbled in shock. Her face turned a bit blue then she pointed at Lustie. "Aren't you his guardian?!"

Lustie looked at Ashley then blinked twice. "Eh..? You...can see me..?"

"Uh yes!" Ashley nodded quickly.

Lustie sighed and reached her hand out.

I stopped her. "Whoa there. A bit impulsive aren't you? I'm sure she's not gonna tell anyone...right?"

Ashley was still surprised and under the impression that I was sleeping with my legal guardian.

"Alright let's get into introductions. Ashley, this is Lustie. She isn't my legal guardian as my guardian is in America and well over my comfortable dating age. I max out at 40 maybe 42 depending on the woman. But Lustie is well...as you can see...A demon." I said.

"Like...a Succubus?" Ashley asked.

"Exactly." I said then nodded. "Lustie here...is indeed my wife, but! But but but...even when married we have agreed that I can date other women aaaand saying this out loud makes me sound crazy as hell huh...and a total dick."

"I mean yeah...kinda." Ashley said. "But...unlike Mark, you actually do respect us so I don't mind that you're dating other women..~ I'm sure it's all casual?"

"Yeah. No commitment or anything like that so it's all casual dating. I'd feel wrong getting into any serious relationship with anyone of you, I don't wanna hurt you all." I said.

"I completely understand that..~ I've decided to keep it casual too, but I've decided to stick with you since you do make me the happiest." Ashley smiled.

I smiled back then got out of bed and grabbed Lust-E. "Let's get ready, got a long day ahead of us now..~"

Ashley nodded and got out of bed as well. "Oh Lustie, do you...have any clothes I can borrow?"

Lustie snapped her fingers and a new pair of clothes appeared on the bed for Ashley. "There~ Something that fits your style."

"Thank you." Ashley smiled.

[Ashley's Unique Traits Registered]

Rebellious: Ashley will often times do what she thinks is right and will tell it like it is. Agree with her and do what she likes will drastically raise her Affection Meter. She's also very reckless as this trait is always active.

Allergies: Taking her anywhere there are flowers and candles will drain her stamina and will lower her Affection Meter by a lot.

Very Emo and Edgy: Quite emotional, not to the extent of Hypersensitivity, but to the state of slight bipolar disorder. Honestly just a big hug will be enough to raise her Bond Percentage and Affection Meter. She also really likes emo, edgy, and bad guys.

I nodded and set Lust-E down then picked out some clothes so I could get ready for the day, along with Ashley.

After we got ready, we headed downstairs and I grabbed my keys. We said goodbye to Lustie and left through the garage. We got in my car then I opened the garage door with a button then I drove off, closing the garage door behind me.

"Hey Shiro..? Can I tell you a secret?" Ashley asked and looked at me.

"Of course. What's up?" I asked.

"I haven't told anyone this, but I don't actually have a good relationship with my parents." Ashley said.

"Tell me about it." I said.

"You don't either?" She asked.

"I'm sure my reason will be different from yours but overall no I don't have a good relationship with my actual parents. Never did." I said.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 16%]

[Ashley's Bond Percentage rose to 81%]

"Well my parents both hated how I would never 'be like the other girls'. I was never able to be myself. It was specifically my mom and Asian moms don't fuck around especially Korean moms. My dad...I guess me and him had a decent relationship until my mom came into the picture. He showed me how to play the guitar and showed me some of my favorite alternative rock bands. I moved out with my brother and after the little party incident...he kinda never lets me go out anymore but it's just so boring. My family just is very boring. Vance wonders why I sneak out so much, maybe if he didn't treat me like a Disney Princess I wouldn't have to get scratches on my arms and legs whenever I jump out the window." Ashley sighed. "Sorry for ranting."

"No no, rant all you like. I'm here to listen to what's deep inside of your heart." I said.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 28%]

[Ashley's Bond Percentage rose to 89%]

Ashley smiled then began to talk about the problems she's been facing on campus with a girl who seemingly hates her. She also began to talk about her deepest feelings regarding herself. She doesn't necessarily hate herself but she also doesn't truly love herself. She talked about the issues her and Jessica had. Jessica doesn't seem to like Ashley much, but they are working it out.

After listening to her problems, I wanted to try and help her resolve some of her issues.

Day: Thursday

Location: Cinnamon's Cafe

Time: Morning

I parked my car and got out then we walked inside of the cafe. We got our table and already knew what we wanted. We ordered our drinks and meal then began talking with one another.

"Hey...so there's this graveyard that I hang out at in the nighttime sometimes..maybe we can hang out there, and just chill under the moonlight..?~" Ashley smiled.

"Really? I don't know.." I said then crossed my arms, sitting back in my seat.

"What..? Are you scared..?~ Is the big bad Shiro scared of a little graveyard..?~" Ashley teased.

I rose an eyebrow and sat forward then smirked. "Me? Scared? After taking a bullet for you, stopping an entire gang, and breaking into your house to get you out?~ Yeah, I'm terrified. Shiver me timbers~"

[Ashley's Affection rose to 37%]

[Ashley's Bond Percentage rose to 94%]

Ashley giggled softly and reached over to me and pinched my nose gently. "I knew you'd say yes after that..~ I'll invite Jessica over to the graveyard too since she really likes the graveyard as well. And I'll make sure we'll have some fun while we are there..~"

"Fine by me." I smiled and shrugged.

She nodded and pulled out her phone and began to text Jessica where to meet us later tonight. The waiter came back with our food and drinks then set them down. Ashley and I began to eat breakfast and talk more about our plans for the day before the graveyard date.

After eating and paying for the meal, we got up and left the cafe then went back to my car. We got in and I drove off.

Day: Thursday

Location: Musical Universe

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car and we got out then Ashley looked at where we were.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 48%]

"Holy shit, you actually brought me here? I love this place! I wish my past few dates brought me here but they didn't." Ashley rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Well unlike your other dates, I actually know what you like." I said and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

Ashley giggled and held my hand. "And this is why you're the only guy I'd actually kiss and have sex with..~ Let's go in~"

I nodded then we walked toward the building together and walked inside. Ashley looked at all the instruments with excitement. She loved anything band and music related.

"You can get whatever you want here and however many you want. I can cover it." I said.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 57%]

"Really? Okay!" She said excitedly.

I let her go and she wandered around the building looking at all of the guitars and listened to the music and nodded her head to the music. She hummed the lyrics as she knew the lyrics. I watched her and smiled. As she looked around, she noticed Jessica and looked a bit surprised.

"Jess!" Ashley called out to Jessica.

Jessica looked at us and scoffed then walked toward us. The guy she was with looked over at us. "What are you two metalheads doing here?"

"Funny you call us metalheads when you're looking at the same shit we're looking at." I chuckled and crossed my arms.

[Jessica's Bond Percentage rose to 18%]

"Hmph! Whatever." Jessica said then brushed her hair behind her ear, lightly blushing.

[Yeah...she's into you.]

Jessica looked at the guitars then at her date. "Hey! Come over here!"

The guy walked over to her and looked at her. "What's up..?"

"Can you afford this guitar or no?" Jessica asked.

The guy and I looked at the price of the guitar. The guitar was a black guitar with blue and purple flames and a warlock body. It was $9,100. I looked back at the guy and he looked at Jessica. He scratched the side of his face.

"Uhm...not really.." He said.

"Really?" Jessica said then looked at me. "How about you, Mr. Twenty Grand?"

"Yeah, I can afford it, but why would I buy it for you?" I asked and crossed my arms.

[Jessica's Affection rose to 20%]

"Huuuh..? Who ever said anything about you buying shit for me?" Jessica rolled her eyes.

"You wouldn't ask if you didn't want it." I said then placed my hands in my jacket pockets. I looked at Ashley. "You want this guitar?"

"Mhm!" Ashley smiled.

Jessica glared then looked at me. She watched an employee walk over to me.

"Two of these Limited Edition Azure Devil Electic Guitars. One for her and another for my friend here." I said.

Jessica looked surprised and watched me pull out my credit card. She stammered over her words with shock and blushed. "Are you serious?"

"What do you not want one after all?" I asked.

"Now hold on! I didn't say I didn't want one, just surprised you'd...buy me one." Jessica said.

I shrugged and smiled. Ashley smiled as well and looked at Jessica. Jessica placed a hand on her hip and looked away.

We made our way to the front desk and after making the payment, the employee gave me my card back then went to the back to get two of the Limited Edition Azure Devil Electic Guitars. They came back to the front and handed it to me then I thanked the employee and Ashley and I headed out the building.

"Hey! Wait up!" Jessica said.

We stopped and looked back at Jessica. She caught up to us and panted, holding her knees. I walked toward her and held her shoulder.

"You good?" I asked.

"Yeah...yeah...just my Asthma and I get fatigued easily...such a nuisance...makes me wanna kill myself sometimes." Jessica said then stood up.

"What's up? Why'd you run after us? I was gonna drop this off at your hotel." I said.

"Because, I just ended my date early and wanted to join you two. I know me and Ashley aren't on the best terms, but I can endure her." Jessica said then looked at Ashley.

I looked at Ashley. "Well?"

"I don't mind." Ashley shrugged and smiled.

I nodded and the three of us walked to my car. Ashley and Jessica began chatting as they walked together to my car. I put their guitars in my trunk then we got in and I drove off.

Day: Thursday

Location: Destiny Hills

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car and we got out then noticed a huge concert preparing to happen. Jessica and Ashley looked at me.

"You got tickets for this band?" Ashley asked, surprised.

"Pfft. Nope. We're gonna sneak in." I said.

[Ashley's Affection rose to 62%]

"Okay, like...how? There's like security everywhere and if we get caught I might like, kill you personally." Jessica said.

I smirked. "Don't worry. I got this.."

Ashley and Jessica looked at each other then followed me to the concert area. We began to slither our way through the guards and with the help of Lust-E, we made it through the security without getting caught and enjoyed our free concert.

"Okay, now that was on some like Metal Gear Infiltration shit and that was pretty cool." Jessica smiled.

"Yeah, where'd you learn to stealth like that?" Ashley asked.

"I can't remember but I learned when I was younger." I chuckled.

"What's up everybody! Are you ready for our next song?!" The band leader yelled into the mic. The crowd cheered loudly and chanted the band name. "Let's get this party started!"

The song started then Ashley and Jessica began cheering with the crowd. I cheered along with them even though I didn't know the band personally, but I loved the sound of their music.

We spend the next two hours at the concert, enjoying the music and the food they had there. Ashley and Jessica definitely enjoyed themselves and even grew closer to each other by bonding over music. They both loved metal and punk music and it really showed with the way they were cheering at the concert.

We soon left the concert and headed back to my car to head to our final destination.

Day: Thursday

Location: Reaper's Graveyard

Time: Nighttime

I parked my car and noticed how much darker it was in this area than it was elsewhere. We got out of the car and Ashley and Jessica chuckled softly.

"You see...the graveyard is usually closed by this time, but...I know a secret entrance and I only know about this entrance." Ashley said then began leading us to the secret entrance.

"Getting scared there, Shiro..? You're falling behind..~" Jessica teased.

I looked in the graveyard and heard the voiced of the dead with my Clairaudience. I held my head and grunted then turned off my Clairaudience as the voiced began to get louder.

"You okay there..? Shiro?" Jessica asked and noticed me shaking.

Ashley stopped and looked at me. They both walked to me. I held my arms then as they got closer to me I scared them by jumping at them. They screamed and hugged each other and their faces turned white.

I laughed and pointed at them. "You two scaredy cats actually thought I was scared? I live and had sex with a demon, got exposed on social media, and sacrificed my life on multiple occasions. I'm no longer scared of anything."

"Y-You asshole!" Jessica yelled.

"I can't believe you scared us like that..! I nearly pissed myself..!" Ashley whined.

I chuckled and caressed their cheeks. "My bad, but I had to do it."

"W-Whatever!" Jessica stuttered and blushed.

Ashley let go of Jessica and Jessica let go of Ashley then Ashley led us toward the secret entrance. We entered the graveyard then Ashley led us to the place where she always hung out at in the graveyard.

"Here we are..~" Ashley said then sat down on the ground beside a tree.

"This place is away from the graves. This is lame." Jessica said.

"Well..." Ashley said then looked at the graves. "I actually respect the spirits of this place. I don't wanna do what I want here on the graves..~"

"What do you mean?" I asked and sat down.

Jessica sat down as well then watched Ashley pull out a bottle. "Spin the bottle..?"

"Yeah..~ We can get really creative since the Grave Keeper isn't here. She isn't the nicest old lady so she won't approve of this...but we aren't gonna play the little baby rules..we are gonna go all the way..~ Only naughty questions and dares..~" Ashley smiled.

"Shit...fine by me." Jessica shrugged.

I smiled and shrugged. "Let's go."

"I'll go first." Ashley said then set the empty bottle on the ground then spun it around. It landed on Jessica. "Jessica~ Truth or dare?~"

"Dare. I only pick dares." Jessica said.

Ashley smirked. "I dare you to make Shiro horny right now."

Jessica blushed and looked at me then at Ashley. "What..?"

"A dare's a dare." Ashley smirked.

Jessica gulped and crawled over to me then began to kiss my neck and rub the crotch of my pants. I closed my eyes then tilted my head. She slowly licked my neck and moaned softly in my ear, which turned me on a bit. Jessica felt my boner then looked surprised. She gripped my boner gently then looked at it.

"Whoa..." She said then went back to her spot quickly, blushing. "Okay like I'm done...do it's my turn right?"

Ashley chuckled. "Mhm..~"

Jessica spun the bottle and it landed on me. "Uhm...truth or dare?"

"Truth." I said to see what she was gonna say.

"Pussy." Jessica started.

Let's be honest, did you honestly believe she was gonna ask the question without an insult for saying Truth?

"Anyway. How many women have you had sex with?" Jessica asked.

"Eight." I answered.

"Whoa what?" Jessica asked in shock, blushing.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Jeez...with that monster in your pants I'm surprised you didn't kill one of them." Jessica said.

I chuckled and spun the bottle and it landed on Jessica. "Ah. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Jessica said.

"I dare you to touch Ashley wherever she wants." I smirked.

Ashley blushed and looked at Jessica. Jessica blushed then crawled over to Ashley. Ashley pulled up her shirt and exposed her breasts then Jessica groped her right tit then began to fondle it. Ashley began getting turned on by this and bit her bottom lip. Jessica finished fondling her breasts then sat back down in her spot then Ashley spun the bottle and it landed on me.

"Shiro..~ Truth or dare..?~" Ashley asked.

I could tell she was getting horny and was gonna ask a question to fuel her desire or make me do something to fuel it. Either way I couldn't escape it, not that I wanted to.

"Dare." I said.

"Mmnn..~ Take off your bottoms..~" Ashley said.

I looked at her then smirked then began to unbutton my pants then unzipped my pants and pulled them down with my boxers, allowing my erect shaft to stand up. Jessica looked at it and immediately felt her womanhood becoming wet.

Jessica slowly reached for the bottle and spun it. The bottle landed on Ashley then she blushed even more. "Truth...or dar-"

"Dare." Ashley quickly said.

"I dare you to...go jerk him off.." She said and watched Ashley crawl over to me.

Ashley wrapped her hand around my cock then began to stroke it up and down. She bit her bottom lip gently as she stroked my cock. Jessica watched and couldn't resist touching herself. Ashley kissed my lips as she jerked me off. I kissed back and felt her jerking me off faster. Jessica crawled her way over to us then removed Ashley's hand from my cock then engulfed my dick in her mouth. She couldn't help herself as she began to suck my dick.

Ashley pulled away from the kiss and looked at Jessica and smirked. She raised her shirt and allowed me to touch her breasts. I let out soft moans as Jessica bobbed her head faster. I sucked on Ashley's breast and she reached in her leggings and panties then began to finger herself. She moaned softly and closed her eyes.

I gripped Jessica's head and made her suck faster. She moaned as she sucked and slurped. She had her hand in her pants, fingering herself as well. She used her other hand to raise her shirt and expose her breasts. I rose Jessica's head and Ashley took her turn then began to bob her head quickly.

Jessica fell back then pulled her pants and panties down, and began to finger herself quickly as she watched Ashley give me a blowjob. She panted and moaned softly from the sexual pleasure.

I panted and gripped Ashley's hair tightly and made her take more of my length in her mouth. Ashley gently squeezed my balls as she sucked me off. I moaned and watched her pull her head up and stroked my cock quickly.

"Ugh..~ Give it to me..~ Hurry..~" Ashley softly moaned then opened her mouth.

I grunted softly as I shot my cum in her mouth and on her face. Jessica came and squirted the moment I came and covered her mouth to prevent herself from moaning too loudly. Ashley enjoyed the cumshot and smirked then stopped stroking me. She swallowed my cum and giggled softly.

[Ashley's Bond Percentage rose to 100%]

[Girlfriend Status Reached]

[Achievement Unlocked: 100% Ashley]

[Reward: Ashley's Charm (Added to Hidden Inventory)]

[Credi Earned: 10,000]

[Jessica's Bond Percentage rose to 29%]

"We didn't play long before the horniness kicked in.." Ashley giggled then watched me put my pants back on.

"It's your fault..." Jessica panted and pulled up her panties and pants.

"Hey..~ This was a nice and quiet spot to do it. I didn't want to go to your hotel or mine or Shiro's house..~" Ashley giggled.

I sat up and heard some keys jingling. "Sounds like the Grave Keeper is here. We better get out of here."

The two nodded and I stood up then helped Jessica up. We left the graveyard and headed back to my car then got in and drove off.

I dropped off Jessica first then dropped Ashley off at her house. I drove back home and knew I only had three more women to go before I could focus all of my attention on Lustie.