
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Escape The Gang Battle

Day: Wednesday

Location: Sanctuary Lake Neighborhood

Day: Afternoon

"Shiro." Lustie grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. "Listen, you aren't ready enough for this so that's why I'm gonna allow you to get to Level 10 on all stats. That way, not only are you Peak Human Condition, but you will also have an upper hand in this mess. Your stamina is still limited and you can only take so much damage before your stamina runs low so just be careful."

I nodded then took Lust-E out of my pocket. "If you are sensing this much danger then it must be serious.."

[All Traits Level 10!]

[Peak Human Condition Obtained!]

[Achievement Unlocked: Physical Prime]

[Credi Earned: 5000]

"Alright. Let's do this!" I said then walked forward.

"Not yet!" Lustie called out and I stopped then turned around to look at her.

"What is it this time? Naomi is in trouble and I'm the only one who can actually save her." I said.

Lustie summoned a pistol that had a red grip and a black barrel. She summoned another pistol and handed them to me with a waist gun holster. She snapped her fingers and changed my outfit. I was now wearing a traditional black assassin jacket over a red hoodie and a black base layered shirt with black jeans and black boots.

"Now you're ready." Lustie smiled.

I nodded and put on the gun holster around my waist then holstered my two pistols then turned around. "Let's save Naomi from this situation."

I ran ahead and used my Clairempathy to track down Naomi. Lustie followed me in her tiny demon form. I looked around and heard yelling in the distance then looked ahead, seeing two separate organizations fighting 20 feet away. I hurried over to the two organizations and they noticed me.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?" One guy asked.

"You look like you don't belong here, wrong turn chump?" Another guy asked.

I used my Clairempathy to sense where Naomi was and looked at the large three story house. I ran towards the house and heard a few guys running towards me. I ducked one of their attacks then elbowed the guy's stomach. He groaned and stumbled backwards.

"I'm here for Naomi. She asked me for help and I'm gonna get to her one way or another." I said then looked at the gang members.

"Naomi? You're one of us? We are a part of Naomi's gang called Karma! If you're here by her request then we will happily protect you while you find her." A Karma Gang member said.

I nodded then ran off to find Naomi.

[Karma's Respect grew to 7%]

I jumped over the brick wall and landed in the backyard of the three story house. I hurried to the backdoor and turned the doorknob, noticing it was unlocked. I walked into the house then hurried upstairs hearing some crashing and thumping.

Naomi grunted as she punched one of the guys in the face. She pushed him against the wall and panted. She dodged another guy's attack then punched his stomach and pushed him away from herself. She kicked one of the other guys away from herself then backed up against the wall.

"Heh...I knew my own ex boyfriend would try to attack me at my weakest. Fucking Syndicates...The bastard doesn't have the courtesy of letting me recover from a hangover.." Naomi said and looked at the three Syndicate Gang members.

I ran up the stairs then burst into the room. The three looked at me and one of them rushed over to me. I dodged his punch then punched his stomach, causing him to cough up a little blood. I gripped his shirt and pushed him against his ally then dodged another attack then turned around, punching the guy's face. The guy groaned then fell to his knees and was out cold.

"Ryan! You fucker!" One of his friends yelled and ran towards me.

He went for a quick jab, but I caught his fist and glared at him. He tried to pull away, but I pulled him towards met then punched his face and he groaned before passing out. I let his body fall to the floor. The third guy looked at his ally then back at me. He backed away from me and began to slowly hyperventilate.

"Stay away from me!" He yelled and pulled out his gun.

I kept walking toward him. He fired multiple bullets at me and I avoided each bullet then ran towards him and grabbed his face and slammed his head against the wall. Blood splattered against the wall and I released his face and let him slowly slide down against the wall.

Naomi looked at the three and looked at me. I crouched down in front of her then moved her hair from her face.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah...you came right on time.." Naomi smiled and looked into my eyes.

[Naomi's Bond Percentage rose to 62%]

I smiled back at her then picked Naomi up and carried her bridal style. She held onto me and watched me open the window.

"Wait- What are you doing?!" Naomi asked surprised.

"Getting you out of here, obviously you need my help and I'm gonna give you that help. Now hold on tight." I said.

"We can always just take the stairs!" Naomi squeaked then squealed loudly when I jumped out of the window.

I leaped a far distance then landed on the ground and the two gangs looked at us. They noticed Naomi in my arms and Karma looked relieved.

[Karma's Respect rose to 16%]

I set Naomi down and she looked at the Syndicates. She grunted lightly and held her side. I looked at her and gently moved her hand then noticed a bullet wound on her side.

"She's wounded men! Kill her now!" A member of the Syndicates yelled then the others charged forward.

"Protect Naomi at all costs!" The Karma members yelled and charged forward.

"How did this even happen?" I asked and looked at Naomi.

"Who would've guessed Jake was a part of the Syndicates? Funny enough Karma and Syndicates used to be very close, but after I broke up with Axel, things changed for the worst." Naomi chuckled and watched her gang fight the other gang. "My ex boyfriend heard the news of what happened and attacked me when I least expected it. Fucking coward.."

I sighed softly and looked ahead at the two gangs. "Can you still operate?"

"Yeah...it's just a little bullet wound." Naomi smiled and nodded.

"Good...because we are winning this gang battle then I'm getting you out of this." I said.

Naomi nodded then we ran ahead and Naomi yelled. I dodged multiple attacks from the enemy gang then began to strike them down one by one. I dodged a bullet then kicked the gun out of the guy's hand then gripped his neck and slammed him to the ground. I stomped on his face and smashed his head into the ground.

"This guy is a total beast! And he's friends with Naomi? This seems like an easy win for us!" A Karma member said then rallied.

[Karma's Motivation has increased to 50%]

[Karma's Respect rose to 29%]

Naomi yelled as she fought off the Syndicates. She punched one guy in the face then pushed him against another then took out her gun and shot the guy in his head then watched their bodies drop. She panted and held her side.

I looked at Naomi and noticed her looking very fatigued. "How long has this been going on..?" I asked then hurried over to Naomi then dodged a bullet from behind. My eyes widened as I saw another bullet from behind.

"Got him!" A Syndicate member celebrated.

"Shiro!" Naomi said worried.

I lowered my head and spit out the bullet. I smirked and looked up. "My turn." I said then unholstered my pistols then ran forward towards the Syndicate member.

"Fire!" The Syndicate member yelled.

Multiple bullets came my way and I dodged each of the bullets then spun around a bullet and stopped then aimed at the Syndicate member's head and fired a bullet at his head and he looked surprised then fell to his knees.

"Who is this guy..? He just dodged every bullet.." One Syndicate member said in awe and despair.

"Is this guy Batman's son or something? Where did this guy come from..?" Another Syndicate member backed away.

I holstered my guns then smirked. "Is that all you've got..?!"

The Syndicate members looked at me then yelled and charged directly towards me. I fended off the Syndicate members one by one and began to take them down one by one. Naomi watched me in awe and heard a motorcycle riding up.

I dodged multiple bullets from an uzi submachine gun. I jumped out of the way of the motorcycle and slid backwards. I looked up and noticing Adam. He aimed his gun at me and glared.

"You again...You seem to always be in the way of something. How about you not stick your nose in everything, maybe you'll be safer that way." Adam said.

I chuckled and moved my hair from my eyes then hopped up and down then rolled my shoulders and neck. "Yeah, maybe if you didn't attack Naomi...I wouldn't be here right about now, saving her."

Adam got off his motorcycle and set his gun down. He cracked his knuckles and glared at me. "Maybe another beat down would teach you a lesson and this time, I'm killing you."

I looked at Adam and smirked. "Bring it."

I ran towards him and spun around then jumped, going for a roundhouse kick. He blocked the kick and grunted. I landed on my feet and walked backwards.

"Fuck that one hurt...How did you get this strong in a matter of a day..? Gotta be the work of steroids or something.." Adam said and rubbed his wrist.

"Adrenaline is the key!" I said then ran towards him again.

Adam got in his fighting position and went for a quick jab, in which I dodged then jabbed his face and punched his stomach, following it up with a right hook. Adam groaned and stumbled backwards.

"Adam is losing the fight..? That shouldn't be possible! He's one of the big dogs of Syndicate." A Syndicate member said in disbelief.

[Stamina has fallen to 63%]

"Wrap this up, Shiro. You don't have unlimited stamina...Get Naomi out of here..!" Lustie said.

I nodded and watched Adam run towards me and throwing a barrage of punches at me. I dodged each punch then punched Adam's stomach with all my might then he groaned and threw up blood. I uppercut his chin and he fell back and hit his head on his motorcycle.

"Naomi let's go!" I called out to her and she nodded and hurried over to me.

"Retreat for now!" A Syndicate member bellowed and ran off. Their allies followed behind.

"He beat Adam! We have a chance!" A Karma member bellowed.

[Karma's Motivation rose to 80%]

[Karma's Respect rose to 53%]

I moved Adam out of the way then handed Naomi his SMG and she took it. I got on Adam's motorcycle and Naomi got on behind me. I started up the engine and drove off. I heard police sirens and my Precognition activated. I saw into the future then stopped the motorcycle and got off. I picked Naomi up bridal style and she held onto me.

"What are you doing?" Naomi asked.

"If we are caught we are going to jail, no question about it. I will not allow that." I said then ran ahead then jumped, leaping across the highway.

Naomi screamed and buried her face into my chest, to prevent herself from looking down. I landed on the ground and rolled forward. I groaned as I hit my back against the rail of the highway.

[Stamina has fallen to 48%]

Naomi looked at me and seeing my pained face. "Shiro.."

I used my clairaudience to hear motorcycles and voices.

"He went on I-76! I saw that mother fucker leap across the highway. He's like some Olympic Champion or something." One male said.

I slowly stood up and stumbled a bit. I jumped over the rail of the highway then ran off through the forest. Naomi kept a firm hold on me. She looked worried and looked ahead.

"How do you even have enough stamina to continue like this..? You jumped out of a three story house and landed like it was nothing, fought off over 35 men like they were toddlers, beat Adam swiftly, and even leaped across the highway, hitting your back on metal and even getting up with barely any scratches on your body...are you still even human..?" Naomi asked.

"I am still very much human. I'm just what they call Physical Prime. Human Perfection. I don't really show it much because why would I use it on normal everyday occasions. I'd rather use my abilities when I really need to." I said then entered downtown then hurried into an alleyway.

I set Naomi down and we sat against a wall. I looked at Naomi and smiled then Naomi looked at me and smiled. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

[Naomi's Bond Percentage rose to 78%]

[Reached Close Status]

"Where are we even..?" Naomi asked.

I pulled Lust-E out of my pocket and checked our location. "We are in Fugigami's Market Area...downtown of Destiny City."

"Damn we made it here pretty quickly. I'm just glad we are out of that whole situation..." Naomi smiled and closed her eyes.

I nodded and smiled then held her close to me. My Precognition activated and I looked surprised perceiving future events. "They find us..? But how..?"

I looked up and noticed a drone above us. "Naomi...Naomi..! We gotta go!"

Naomi opened her eyes and looked at me. "Why? Aren't we safe..?"

"No...we aren't!" I said then stood up and helped Naomi up then picked her up bridal style again. "They have a drone following us."

I ran off and Naomi help on tightly to me and looked behind us. She didn't see anyone behind us, but I heard the motorcycles.

[Stamina has fallen to 30%]

I grunted and jumped off the bridge. Naomi screamed and looked down seeing us heading straight for the ground. I landed on the ground and heard a slight crack and grunted loudly. I was still able to stand, but staggered a lot.

"That was 75 feet in the air that he just landed. What is this guy's durability..?" One of the three men that was following us asked.

I looked up at the bridge and noticed three guys, one with purple hair and purple eyes, one with red hair and blue eyes, and a third who seemed to be the leader of the Syndicates, Axel. He had brown hair with red highlights that extended down to the base of his neck, lip piercings and multiple earrings on his ears. He had a dragon tattoo around his arm. His eyes were golden and he glared at me and Naomi.

"Get him and kill him. Bring Naomi back to me." Axel said.

"Yessir." One of the two men said.

"Gotcha." The other nodded then drove off on their motorcycles.

I lightly jogged away and panted softly. Naomi looked at me and let go of me.

"Let's stop here, you're obviously tired and can't go on for much longer. You can rest for a while. I'll cover for you." Naomi smiled.


She placed a finger on my lips and smiled. "No buts...just trust me. We are a long ways away from them so you can just take it easy."

I looked at her and sighed softly then set her down. I walked over to a tree and sat down and grunted lightly. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. "Naomi, why are you a gang leader to begin with..? Is this really how you want to live?"

"You think I enjoy living like this? I hate this as much as I hate my ex boyfriend. I hate him a lot." Naomi started then walked over to me and sat down beside me. "I grew up on this shit. I grew up not privileged like the other white kids. I grew up an orphan like my brothers and sisters. The difference between me and them is they got it together while I stayed with the gangs and bullets..."

"I can help you get out of this. It sucks that such a beautiful woman like you is stuck in something like this.." I said and looked at Naomi.

[Naomi's Bond Percentage rose to 82%]

Naomi smiled and cozied up against me and closed her eyes. "I'd like to get out of this and turn my life around."

I nodded and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "So who are those three who are following us?"

"The Purple Hair guy is named Lane Marshall, he is the third strongest member of the Syndicates. The Red Hair guy is named Sebastian Wren. He is the second strongest of the Syndicates. The guy with the brown hair and red highlights is my ex boyfriend, he is the leader of the Syndicates and still has strong feelings for me. He ordered the gang to just kidnap me. I was able to escape and that's when you came. I want him dead. If he dies, the Syndicates are no more." Naomi said.

"Dead huh..? I'll be able to do that for you. Once my stamina recovers, I'll be in top shape again." I said.

"I would hope so.." Naomi giggled softly. "Now let's rest up...we have a long fight or flight ahead of us."

I nodded and sighed softly.

[Recovery Mode activated. Peak Human Recovery and Regeneration Active]

[Time Until Fully Recovered: 5 Minutes]

Lustie transformed into a hawk and flew up onto a tree branch and landed on it. She began to scout for the three members of the Syndicates.

Twenty minutes pass and Lustie began to squawk loudly. Naomi and I woke up from our nap and groaned lightly. I heard the sounds of a motorcycle and woke up immediately. I stood up and went to pick Naomi up then dodged a bullet. Naomi heard the gunshot and woke up immediately as well.

Lane Marshall stopped in front of us and looked at us. He got off his motorcycle and wrapped white turf tape around his hands and arms. He fixed his back long jacket with a fur collar. He holstered his gun and looked at me and Naomi.

[That's Lane...He's fast and hits hard, but his stamina runs low very quickly. Handle him quickly and escape the area.]

I nodded and prepared myself for the fight against Lane.