
Destiny Harem Remastered

"Wait...You want me to what? Go on dates with who? I am literally just now starting college can this wait?! I'm only 19 years old! Allow me to at least ready myself for this! Being a virgin doesn't sound to bad right about now..." A "lucky" 19 year old male named Shiro Moji has been chosen to start his own harem with many women of different races and species! A truly momentous moment for him to finally escape his old virgin lifestyle and finally become a man! As he goes on dates, a tiny demon guide named Lustie, helps him keep track on how much affection each girl has and has other useful features! Join Shiro as he builds his very own harem with many different girls! -------------- This is the absolute remastered version of my most popular book, Destiny Harem. As I reread the first writing of Destiny Harem and began to continue to write different books to see how much I can improve, it's time to put it to the ultimate test by giving you all a way better Destiny Harem experience. There are better written characters and even new characters to see in the story! There are new backstories, better interactions, and overall a better Shiro! Please enjoy Destiny Harem Remastered!

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Early Christmas Present *

Day: Christmas Eve

Location: My House

Time: Morning

Lustie sat on top of me and placed her hands on my chest. She used her tail to poke my neck and I grunted then opened my eyes. She smiled and looked down at me. "It's Christmas Eve!~ Wake up!~"

"Come on...let me sleep in for a bit...Adrianna doesn't even wake up this early.." I said then placed my hands on her thighs, closing my eyes again.

"Yeah, but I wake up this early AND you have a promise to upkeep with Krystal so get your lazy butt up and go visit Krystal! I'm gonna be gone for today but I'll be here tomorrow, if you need me, just call me~" Lustie said then kissed my lips.

I kissed back and mumbled then opened my eyes, watching her teleport away. I looked at Lust-E. I took her from the nightstand then turned her on.

[Good morning, Shiro.]

"I'll never get used to your power saving mode. You're like...more human now." I said.

[I mean...yeah. I can also transform into a tiny Mecha girl.]

"Why don't you do it? It'll be nice to see your human form." I said.

[I don't do it because unlike Lustie, I can't really expose myself. If everyone knows that I'm a phone that magically has all of their information on it, do you think people would like that? Besides I like being a phone, I get to do things Lustie couldn't and you need you a phone.]

"Valid. Case closed, let's get ready to meet up with Krystal."


Day: Christmas Eve

Location: Destiny Hotel

Time: Morning

I walked towards the hotel and walked in then told the receptionist that I was going to visit Krystal. She told me the room number and I nodded, heading straight to the elevator. I took the elevator to the second floor. After reaching the second floor, I walked out of the elevator then headed straight for Krystal's room. I knocked on the door and waited. I heard slightly groaning and a tired voice saying that she was going to the door.

The door opened and Krystal looked at me then smiled. "Well...~ If it isn't the love of my life..~ Morning handsome..~"

"Good morning Krys~" I said.

"Come in, don't mind the clothes on the floor..~ I'll pick them up." Krystal said then yawned, stepping aside.

I walked in and walked ahead then sat down in the rolling chair next to the desk. "So, what are you up to today? Do you know what day it is today?~"

"Yeah, it's Christmas Eve..~" Krystal said, not sounding too excited for it. She walked to the bed near me and sat down, placing her hands on her lap. "It's been...I don't know...years since I last spent Christmas with my family. With Whitney, I'm not really too excited for Christmas despite it being my favorite holiday..~"

I looked at Krystal and smiled then rolled in the chair to get closer to her. I held her hands and she looked down at me. "I promise you...I am going to bring you and Whitney closer together than ever. I heard you and her were beginning to build a relationship and I want you two to hit it off perfectly. I'm sure there's some stores still opened, I can go help you pick out a gift for her for tomorrow..~"

"You'd really do that for me, baby..?~" Krystal asked.

I nodded and stood up then kissed her lips. She kissed back and gently squeezed my hands. I pulled away and placed my forehead on hers then smiled. "Get ready..~ I'll clean up around here for you..~"

"This...this is why I love you..~ You're so kind to me..." Krystal giggled softly.

"Mhm...I love you too.." I smiled then let go of her hands then walked off to pick her clothes up from the floor. "Now get ready~"

"Yes daddy~" Krystal chuckled and stood up to get some fresh clothes and other items from her luggage and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

I cleaned up swiftly and folded her clothes quickly then made the bed and straightened everything up. I was done within five minutes then sat down in the chair to wait for Krystal.

After waiting another ten minutes, Krystal walked out of the bathroom and looked around in surprise to see how clean the room was. "Wow, you work efficiently~"

"What can I say? I'm a bit of a neat freak. Sometimes." I chuckled.

Krystal smiled and set her dirty clothes in a large bag of her dirty clothes. "Well, shall we get going?~"

"Gladly." I smiled and stood up then walked to the door. I opened the door for her and she walked out the room first.

I walked out after her and we walked together to the elevator, chatting with one another. We rode down to the first floor and exited the elevator once it stopped. We walked outside the hotel to my car and I helped her in then got in and started it. I drove off to Twilight Plaza.

Day: Christmas Eve

Location: Twilight Plaza

Time: Morning

I parked my car and we got out then headed to the mall to check out the various stores. Krystal held my hand and I interlocked our fingers together. She smiled and we went inside the mall.

We began to check out the different stores to see what to get Whitney for tomorrow. Krystal wanted to get the perfect gift for Whitney and we didn't stop until she saw the perfect gift.

We walked into a jewelry store and Krystal noticed the perfect necklace for Whitney. She pointed at it and I walked to the store clerk and asked to buy the necklace. The store clerk nodded and got the necklace.

"Luckily for you sir, you're our 10 millionth customer so you get this necklace for free!" The store clerk said.

[Situational Synchronicity. You were in the right place at the right time.]

I smiled at the clerk. "Well lucky me huh?" .

He nodded and chuckled then packaged the necklace for me then placed it in the bag and gave it to me. I grabbed the bag then thanked him and Krystal and I left the store.

"Do you want anything from here?" I asked.

"I already have what I want..~ You..~" Krystal smiled and looked at me.

I chuckled wrapped my arm around her shoulder then she held my hand. We strolled around the mall for a bit before heading back out to the car. After heading to the car, Krystal began to feel nervous.

"This is a make it or break it moment...Not only is this the most important time of the year for us, but for Whitney as well. I don't want to embarrass her.." Krystal said.

"Don't worry, Krys~ You'll be fine." I smiled.

"You think so?" She asked.

"I know so. Literally." I chuckled.

She smiled and nodded then we got in the car. I drove off and headed to Chelsey's house.

Day: Christmas Eve

Location: Chelsey's House

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car in the driveway of Chelsey's house then we got out. I walked to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited. Krystal fixed her hair and straightened her clothes and looked a bit nervous.

"Relax..~" I chuckled and looked at Krystal.

"Okay...okay.." Krystal smiled.

Chelsey opened the door and smiled then hugged me. "Hey!~ Merry Christmas~"

"Merry Christmas to you too~" I chuckled.

Chelsey pulled away then quickly pecked my lips then let me in. She looked at Krystal and smiled. "Hey, Ms. Dawn. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Hun." Krystal smiled at Chelsey.

Chelsey let us in and closed the door behind us. She heard Adrianna rushing to the front.

Adrianna ran to me and giggled happily. "Hi Daddy!~"

I picked Adrianna up and chuckled. "Hey there, little one~ You excited about today and tomorrow?~"

"Mhm!" Adrianna giggled and held onto me.

"I didn't know you had a kid." Krystal said.

"Well she isn't really his daughter, she's mine, but he's taking on the father role for her~" Chelsey explained.

"Ahh~" Krystal nodded.

"Come have a seat, everyone is in the front." Chelsey smiled then playfully pinched Adrianna's cheek then walked ahead.

Krystal and I followed then we noticed the company. Aside from Whitney, Caroline, and Mariana, I was quite surprised to see Monika, Melissa, and Mark over at the house.

"Hey everyone." I greeted then put Adrianna down.

Everyone greeted back and I went to sit down in a chair.

"Hey everybody." Krystal waved.

"Mom! You're here?" Whitney said surprised.

"Yeah, I'm here~" Krystal chuckled.

Whitney stood up and walked over to her then hugged Krystal. Krystal was a bit surprised, but hugged back. Whitney let go of Krystal and smiled then led her over to the couch.

We all chatted and expressed our excitement for omorrow and told everyone all of the things we were planning. Soon I became the topic of discussion.

"So, Mr. Superhero." Monika smiled at me then crossed her arms.

I looked at Monika as I ate a cookie. "Mhm?"

"I hear the legends of your heroic deeds in Destiny Island. Stopping a gang war, saving my good friends from danger, saving Mark and Melissa, saving Chelsey from being kidnapped by her crazy ex boyfriend." Monika started.

Caroline looked at me then back at Monika. "He what?"

"Yeah...so I kinda got kidnapped while we were on our hiking date, but Shiro saved me. You should've seen him! He jumped like fifty feet in the air above the trees and scaled that entire hiking trail in ten minutes! He took on Michael like it was nothing and beat him it was amazing and surreal!" Chelsey said.

"Tell us your secrets~" Monika smiled.

"Some things are meant to stay a secret." I chuckled and crossed my arms then sat back in my seat.

"Oh?~ You've got me intrigued now. You've piqued my interest~ I'm usually not interested in most men, but I'm sure as hell interested in what you have in store..~" Monika smirked.

Mark looked at Monika then looked at me. "He is a strange dude for sure. Very determined. It's not a normal feat to beat people like Lane and his crew. He even met the Syndicates leader and beat her."

"He met Ruby and won? That woman is insanity!" Melissa said.

"Mommy, can you open this for me?" Adrianna asked as she brought a bottle of juice to Chelsey.

Chelsey smiled and opened the juice for Adrianna then heard the doorbell ring. She stood up and walked over to the door. She answered the door then noticed her mother at the door with some children. "Hey mom! I wasn't expecting you to come over..~"

"Yeah, I decided to bring the little ones to play with Adrianna and meet your new boyfriend. I heard a lot of good stuff about him." Chelsey's mom smiled. "I heard he was a real hombre encantador~"

Chelsey blushed. "He's a charmer alright..~"

Chelsey let her mother inside and the children in. Adrianna looked excited to see her cousins and they all immediately went upstairs to play. Chelsey's mom walked to the living room and greeted everyone then everyone greeted back. She looked at me and I looked at her then stroked my hair from my eyes. She blushed and looked at Chelsey.

"Okay, I didn't know you dated a model.." She said.

"Eh? He isn't a model mom." Chelsey laughed.

"He might as well be! He's...he's hot!" Her mom said.

"Alright, control yourself woman." Chelsey laughed.

Chelsey's mom walked to me and held her hand out. "Hello, my name is Jacqueline La Rosa..~ You must be the famous Shiro~"

"Ah nice to meet you, Ms. La Rosa and yes I am Shiro. Shiro Moji." I smiled.

[God, your charms work too good.]

Jacqueline laughed and looked at me blushing. "Just call me Jacqueline..~ By the way I'm singl-"

"Introductions are over!" Chelsey said and pulled Jacqueline away from me then made her sit down next to her. "Geez...you're 47 and still hitting on men my age?"

"Come on, he looks experienced~" Jacqueline chuckled.

"You'd be surprised." Krystal smiled.

"Oh? THE Krystal Dawn is here too?" Jacqueline asked.

"The one and only." Krystal smiled and held her hand out then Jacqueline shook her hand.

"It is an honor to be in your presence~" Jacqueline smiled.

"The honor is all mine.." Krystal smiled.

"You know my mom, Ms. La Rosa?" Whitney asked.

"She was in some of my favorite movies. A really good actor if I say so myself. She's really more than a pretty face who's widely known on the hub. It seems the men don't know her outside of her work~" Jacqueline said.

"I mean.." I said.

Krystal smiled and crossed one leg over the other.

"How about we get this party going?" Caroline asked then put on some music.

The music began playing and the real party started. I used my Peak Human Hearing to see if Adrianna and her cousins were still alright and they were. Whitney decided to go upstairs to keep watch on the kids.

Everyone was having a grand time and having fun getting to know Krystal and exploring old memories. I was actually enjoying the holidays and my love for Christmas slowly returned. We all shared laughs and played a few games with one another.

Chelsey got up and went to step outside. I followed her and stood outside with her. Chelsey looked at the sky and smiled. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned against me.

"You know...it feels so nice to have everyone having fun together..~ For the longest time it's always been me, Caroline, and Adrianna..~ Don't get me wrong it was always nice but having a big crowd like this feels so much better. This is the first in a long time my mom has stopped by and having Mariana staying with us has been awesome." Chelsey started.

"But?" I looked at her.

"So you knew there was a but coming huh?~" Chelsey giggled.

"It was in the tone of your voice..~" I said then looked at her.

She began to play with my fingers and looked at my hand. "But I have a splitting headache now~ I haven't been around a large crowd in a while..~ Plus we haven't really had our time together..~ There's only so much I can do since I am a mom and have mouths to feed. Caroline has been helping and Whitney has been doing an awesome job, but Adrianna also has separation anxiety, I don't wanna leave her alone for too long."

I looked at the sky and smiled. "I can spend the night here if you want. You don't have to leave your house, we can have our time here and in the morning tomorrow I'll spend the entire Christmas with you all...~"

Chelsey smiled and leaned her head against me. "Yeah, I like the sound of that..~"

I nodded and rubbed her hair. We stayed outside for a bit longer before heading back inside and spending the rest of our time with the company.

The night fell and Adrianna and the other children came downstairs because I had a storytime to tell them.

"Ever since Grandpa passed away, the children hasn't heard a story and the men in the family kinda just disappear so it's so kind of you to do this.." Chelsey smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I haven't done this ever...my Guardian always told these stories and now I wanna pass it on to them this year.." I smiled.

Adrianna hurried to me then I picked her up and sat her on my lap. "You're gonna tell a story, Daddy?"

"Mhm..~" I nodded. "Everyone gather around."

Everyone sat in the living room and looked at me. Mariana turned the music off and sat back on the couch and listened to me, smiling.

"It was the night before Christmas and it was quiet all through the house. Nobody made a sound...not even a mouse. As the night went on, there was movement on the couch...it was Krystal waking up to get a glass of water. Then there was a creek on the stairs, Whitney was also thirsty so she went to the kitchen to get water but she had to walk a little farther. After they got their drink and shared a laugh because they were like mother like daughter, they went back to sleep.." I started.

Adrianna looked at me, listening with excitement.

"As the night went on, there was a slight jingle and a small thud on the roof. Little Adrianna's hearing is so well she heard the thud." I said then playfully tickled her and she giggled. "She got curious and went downstairs to see what was going on, waking Whitney up in the process. At this point, Whitney decided to stay awake. They walked into the living room and noticed a man in red and white. The man gave a jolly ol' laugh as he looked at Adrianna then placed his fingers over his lips, telling her to stay quiet. Adrianna had met Santa, Jolly Saint Nick...and he blessed her with extra presents because she was on his good list. HO HO HO! He laughed as he went back up the chimney. Merry Christmas to all and all a good night.."

"Come on what about me?" Caroline laughed.

"Please, you're such a heavy sleeper I'm surprised you wanted to be included." I laughed.

"Oh whatever I'm not that heavy of a sleeper." Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Shiii...Could've fooled me." Chelsey laughed.

"You are a bit of a heavy sleeper." Mark chuckled.

"True." Mariana said.

Caroline rolled her eyes and stood up. "I'm tired so good night."

"C'mon, hermana! No hay necesidad de enojarse!" Chelsey laughed.

"¡Lo que sea!" Caroline said as she went upstairs.

"I guess that's my cue to take the little ones home. I enjoyed myself a lot and I can tell they did too." Jacqueline smiled.

"I enjoyed your company too mom." Chelsey smiled.

Jacqueline smiled and led Adrianna's cousins outside so they could get in the car to go home. After Jacqueline left, Monika, Mark, and Melissa left and went home.

"I can get some covers for you, Ms. Dawn if you'd like." Chelsey smiled.

"I'd appreciate it, Hun." Krystal smiled.

Chelsey nodded and got up then went to get Krystal some covers since she was spending the night as I was spending the night as well. Krystal happily got the covers from Chelsey then wrapped herself in the covers.

Whitney picked Adrianna up then carried her upstairs to their room. "Good night everyone~"

We said goodnight to get as well then I stood up and went to my car. Chelsey followed me and looked in my car. I took out Adrianna's gift that was wrapped up and went inside with Chelsey to put it under the tree and ruffled Krystal's hair then turned off the lights for her then Chelsey led me to her room which was downstairs. We entered her room then she closed the door.

"We have to be kinda quiet when we do this..~ As much as I wanna get loud, Ms. Dawn can still hear us if we are too loud..~" Chelsey smiled at me.

"I'm sure Krystal wouldn't mind too much..~" I chuckled and picked Chelsey up and she wrapped her legs and arms around my body.

"Yeah..but I'd get embarrassed if someone hears us..~ I don't wanna have to explain this to anyone..~" Chelsey said and held my cheeks.

"I understand that." I chuckled then carried her to the bed then laid her down.

I got on the bed too and raised her shirt then kissed her lips. She kissed back and reached down to my pants and slowly unbuckled my belt. I pulled away from the kiss and watched her unbutton my pants and pull the zipper down.

"Just a heads up, my sexual stamina isn't the best since I haven't done this since Adrianna was born so...forgive me if I don't last long..~ I'm a little nervous, but excited at the same time..~" She said then looked up into my eyes.

I smiled at her then placed my hand beside her head. "It's alright if you don't last long..~"

Chelsey smiled then watched me get off the bed then strip down naked in front of her. She blushed even more, seeing my cock. "Whoa...How do you even hide such a monster like that..? Even Michael wasn't that big.."

I chuckled and got back on the bed. "I have my ways..~"

She allowed me to strip her down naked then laid on the bed, anticipating my next move. I grabbed her breast and brought my face closer to it then began to suck on her breast, flicking my tongue against her hard nipple. She moaned softly and closed her eyes. I slowly rubbed her pussy and felt her getting wetter by the second.

After marking my territory on her breast, I got down lower on the bed then brought my face closer to her womanhood. I slowly licked her pussy and her body shuddered. She covered her mouth as I began to slowly eat her pussy out. A bit of a loud moan slipped out as I slid my tongue inside of her wet cunt. I used my thumb to rub her clit as I kept driving my tongue deeper into her pussy.

"Holy shit..~ Ahh~ That feels so good~" She moaned and panted softly.

I took my tongue out of her sacred hole and began to suck on her clit. She grunted lustfully and moaned into her hand. She couldn't get enough of the pleasure I induced onto her. She felt a wave of unexplainable pleasure hit her body as I continued to suck on her clit hard. She began to cum and squealed into her hand, arching her back and closing her eyes tightly. She panted hard and relaxed on the bed then watched me get up slowly and tower over her.

I rubbed the tip of my cock along the slit of her cunt, flicking the tip against her clit. I slowly slid my cock inside of her and she gasped and gripped my arms tightly. I spread her legs wider as I kept pushing more of my length inside of her. She dug her nails into my arms and panted sharply. I held her inner thighs and moaned softly.

"Fuck..~ Fuck it feels so good inside me..~" Chelsey moaned softly and placed her hands on my sides.

I began thrusting my cock inside of her and she tried her hardest to keep her moans quiet. I felt her clawing my sides and knew the pleasure she felt was only becoming more intense as I fucked her. She let out high pitched grunts and closed her eyes tightly. I placed my forehead against hers and began to move slightly faster, strengthening my thrusts bit by bit.

"Ahh..!~ Haa..!~ It's...so hard to keep quiet when you fuck me like this..!~" Chelsey moaned and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'll keep you quiet then..~" I said then kissed her lips.

She moaned within the kiss and dug her nails into my neck as I fucked her faster and harder. She pulled away from the kiss and tossed her head to the side, moaning and panting.

"Please...don't stop..!~" She moaned and pleaded. She bit down on her finger to attempt to keep quiet, but it wasn't working as the pleasure she felt was too great.

I stopped thrusting then took my cock out of her so I could turn her around and raise her hips. She bit down on her pillow and grunted with pleasure as I slid my cock back into her pussy. I began fucking her once again and she let out a passionate grunt each time I thrusted. I smacked her ass and she blushed hard and grunted loudly.

She loved every moment of our sex session. At this point, staying quiet was out of the question. Chelsey had me turn on the TV so there was some type of noise in the room as we fucked, hoping to drown out the sounds of sex in the room.

"Haah!~ Nnnghh!~ Keep going..!~" Chelsey moaned and rubbed her clit quickly. As I continued to fuck her, her legs began to tremble as she began to cum on my dick once again. She let out a cry of satisfaction as she came heavily. She gripped the headboard and panted heavily. "Oh Shiro..!~ I love your cock so much..!~"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and began to fuck her faster. "Your pussy feels so amazing, Chel..!~"

"It's all yours..!~ Ahhhuugh!~ My body-" Chelsey moaned and felt her body grow weaker due to the intense pleasure.

I began to feel myself getting closer and let out a few moans. She panted heavily and closed her eyes tightly. I began to fuck her more roughly and grunted loudly.

"Go ahead..!~ Do it inside me..!~" Chelsey begged.

I panted and moaned softly as I began to cum inside of her. She covered her mouth and moaned. I stopped thrusting and felt my cock pulsating inside her. Chelsey relaxed and felt me take my cock out of her then she laid me down and mounted on top of me.

"Just one more..~" Chelsey said and panted.

"Oh..?~ You can take another round..?~" I chuckled.

"Mhm..~" Chelsey nodded.

"Alright..~ Fine by me~" I chuckled.

One round turned into two then three then another. We went until midnight of Christmas Day before collapsing on the bed beside each other. Chelsey was asleep, cuddling next to me and I looked at the ceiling holding her closely. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Yeah...this was a good year.." I chuckled to myself then sighed softly.

[Chelsey's Bond Percentage rose to 100%]

[Girlfriend Status Reached]

[Achievement Unlocked: 100% Chelsey]

[Reward: Chelsey's Charm (Added to Hidden Inventory)]

[Credi Earned: 10,000]

[One more...]