
Destiny Collide

"However, with all those successes. I've been stuck in the past where these feelings I first had for you still remained untouched... So here I am in front of you, as the man who has loved you unconditionally, revealing my feelings." Atleast once in our life, we have met that certain someone who suddenly provided us with every bit of affection we craved for a lifetime. It felt like the world revolves around us because of the love between the two of you. Yet, we somehow found ourselves in quite an ordeal of dealing with their sudden disappearance. Hades Leon, a boy who soon turned to a man, with lingering feelings for the one he considered the only one for him. Experienced the excitement and bitterness of romance as he met the one he could not take his eyes off.

ALLEY · Urban
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13 Chs

Sense of Rivalry

Minutes after we presented ourselves, Sir Alfon greeted us for having such a unique concept with only a few minutes of discussion. "You offered to us that you have potential in many other things with this confidence."

"I can see why some of you wanted to undergo the HUMSS program. Some of you might raise as a wonderful lawyer or a journalist in the future." Sir Alfon added, the first time we have ever heard him praise the four of us. "Sir Alfon, are you sick or something?" Chance teased Sir Alfon.

"Who was behind the idea of your presentation? I like to commend your fast thinking and brainstorming abilities," Without any hesitation, as if they were close enough, Chance held Zachairy's hands and raised it, making her extremely shy. "Are you the one who introduced the idea to them, Ms. Levine?"

"Uhm, sir, it wasn't a one-man idea, it was a team that resulted in this outcome," From the expression on Sir Alfon's face, he was impressed. "They shared a lot of ideas, and we just chose from the suggestion of each of us, then focused on cleaning up the plan," Zachairy added.

"How unbelievable! I would have believed it if you said it was the three of you who came up with the idea. But hearing you say that every one of you, including the four," I honestly thought that Sir Alfon was degrading our efforts. But he added something which almost made me cry. "I am proud to see that they can contribute to the group now. If it was Leon, it would have been plausible. Good work everyone, including the four of you. You are now starting to be more mature."

Honestly, I could somehow agree with what Sir Alfon thought of us in the past. Although I don't let my studies go to waste, I was still a partygoer and doesn't take too much care about my surroundings. Everything changed quite so fast. It felt like it was yesterday, the day before our moving-up ceremony.

Those were the times when we grew and matured.

How the four of us learned our life lessons...

Everything changed after we knew of many things, just like when we were kids when it was all go out and play kind of vibe.

It was a chapter in our life when everything switched from easy to the most demanding point. However, the only difference is that we can now proudly say that we became stronger.

After the presentation, it was time for our dismissal since the orientation had already been given earlier. Half a day feels like an entire day because of the ambiance.

"Alright, everyone, I expect to see you tomorrow at the same time as today. Tomorrow would also be half-day so you can bring smaller bags or lesser things if you would like to," Nice, more time to have fun outside. But I have a feeling that M and the others would take my time and ask to party. "Hey, Leon, ask her already if she's still willing to join us," I almost forgot I invited Serene out for a meal at McDonald's.

"Go, Leo, she's already leaving!" Chance pushed me towards the door where Serene was standing. I couldn't stop myself, because he pushed me way too hard that I bumped Serene. " ME IS SO SORRY! CHANCE PUSHED ME FROM BEHIND!" Serene laughed at how defensive I was. "You're so silly, Leon. Don't worry, nothing happened to me, but are you alright???" It was such a simple question, yet, I felt flustered.

"Oh, Uhm, yeah, I'm fine. But do you remember what I told you earlier? Are you still willing to join us?" She took a few seconds before she could respond. "Can I ask someone to join us as well?" Immediately, I realized that I was overstepping my boundaries. That guy was still present and it might be possible that she would ask him to join us.

Because of that sandwich, again, I let my guard down because of someone giving me attention. I must learn to control my feelings, or history would simply repeat itself in the future.

"Yeah," I responded with a sense of disappointment. However, her smile suddenly took it all away. "OMG, THANK YOU, LEON!!!"

She left and went to the other building as I was left here, standing in front of the door. "So??? What did she say?" Chance asked. "Yeah, she agreed, but she might be bringing someone with her," Even the three of them seemed disappointed. "Well, Zachairy said she'll be meeting us there. So should we head there already?" I just let them decide what to do because I wasn't in the mood to answer them.

As we left the room, I saw her waiting for someone in room 514, probably where that guy was currently in. That room was for the TECH-VOC strand or mostly about technology. I just passed her by without taking notice of her smiling at me.

But suddenly, I realized my action. What right do I have to feel jealous? Our relationship is nothing but pure acquaintances...

Nothing deeper, nothing more, I was just someone she met on her first day of school.

But why do I feel disappointed by the point that I asked her out and she wanted to invite someone?

Obviously, it was expected for her to bring someone to accompany her who she could trust. What the hell is the matter with me? Why would she trust someone, whom she met today, and immediately accept his offer without knowing about him or his personality?

I really need to get my thoughts straight because this will be the end of me.

"Leo, Serene was waving at you earlier in the hallway, didn't you see?" Worried, Augustine asked and pointed out Serene. "Oh, really? I didn't notice," Pretending would probably be the best way to escape this ordeal.

Because even I can tell that what I did was a shitty move. "You're jealous aren't you?" Augustine whispered to my ear so that the other two in front doesn't hear about our conversation. "What right do I have? I responded. "All I asked was if you were jealous, but your answer already gave it away. Should we drink water after our meal?" Augustine noticed it from the way I told them about Serene wanting to invite someone.

"Yeah," I answered his invitation coldly.

Being moody is such a hassle... You could be the happiest guy on earth for a few minutes, and within a second, you'll suddenly turn into the most devious beast anyone could ever see.

Within a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at Mcdonald's.

-At Mcdonald's-

"Where should we sit, though? As we expected, it is packed again, but there might probably be tables that are unoccupied upstairs?" They just continued their discussion while I didn't even bother to tell them my opinion. I just didn't have the energy to think about such things.

As we went upstairs, we saw a few free tables, so we occupied them and considered how many would still arrive.

"Just wake me up when they arrive," I sat at the stool and bent down to rest. But the reason being was I still cannot stop questioning my actions.


"Leo, wake up, they're here," I looked up, with eyes reddish from the pressure. I couldn't see who they were clearly, so I needed to rub my eyes to see more clearly. My mood brightened when all I see was her, Zachairy, and two more ladies who somehow felt familiar. "Somehow this feels like a group date," Chance jokingly remarked as the girls turned to laughter.

"Well, it wasn't a bad idea to join them after all, Serene," One of them remarked whom I don't know the name. "If I may ask, I don't mean to sound rude, but may we please know your name?" I asked, which impressed the girls, especially Serene. "A man with class, quite the catch. Don't you agree, Serene?" Serene's cheeks suddenly turned red as she tried to brush off the teasing she received from her friends.

"Well, the name is Callison... Callison Solace," Nice name, fitting for her chick image. "Mine is Madison, Madison Guevara. We still have another friend we invited, her name is Yves Lopez," Too many names, it made things difficult for me to remember them one by one.

"It's all good, don't worry. But shall we order, or do you want to talk more?" Chance suggested. "We can just purchase our meal first, then talk with each other while we eat," Zachairy... I have a feeling that she has something for Chance. I never gave it much thought, but when Chance held her hands earlier, she felt flustered and looked at him with such loving eyes.

"Oh, nice, then write down your orders, and I'll be the one to order," Chance suggested. "I'll come with you," Augustine and Calliber suddenly volunteered, which means the only one left at the table was me.

I didn't like the trouble, so I let the three idiots volunteer themselves.

After taking notes of our orders, I asked Serene not to bother paying because I already paid for her. She insisted I should take her money, but I refused, and she thanked me.

And again...

With that smile of hers...

I felt a constant rush in my heartbeat.


A tall looking man suddenly approached us and talked to Serene.

"Oh, Jose! Your here!!!" She giggled and smiled at him. Suddenly, the guy glared at me. "Jose. How bout you? Whats your name?" The hell is his problem?" He reached out his hand and wanted to shake hands with me. So I stood up and shook his hands. "Hades. Hades Leon."