
Destiny's Grimoire

Mesozoic · Fantasy
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5 Chs


When the ship finally touched down, Dante noticed that the day was particularly warm. The sky in Sumeria was particularly orange and discolored smog covered the air. When he walked out to the deck, Dante got his first look at Messop, the only city in Sumeria.

Messop was larger than any city he had ever seen, either on Earth or in the peninsula. In a way it wasn't surprising, because almost all the people who arrived here were looking for a way to escape the island. Yet, this was also the filthiest city he had ever seen.

Beggars lay everywhere, looking like they were on the brink of starvation. Flith and garbage piled everywhere and the streets were filled with grime. The crowds were almost disorienting in their density and the vast number of them appeared poor and desperate. From the deck, Dante could see that a small part of the city far away from the port appeared to be better than the other parts. The buildings there were more organized and less slum like, cleaner and had a bright sheen to them.

"Is this how Messop usually lives? Who controls this city? Why are people so poo" Dante asked Dalim in shock.

Dalim smiled ruefully. "My lord, this is how Sumer is. It is why we desire escape beyond anything else. Only few can live comfortably in this land of dreary emptiness."

Apparently, the ship's captain had done his job, for a royal looking carriage rushed towards the ship. Dante observed the carriage wilfully trampling over poor beggars on the crowded street without any care at all for their well being and was inwardly shocked. He realized that this island was a much more chaotic world than he was used to.

His eyes also landed on the horses leading the carriage. They were white in color, but their hooves and mane were actually made of bright orange flames. Every step they took was regal and intimidating, yet he didn't understand how they sustained in such a energy less atmosphere.

The carriage halted in front of the ship and a carpet was quickly laid down, allowing the person inside to step out without soiling their sandals. Dante saw a gaudily dressed chubby, but tall and muscular man with a similar features as Dalim walk out with a bright smile plastered on his face. He spoke in broken Peninsular language, welcoming Dante with a fervour befitting a king.

Dante, who had spent a good portion of the journey learning the Sumerian tongue responded in kind. The man who welcomed them was in fact the City Lord, Beastmaster Jarod. At Dalim's urging, Dante joined the man in his carriage which led back to the good part of the city.

"I apologize that your lordship had to see such filth at the port." Beastmaster Jarod apologized, but Dante shook his head indicating it wasn't an issue. Dante made a polite but stoic demeanour, imitating his father, while trying to gauge his host.

"It is most surprising that an exalted personage as yourself has arrived at our humble abode from the Continent." Jarod continued.

"My Bradley family believes that the Sumerians have talent far beyond the current understanding. We merchants believe in exploring every avenue for both profit and benefits. I am sure this new found collaboration will result in benefits for us both." Dante replied with a prepared smile.

"We are honoured to have your trust, Lord Dante. I have personally prepared a mansion for your residence and look forward to further collaborations when it comes to trade." Jarod piously replied. To the world Dante was just a kid, but his seasoned eyes from Earth couldn't let the glint of greed in the City Lord's eyes escape. Dante inwardly chucked to himself.

"Messop is the biggest city I have seen." Dante supplanted. "Bigger than any on the Peninsula. As a labor market alone, I see immense potential in this place."

Jarod felt gratified by the praise. Even if he inwardly looked.down on am exiled child from the continent, the disparity of the continent from Sumeria was so great that even the flattest of praises could cause the head to flutter. Such was the desperate allure of the higher energy density of the peninsula.

"I notice that your carriage horses are most well kept." Dante added. Jarod smiled. "Indeed, those Fiery Horses are my prized posessions. The amount of of care I needed to grow them was not minimal. After all, I am the greatest Beastmaster of Messop - A gold grade Grimoire holder."

Dante was inwardly surprised. To become a gold grade Grimoire user in a place like Sumeria was certainly a marvelous achievement.

Jarod seemingly noticed Dante's surprise for he attempted to explain. "While most of Sumeria has a drought of energy in the air, there are certain spots in the land where the energy density sprouts out with incredible density. Our Noble City is one such area. These energy sprouts are however finite, and the competition for such things are fierce."

Dante nodded in understanding. He understood why the better part of the city was in the location that it was at as well as Jarod's strength. There was more to Sumeria than what it seemed.

Once the carriage reached the gated inner city, the surroundings changed dramatically. Dante noticed that the lifestyle wasn't too different from Azalea's city's middle class. The streets were clean and the people seemed relatively well off. Jarod led Dante to his new mansion, before excusing himself.

Dante could already feel a higher energy density in the area, a slow gush of energy emerging from the ground underneath himself. Having taken in the sights of Messop and learned what he had about Sumeria, Dante let his servants take the basic set up from here.

The Bradley Merchants Guild was quickly instituted and a variety of supplies from the peninsula would be traded, in return for labor, slaves and items specific to Sumeria, which were indeed rare. While the Bradley family had exiled him, they hadn't cut him off. The Bradley name and the promised constant trade supply ensured that the nobility of Messop quickly warmed to the Guild and Dante became a frequent celebrity bisitor of the upper echelons parties and engagements.

Most of the logistical aspects were dealt by the servants. The Bradley family hadn't trusted Dante to do much anyway, considering how they thought he was a useless brat and so Dante was left to pursue his own interests.

Dante's initial foray into the island had worried Jarod, who feared that the brat might upset the political balance he had carefully laid in the city to consolidate his own power. He was relieved over the weeks to realize that Dante had no interest in politics at all. He only cared about his own profits - a trait that Jarod was comfortable dealing with.

Dante also showed interest in Jarod's so called Beastmaster skills. Beastmaster was what the profession of Grimoire holders were known as in Sumeria. Jarod found this an easy way to sow goodwill with this agent from the Peninsula.