
Destiny’s Gambit

Join Ahmet on an exhilarating journey through the mysterious depths of the Shadowed System, where fate and destiny collide in unexpected ways. Follow Ahmet as he navigates a world of dark secrets, supernatural powers, and epic battles, all while grappling with the shocking revelations that challenge his very understanding of reality. With humor, heart, and plenty of surprises along the way, this captivating tale will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the enigmatic threads of Ahmet’s destiny. Prepare for an adventure like no other, where every twist and turn leads to new discoveries and unforeseen challenges. Are you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime?

Abudness · Urban
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21 Chs

chapter 17: floor 1(1)

Ahmet sat in his room, his muscles aching and his body exhausted. For five days straight, he had dutifully completed his daily quest, pushing himself to the limit with 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and a 10 km run. But now, as he stared at his phone, the thought of doing it all over again filled him with a sense of dread.

"I can't do this anymore," Ahmet muttered to himself, his voice laced with exhaustion. "I'm sick of push ups and sit ups."

But just as he was about to give in to his fatigue, a notification flashed before his eyes.

Congratulations! You've Leveled Up to Level 10!

Ahmet's eyes widened in disbelief. Level 10? He had reached a milestone he never thought possible. But before he could fully comprehend the significance of his achievement, another notification appeared.

Tower Invitation

Ahmet hesitated, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he knew his mother would never approve of him leaving home, especially to go to some mysterious tower. But on the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important waiting for him there.

As he weighed his options, a sense of unease washed over him. Who were the enemies that wanted him dead? And why did they want him dead in the first place? The questions swirled around in his mind, taunting him with their unanswered mystery.

In the end, curiosity won out over caution. With a determined nod, Ahmet made up his mind. He would go to the tower and uncover the truth, no matter the risks.

As he stepped through the towering gates of the tower, Ahmet felt a shiver run down his spine. The air was thick with anticipation, and the sound of his footsteps echoed eerily in the empty hallways.

Before he could fully grasp the gravity of his decision, another notification appeared on his phone.

Floor 1: Trial of the Courageous

Ahmet's heart pounded in his chest as he read the words. What awaited him on this first floor of the tower? And what trials would he have to face to prove his courage?

With a deep breath, Ahmet steeled himself for whatever lay ahead. As he descended deeper into the depths of the tower, he couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to change forever.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind, sending a chill down his spine.

You are sent to the tower. Congratulations! In this floor, we are accumulating your points to give you a proper class. Grind well and do enough. Let's go!

Ahmet's brow furrowed in confusion. Points? Proper class? What did it all mean?

Before he could dwell on the thought, a movement caught his eye. He turned to see a strange creature lurking in the shadows—a rabbit with a horn protruding from its forehead.

Unsure of what to make of the creature, Ahmet took a cautious step back, his heart racing with fear. But as he watched, the rabbit simply hopped away, disappearing into the darkness.

Relieved but still on edge, Ahmet continued on his journey through the tower. But his sense of unease only grew as he ventured further into the depths, each step bringing him closer to the unknown.

Suddenly, without warning, a small goblin leapt out from behind a pile of rubble, brandishing a rusty dagger in its hand. Ahmet's eyes widened in shock as he realized he was under attack.

Instinct kicked in, and Ahmet sprang into action. He grabbed a nearby stone and hurled it at the goblin with all his might. The stone struck true, knocking the creature off balance and buying Ahmet precious seconds to react.

Without hesitation, Ahmet seized another stone and launched it at the goblin, striking it square in the chest. With a pained grunt, the goblin stumbled backwards, its grip on the dagger loosening.

Seizing the opportunity, Ahmet rushed forward and delivered a swift kick to the goblin's side, sending it sprawling to the ground. With a final blow, Ahmet incapacitated the creature, leaving it motionless on the ground.

Breathing heavily, Ahmet surveyed the scene before him. He had defeated his first enemy in the tower, but the battle had taken its toll. Sweat dripped from his brow, his muscles trembling with exhaustion.

But as he looked down at the fallen goblin, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. He had proven himself capable of facing the challenges that lay ahead, and he had emerged victorious.

As Ahmet stood over the defeated goblin, his gaze fell upon the dagger that lay at its side. With cautious curiosity, he reached out and picked up the worn-out blade, feeling its weight in his hand.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on his interface:

Goblin Dagger (F-) Obtained

Intrigued, Ahmet opened the system description of the dagger:

Name: Goblin Dagger

Rank: F-

Description: A worn-out dagger used by goblins.


• Strength: +1

• Agility: +1

Ahmet's eyes widened in surprise as he read the details of the dagger. Despite its crude appearance, it seemed to possess some hidden qualities. The idea that such a simple weapon could enhance his abilities filled him with a sense of excitement.

With a determined nod, Ahmet tucked the dagger into his belt, knowing that it might prove useful on his journey through the tower. And as he continued on his path, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden within the depths of the tower, waiting to be discovered.