
The first time

On a casual Wednesday evening as i go on stroll with my colleagues along with my delicate mind that I've got which would explode into multiple thoughts of my unpredictable future. Rahul brings me to the day and asks me what will I have at the bajji store. As my mind was all scattered, my heart was poking me to live the moment. As fickled as i am every time,I followed my heart and started looking at the menu . Adding to my confusion there were lot of options in the menu. I told my friends to order whatever they seem it's good and I started looking around . I thinks it's an over-thinker's trait to set foot into others thoughts. I found everybody around me were just faking their daily routine as I was, few were graceful enough to not let it show it on their faces as well as few were frustrated enough to show it on cigarettes.

In amidst of the irony of life I heard a voice which was soothing enough to pull me out of the whirlpool of thoughts I was into . "I love this country", said a voice which came across the bajji wala's vehicle. There stood a guy fair enough to satisfy Indian adult's thirst for racism and tall enough satisfy any girl's attention. He was totally lost in the moment complimenting the bajji that he was eating and telling his friends that he loves this country for the gigantic chain of street food that he can have. He grabbed my attention at the first place because I never saw a person just as happy as he was keeping aside whatever day he must be having. Secondly I was amused by the way he praising this country, as if he was an outsider which he wasn't neither by looks nor by accent.

As I was in my own thoughts of being completely judgemental about him suddenly his attention rolled and our eyes met. I was completely awestruck by his eyes and I was paralysed with my sight and couldn't roll my sight away from him. ...