




Lucifer could be seen in his office sitting on his swivel chair with a cold look on.

He was typing furiously on his laptop while Jace stood in front of him with a notepad in his hands.

"Any other thing," Alfred said, relaxing properly on the chair.

" Yes, you have a dinner date with Madame chichi from Paris."

Alfred furrowed his brows and sighed.

" Cancel it."

" But she is a big asset, and we have been postponing it for long."

Alfred glared hard at him.

"You seem to forget who I am," his voice thundered angrily, making Jace shudder in fear.

'Oh my! How could I forget that he's Lucifer? "Jace thought, wiping away the sweat on his forehead.

" How about the board meeting?" Jace asked.

" You'll go in my place. Those bloody humans just want to get on my nerves."

"What! But..." A glare from Alfred made him shut up.

He bowed and then left hurriedly.

Alfred pinched the bridge of his nose as different thoughts ran through his head. He got up and walked towards the glass window with his hands folded tightly behind him.

He stared down at the beautiful sight before him, and he almost puked.

'Uuuurrgh, humans can be so dramatic. A little bit of darkness would help,' he thought, shaking his head.

He was about to go back to his seat when he felt his heart racing in excitement.

He frowned as he wondered why his heart was racing.

A sweet scent soon filled his nostrils, he sniffed in and felt peace and calmness within him.

'Strange,' he thought.

He soon figured it out.

' MINE!!!' he thought.

He closed his eyes, searching with his powers for where the scent was coming from. Seeing the scene and how his half-side was being treated, he folded his fist in anger and disappeared.

He reappeared inside the elevator, and fortunately, it was empty.

It would have been a disaster for his workers to see him that way, but at this point, he didn't care.

The elevator opened with a ding, and he stepped out, heading towards the room.

" Good afternoon, sir."

"Afternoon, sir,"

His workers were greeting him with their head bowed, but he didn't reply any.

'OMG! he's so handsome!'

' I'm gonna do anything to get this job!'

' Just a night with him would satisfy me forever'

These were the thoughts Lucifer could hear them, but he ignored them.

He walked majestically without showing any trace of emotion.

Finally getting to the room, he was about to open the door when a body was pushed towards him.

He was quick to catch the body hugging it to himself.

He sighed in content.

" MINE!" he stated

Rihanna prepared herself for the hit only to feel something warm wrap around her.

She had closed her eyes tightly but opened an eye when she felt safe.

She took a peek around to see why she didn't fall. Her eyes went wide open when she saw the Greek god holding her.

'Holy bonkers! I'm finally able to meet an angel on earth! He's so beautiful!!' she thought smiling.

The whole room was silent. You could hear a pin drop.

They all held their breath, scared of taking another breath to avoid repercussions.

Alfred smiled in content because he heard what she was thinking.

Jace came to the scene as soon as he heard of the rumour about the boss hugging someone.

He was shocked to see Lucifer smiling so widely.

He had never smiled before!

People began gathering to see if the rumors were true. They were shocked to see their boss smiling.

Jace cleared his throat loudly, almost annoying Alfred jolting Rihanna out of her wonderland.

She regained herself and quickly wiped off the drool on her cheek.

She looked around to see everyone gathered and wondered why.

She looked up again to be met with the face of the beautiful Adonis she was adorning.

' He's such a beautiful man!' she thought smiling.

Alfred felt proud hearing her think of him that way.

" Boss, we have to go now," Jace said much to Alfred's annoyance.

Rihanna's eyes went wide as saucers when she heard the name 'BOSS'.

' Is he the owner of this place, of course dummy, how could you be so stupid to drool on such a big shot'

She mentally slapped her head

She stepped back the bow before trying to leave the room.

Alfred frowned at the thought of her leaving him.

He pulled her back into his arms, making Rihanna frown in confusion.

" Eer, I need to leave, sir," she said, squirming in his arms.

" No, you're not leaving!" His voice thundered.

" Sir, she needs to leave as she's done with the interview," Jace said, gesturing towards the little crowd that had begun forming.

Alfred groaned before letting her go. She quickly adjusted herself before deciding to step out.

Alfred followed her closely.

' Why is this freak following me?' Rihanna thought alarmed as she increased her pace.

" Everyone get back to work?" Jace said, throwing a deep glare that sent shivers into their spine.

He then proceeded to follow Alfred, watching him in amusement.

Alfred didn't need to increase his pace as his long legs were good enough.

"Come with me," he commanded, gently pulling her hand.

Rihanna shrieked as she struggled to free herself from his gentle but firm grip.

A light gasp escaped her mouth when Alfred carried her in a bridal style.

Alfred looked unfazed like he didn't do anything.

Jace quickly stepped forward to click open the elevator, and they stepped inside.


The elevator sounded opening to his office floor.

" I'll be in my office if you need me," Jace said with a bow, and he left in a hurry.

Rihanna's face turned crimson red.

She punched his chest countless times, but it was all a waste because to Alfred, it was like a pillow thrown at him.

" Put me down, you freak!" Rihanna shouted.

" Calm down, my love," Alfred replied, smiling gently.

Stepping into his office, he proceeded to sit on his chair, and then he made Rihanna straddle him.

Rihanna gasped in shock. She tried to stand up but was pulled back and held in place.

" I finally found you, my love," he said, his voice holding many emotions.

" Im not your love!" Rihanna shouted, glaring hard at him.

He chuckled and pulled her cheek playfully.

' OMG! how how am I going to escape this pervert,' she thought.

Alfred pulled her in for a kiss, but she was quick to stop it.

She got up angrily. " Now I know that you're not only a pervert. You're also a psychopath!" She thundered.

She turned around and left.