



Chapter 5

Rihanna looked up and sucked in her breath

' Damn! Is he even human?' she thought drooling

Jace smirked when he saw her drooling, pushed her aside, and proceeded to where he was going.

She snapped out of her thought, hurriedly wiping off the drooling on her cheek

' hmh, he's so arrogant, he's not even that handsome,' she thought and hissed before going into the elevator.

Getting to the eighth floor, she met a lot of people seated, waiting to be interviewed.

Her nose crumpled in disgust as she looked at the ladies seated.

They are all dressed like a prostitute going to the club.

' What the heck' she thought in her head as her eyes settled on their dressing, it's way worse.

The one sitting on the last seat seemed like a plastic doll.

Her clothes were much worse, and her boobs could pop out anytime.

Siting beside her, she became more disgusted at the sound of the lady chewing a bubble gum.

She just wants this to get over with

A guy soon came and sat next to her. He looked like he rushed over. He was sweating profusely.

" Hi," he said

" Hello," Rihanna replied

" I'm Xavier McKinney," he said, smiling while offering a hand shake

Rihanna took it and tried removing her hand, but it he held it for a while, finally removing her palm. She rubbed it in pain.

" I'm sorry, your hand was so soft," he said, smiling wierdly.

" Hmm," Rihanna replied, forcing a smile. She decided to ignore him

" Can I know your name? You look so beautiful!" He said, wanting to touch her face.

She moved back and glared at him

" I do not appreciate you touching my face, Mr.," she said, giving a poker face

" S.ssorry," he said, looking nervous

' OMG!, I finally found the love of my life!' he thought smiling while staring at her.

Rihanna ignored him and rubbed her palm. It was strangely getting cold.

'Holy shit!!!Why is everyone that's coming out of that door coming out with tears?' she thought alarmed as her hands got sweaty.

" It's ok, I'm sure you'd get the job," Xavier said, giving her a thumbs up.

" Why are you assuring me? We're interviewing for the same job!" She said, rolling her eyes

" You ..."

" Next, Rihanna Lopez," he was interrupted by a shrilling voice.

Rihanna stood up and left.

' Rihanna Lopez! A beautiful name for a beautiful young lady,' Xavier thought with a smile on his face.


Rihanna came in, facing downward, feeling nervous

Finally looking up she came to face with five people, 3 men and two women.

The women had a look of jealousy, and the men were looking at her lustfully, or was she overthinking it.

' hm hm' she cleared her throat politely to snap them out of her thoughts

" Um, good afternoon. My name is Rihanna Lopez, " she said

" Have a seat," the first man said, smiling brightly. The second man licked his lips lustfully.

" Can we have your CV?" the first woman said, staring at her in disdain.

She stood up and handed it to her, then sat back.

" Tell us your qualifications, I hope we're not going to hire an illiterate!" The second woman said scornfully

" Of course not ma'am, I graduated from a culinary school with a first class, I also studied business at Oxford University and graduated with a second class.

I have 3 years of experience and I have a restaurant of my own, it's doing perfectly fine." Rihanna said proudly.

" If you are all of these that you said you're, why are you dressed so poorly, are you attending a beggars contest" the first woman said with a smirk while the second woman burst out laughing.

" Linda! That's so rude of you, " the third man reprimanded.

" Whatever, Jacob, at least I know I'm right." Linda replied.

" I'm guessing she came from the slum," the second woman said.

" You're just jealous because she's prettier than you, Lucy," Jacob said

" Did you even grow up with your mom, because if you did, she failed in teaching you the aspect of fashion?" Linda said and hi-fived Lucy.

Rihanna folded her fist in anger. She looked like she was going to explode any minute

" Ok guys, stop it. You're hurting her feelings. We are supposed to be interviewing her, not the other way around, " the first man said, frowning at them.

" Oh!, Excuse me, lover boy, seems like someone is crushing badly on the poor church rat

" Well, at least I am not as ugly as you are , nor do I stink like you do, neither do I look like a living plastic doll," Rihanna said, standing up in fury

" How dare you!" Lucy thundered

" Hush!" Rihanna said, shutting them up

" Because I sat down politely not reacting from the very beginning does not mean that I'm dumb or I can't stand up for myself, I really pity you both." Rihanna said, shaking her head in pity

" I guess you've been doing the same thing to those people that came in before me. You messed with the wrong person."

"What..." Linda tried saying, but she was interrupted by Rihanna

" Let's have a flashback, shall we?" Rihanna said with a smirk.

The 3 men chuckled much to the women's annoyance.

" You said that I was dressed poorly, well at least I'm not dressed like you guys who looks like you're about to feed your boobs to any man you see, not like they are big or something, I'm sure they are the same size as a cherry" Rihanna said scornfully

" I will..." Lucy tried saying but got interrupted.

" I'm not done talking yet when I'm done, you shall speak!" She said proudly

" Now, where were we? Oh yeah! Can you even breathe in that thing you call clothes? You said that I came from the slum well too bad I didn't.

You asked if my mom taught me about fashion sense, well looks like your mom's did a bad job cause they thaught you to dress up like sluts or wait! Maybe your mom's were as slutty as you guys" Rihanna said with a chuckle.

The men burst out laughing.

Linda walked up to her and raised her hand to slap her but she caught it and gave her two dazzling slaps in return.

Lucy looked like she was calling the security, three hefty looking securities soon came in.

" You needed us ma'am" the first one said bowing

" Yes, I need you to get this animal out of here" Lucy said scornfully

They walked closer to her and began to drag her out.

" Don't touch me!, I can walk out myself" Rihanna said dusting thier hands off her clothes.

She proceeded to walk outside but got pushed by Lucy.

She lost her balance staggering forward, she struggled to hold something but felt herself falling, a warm soft hands caught her just in time.

" MINE!" A voice thundered