
Chen Jiaxin

This is a modern first tier city with a population of over twenty four millions . This is an era where you can order take out foods, book a taxi, pay a bill and report work with your mobile phone, it takes only a few seconds to send messages. But the more convenient our communication is , the more distanced we are from others because of our mobile phones . So some people insist on living a slow paced life and refuse to evolve.

"Sorry, excuse me sorry! " Chen Jiaxin was in a hurry to reach somewhere, her hand full with two- three packets of coffee and some packed foods . "Could you please push the button to eighteenth floor ? "

"Alas. You scrapped your bag on my face! " someone shouted... Jiaxin could only repeat sorry .

"Here is the eighteenth floor" excusing herself she headed out.

"Chen Jiaxin! "someone shouted...

"oh! Yuwei, pan fried pork buns for you. "Jiaxin said as she handed out the packets to the lady standing in front of her.

"It's cold, it must taste bad . I don't need it keep it for yourself. "the lady was dissatisfied with Jiaxin.

As Jiaxin was about to accept the packets back, someone stopped her hand ...

"To eat it or not it's up to you , pay up for what you ordered. You asked Jiaxin to get it for you . Stop taking advantage of her! If you don't pay, I'll post it in company's WeChat group and ask others to be judges. Anyway it's full of skill debaters. "

finally the lady getting flustered payed Jiaxin her money.

"Let's go. You need to stop being people pleaser or you will get yourself into big trouble. " said her friend.

Jiaxin smiled at her , she couldn't help but feel warm from her friend's standup for her .

She sighed, she can't help it, in office too she was same. She offered assistance to anyone who asked for it... be it bringing spaghetti or coffee to someone or printing sheets, arranging files, taking clothes for dry cleaning and many more.

She was Chen Jiaxin, an administrative assistant . The HR specialist told her that the most important thing for administrative assistant was to complete every task assigned.

She needed to do all kind of things.. what others don't want to do, what they cannot finish in time.... these all are her job to do. Every day she is as busy as a bee, but when she completes her each task it feels like an achievement to her.

But sometimes she thinks herself useless, someone who is easy to throw away ones their job is done....

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