
Destined Ties: A Contract To Love

In the bustling city of Easternland Country, two strangers, Alex and Lily, agree to a mysterious contract marriage orchestrated by a wealthy benefactor, Mr. Sterling. As they navigate the charade, their pretend affection slowly becomes real. However, secrets about Mr. Sterling's true motives unravel, leading Alex and Lily into a thrilling world of danger and intrigue. Will their love survive the unexpected twists, or will they end up as pawns in a treacherous game?

Air_Ace · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: The First Pretend Date

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Alex held the door open for Lily, just as he had been instructed. They were greeted by a maître d' who led them to their reserved table by the window, offering a breathtaking view of the city's illuminated skyline.

As they sat down, Alex helped Lily with her chair, their hands brushing briefly. It was a simple gesture, but it made their hearts race with the knowledge that they were playing their parts well.

The menu arrived, and they glanced at each other, wondering what to order. Alex leaned in, whispering, "I've heard their steak is exceptional."

Lily nodded in agreement, trying to mimic the affectionate behavior of a real couple. "Steak sounds perfect."

The real challenge came when it was time to showcase their affection as a couple. Lily watched as couples around them held hands, shared affectionate glances, and whispered sweet nothings.

Alex cleared his throat, looking uncertain. "I guess we should...you know, show some affection?"

Lily nodded, feeling equally awkward. "Right, let's give it a try."

They attempted to hold hands but ended up fumbling with interlocking fingers, their hands slipping apart more often than not. Lily couldn't help but laugh, her laughter genuine and infectious.

Alex chuckled too, relieved by the tension-breaking moment. "I guess we need more practice at this."

Their efforts to mimic the behavior of a loving couple continued throughout the meal. They shared a few affectionate glances that ranged from overly sweet to somewhat forced. At one point, they even attempted a discreet kiss on the cheek, which ended up being an awkward collision of noses.

The observant waiter discreetly smiled at their antics, understanding the challenges of maintaining appearances in the world of the rich and powerful.

As dessert arrived, Alex decided to lighten the mood further. He leaned closer to Lily and whispered, "You know, I heard that Opuland's elite have a secret code for rating their dining experiences. The number of times you use your dessert fork to tap your glass represents your satisfaction with the meal."

Lily raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Is that so? And how does it work?"

Alex demonstrated by lightly tapping his dessert fork against his wine glass. "One tap means it was okay, two taps mean it was good, and three taps... well, three taps mean it was absolutely exquisite."

Lily chuckled at the playful idea. "I see. In that case..." She tapped her dessert fork against her glass twice, flashing a teasing smile at Alex.

He responded in kind, two taps on his glass, and they both burst into laughter. It was a genuine, carefree moment that momentarily erased the pretense of their relationship.

As the evening drew to a close, Alex and Lily were relieved to have successfully navigated their first pretend date. They shared a final toast with their champagne glasses, raising them high in a gesture of celebration.

"To a successful evening," Alex toasted, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

Lily clinked her glass against his with a grin. "To the art of convincing performances."

Their chauffeur-driven limousine returned to Sterling Heights Residence, and as they stepped out, Lily turned to Alex with a genuine smile. "Well, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Alex chuckled, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "Agreed. We make a convincing couple, don't you think?"


As they entered the living room, Lily couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "You know, Alex, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd have to act like someone's girlfriend well it isn't actually a girlfriend but a wife."

Alex grinned, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "I must say, you played the part convincingly. That laughter during dessert was a nice touch."

Lily chuckled. "I guess we made quite an impression. I wonder what Mr. Sterling thinks."

Alex shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe he'll be thoroughly convinced, or maybe he's already seen through our little act."

With that thought in mind, they both found themselves pondering the enigmatic Mr. Sterling and his true intentions. It was clear that Mr. Sterling had orchestrated this peculiar arrangement for a reason, but the nature of his motives remained shrouded in mystery.

Lily sighed, sinking into one of the plush sofas in the living room. "Whatever his intentions, this situation has certainly added an unexpected twist to our lives."

With that, they bid each other goodnight and retreated to their respective rooms. The events of the evening lingered in their thoughts as they prepared for bed.

Lily lay in her luxurious bedroom, staring at the ceiling. She had always been a fiercely independent woman, used to being alone and focused on her work. This new arrangement with Alex was turning her life upside down. She couldn't deny the chemistry that had developed between them during their act, and it left her feeling both intrigued and perplexed.

In his own room, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity. Lily was unlike anyone he had ever met. Her strength, independence, and intelligence intrigued him. He found himself wondering about her life, her past, and the investigative journalist father she mentioned. It was a mystery he was eager to unravel.


Morning arrived with its golden rays streaming through the windows of the opulent apartment.

Alex entered the spacious kitchen, preparing a pot of freshly brewed coffee.

Lily, too, emerged from her room, drawn by the scent of coffee. She entered the kitchen, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Morning, Alex."

"Good morning," Alex replied, offering her a cup of coffee. "Sleep well?"

Lily nodded, accepting the coffee with a grateful nod. "Surprisingly, yes. I suppose our little act yesterday took away some of the tension."

They settled at the dining table, sipping their coffee, and sharing a comfortable silence. It was a silence born not of awkwardness but of mutual understanding. They were both in uncharted territory, and there was a certain comfort in navigating it together.

Lily finally broke the silence. "So, Alex, what do you think Mr. Sterling has in store for us next? Any guesses?"

Alex raised an eyebrow, pondering the question. "It's hard to say. Mr. Sterling strikes me as someone who enjoys orchestrating elaborate scenarios. But why us? Why now?"

Lily nodded in agreement. "That's the question, isn't it? There's something about this arrangement that he finds intriguing. I just hope it doesn't disrupt our lives too much."

Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Both of them exchanged puzzled glances before Alex got up to answer it. When he opened the door, Sophia Sparkle stood there, dressed impeccably as always.

"Good morning," she greeted them with a warm smile. "I trust you both had a pleasant evening?"

Lily and Alex exchanged a quick look before Alex replied, "Yes, it was quite an experience."

Sophia chuckled. "Excellent. Mr. Sterling has requested your presence in his office. He would like to debrief you on last night's performance and discuss future arrangements."

As they followed Sophia to Mr. Sterling's office, Alex and Lily couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead.

In Mr. Sterling's office, the enigmatic billionaire sat behind his expansive desk, his piercing gaze fixed on Alex and Lily. He steepled his fingers and began to speak.

"I trust you both had an enjoyable evening. Your performance was convincing, and I must say, you make a charming couple."

Lily nodded politely, while Alex simply inclined his head in acknowledgment.

Mr. Sterling leaned forward, his expression serious. "Now, onto the matter at hand. I have a proposal for you both, one that may require your continued cooperation."

The atmosphere grew serious. Lily and Alex stared at Mr. Sterling, waiting for his revelation.

Observing their serious expressions, Mr. Sterling chuckled heartily, leaving both Lily and Alex puzzled. They wondered why he had summoned them with such importance only to dismiss them casually.

"Why the serious faces?" Mr. Sterling chuckled. "It's quite simple. I'm giving you both a weekend getaway. You'll pretend to be a loving couple, convincing everyone you're truly in love."

Alex and Lily blinked, trying to process the unexpected turn of events. A weekend getaway? It was far from what they had anticipated. The tension they felt upon entering Mr. Sterling's office suddenly dissipated.

"It's at a resort I developed recently," Mr. Sterling continued, his demeanor relaxed. "Today marked its opening. Enjoy your weekend there."

With that, he waved them off, considering the matter settled. Alex and Lily exchanged glances, a mix of relief and curiosity in their eyes.

As they exited Mr. Sterling's office, they couldn't help but feel amused by the billionaire's unpredictability.

"So, a weekend getaway as a couple," Alex mused, a smile playing on his lips. "I suppose we're getting quite good at this act."

Lily chuckled, shaking her head. "Who would've thought our lives would take such an unusual turn?"

In Mr. Sterling's office, the billionaire leaned forward, his expression serious, as he posed a question to his assistant, Sophia.