
Destined Ties: A Contract To Love

In the bustling city of Easternland Country, two strangers, Alex and Lily, agree to a mysterious contract marriage orchestrated by a wealthy benefactor, Mr. Sterling. As they navigate the charade, their pretend affection slowly becomes real. However, secrets about Mr. Sterling's true motives unravel, leading Alex and Lily into a thrilling world of danger and intrigue. Will their love survive the unexpected twists, or will they end up as pawns in a treacherous game?

Air_Ace · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: The Enigmatic Mr. Sterling's Proposal

Mr. Sterling began to explain, "Mr. Kingsley, I understand your need for funds to start your art gallery and to support your sister's education. She's an intelligent young woman to gain acceptance into the Elite Legacy Institute, but it's an expensive institution. I offer you an opportunity to fulfill your dreams and provide financial support for her."

Addressing Lily, he said, "As for you, Ms. Hartley, I'm aware of your secret investigations into my background. I propose that you investigate openly. I won't interfere with your inquiries, and you'll have free rein to do as you please with your findings. I won't hold you accountable."

Mr. Sterling, gazing at them both, continued, "Just sign the marriage contract, and it will take effect soon. Don't worry; it's only for two years, after which you can go your separate ways, including getting a divorce if you choose."

Lily couldn't make sense of it. "Why on earth would you want us to enter into a contract marriage?" she asked, puzzled.

Mr. Sterling replied with an enigmatic smile, "I simply want some entertainment. I've often wondered if those stories from movies and television, where characters are forced into a marriage contract and then eventually fall for each other, can happen in real life."

Alex, feeling conflicted, remained silent, while Lily was unable to accept Mr. Sterling's absurd reasoning. "That's quite childish," she retorted. "Marriage isn't child's play. I still don't see what benefits you gain from this."

Mr. Sterling simply replied, "Then amass great wealth and become as rich as I am, and perhaps you'll understand my perspective."

Lily and Alex were left speechless by his response.

"I'll give you ten minutes to think it over. If you agree, sign the contract. If not, you can leave as if you never heard this proposal," Mr. Sterling stated while glancing at his watch.

Alex's heart raced as he examined the contract. The concept of a contract marriage both excited and unsettled him. The opportunity was alluring, but the idea of entering a fabricated relationship left him with mixed emotions.

Lily, too, wrestled with the decision. Her journalistic instincts pushed her to say yes, but she couldn't ignore the implications for both herself and Alex.

As the minutes ticked away, both had made up their minds to reject the proposal, each assuming the other would do the same. However, just a minute remained before time was up, and something unexpected happened.

Their eyes met, and in that unspoken connection, they simultaneously blurted out, "Yes, I agree."

Surprise and disbelief registered on their faces as they heard each other's responses. They had both said yes, and now there was no turning back.

Mr. Sterling leaned back in his chair, his enigmatic smile widening as he observed their mutual surprise. He took a moment to relish their unexpected agreement before responding.

"Well, well, this is quite intriguing," he remarked, tapping his fingers together. "I must say, I didn't expect both of you to agree. It seems fate has something special in store for us."

Alex and Lily exchanged glances, a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity in their eyes.

"Now, about the contract," Mr. Sterling continued, "it's a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms of our arrangement. Here are the key details."

1.Duration: The contract is valid for two years from the date of signing.

2.Living Arrangements: You'll both reside in a designated luxurious apartment, a place of comfort and opulence.

3. Financial Support: Mr. Kingsley, you'll receive the funds needed to start your art gallery, and Ms. Hartley, you'll have access to financial resources for your journalism pursuits.

4. Public Image: You're expected to maintain a public image of a loving, committed couple. This may involve attending events together and occasional public displays of affection.

5. Investigation: Ms. Hartley, you are free to continue your investigations into my background. No interference will be tolerated.

6. Privacy: Both parties agree to respect each other's privacy and maintain confidentiality about the contract's true purpose.

7. Exit Clause: After the two-year period, you have the option to part ways amicably without any legal repercussions. A divorce, if desired, can be easily arranged.

Mr. Sterling handed them both pens. "Now, if you're still willing to proceed, please sign the contract."

Lily and Alex exchanged one more meaningful glance, silently reaffirming their decision. With a mixture of nerves and determination, they each signed their names on the contract, sealing their unconventional agreement.

Mr. Sterling collected the signed document, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Excellent. Welcome to this fascinating journey, Mr. Kingsley and Ms. Hartley. I look forward to our time together."

Mr. Sterling's assistant, Sophia Sparkle, acted as an intermediary between the two, facilitating the exchange of contact information.

Sophia asked them both if they were comfortable sharing their phone numbers and email addresses with each other to ensure smooth communication and coordination during their two-year contract marriage. Both Alex and Lily agreed, recognizing the necessity of staying in touch to navigate this unique situation.

As the realization of their decision set in, Alex and Lily couldn't help but wonder what this contract marriage would truly entail and how it would impact their lives in the coming years.

Alex and Lily exchanged a final glance, a silent acknowledgment of the path they had just embarked upon.

Lily, her journalistic instincts still burning bright, couldn't resist a final question. "Mr. Sterling, one last thing before we go. Why are you doing this? What's your endgame in all of this?"

Mr. Sterling's enigmatic smile persisted, and he leaned forward slightly. "Ah, Ms. Hartley, the thrill of the unknown, the intrigue of the unexpected, and the desire to witness the extraordinary. These are the motives that drive me. As for my ultimate goal, well, that remains a mystery."

With that cryptic response, Alex and Lily gathered their belongings and prepared to leave the extravagant event.


The next day arrived with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty for Alex and Lily.

Lily received a message on her phone that morning, instructing her to meet at a specific location to collect the marriage contract. She shared the details with Alex, and they both arrived at the designated spot.

As they approached the location, Lily glanced at Alex, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Are you nervous about this?"

He nodded, a hint of apprehension in his eyes. "I won't deny it. It's all so surreal. But we made this decision together, and I'm determined to see it through, for my sister's sake and my dreams."

Lily smiled in understanding as they reached their destination. There, a well-dressed woman, Sophia Sparkle, stood waiting for them, holding two envelopes.

"Good morning, Ms. Hartley, Mr. Kingsley," Sophia greeted them with a polite nod. "I have the marriage contract documents for you both."

Lily accepted one envelope while Alex took the other. The envelopes were sealed, and each bore their respective names.

"Inside, you'll find a copy of the contract you signed last night, as well as your marriage certificate and additional information regarding your living arrangements," Sophia explained.

Curiosity got the better of Lily, and she couldn't resist opening her envelope to examine the contents. Alex followed suit, and together they read the additional details.

The contract reconfirmed the terms they had discussed the previous night, and the living arrangements were described as follows:

Living Arrangements:

- You will reside in a luxurious apartment at the Sterling Heights Residence.

- The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with all necessary amenities.

- It's located in a secure, upscale neighborhood within the Opuland city.

Lily looked up from the document, her expression a mix of surprise and amazement. "Sterling Heights Residence? Opuland City? That sounds incredibly posh."

Alex nodded, impressed. "It does. I guess Mr. Sterling wasn't kidding about the extravagance."

With the contract documents and marriage certificate in hand, they made their way to the Sterling Heights Residence. The anticipation of seeing their new home filled the air with a sense of nervousness.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by a doorman who escorted them to their designated apartment. The moment they entered, their jaws dropped in awe.

The apartment was indeed luxurious, with elegant furnishings, floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the city, and modern amenities that left them speechless.

Alex walked around, taking in the sight. "This place is incredible. I never imagined living somewhere like this."

Lily couldn't help but smile, sharing his amazement. "It's like something out of a dream."

Alex turned to her, and their gazes met in a way that transcended words.

He couldn't help but notice the radiance of Lily's fiery red hair, which seemed to capture the sunlight like strands of molten copper, accentuating her beauty in a way that left him subtly awestruck. Her skin was flawless, her features delicate yet striking, and her green eyes, which held a world of curiosity and determination, were like precious emeralds gleaming amidst a sea of admiration.

As they stood there, their thoughts drifted back to their first encounter at the entrance of the ballroom hall during the event.

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