
Destined (Unmei)

In a realm where the mystical has become mundane, and the spark of magic is a rare and precious thing, those with the innate ability to channel Gaia hold sway over their destiny. These select individuals, wielding unique and potent powers, forge the path of their will, shaping the world according to their desires. That is why in most societies, Gaia users are at the pinnacle. Into this strange and unfamiliar world, a teenager named Milo awakens. Confused and disoriented, he finds himself unable to remember anything, his past a blank slate, completely erased. His name is the only tether anchoring him to his existence. With no other choice, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to understand his place in this world. As Milo delves deeper into the unknown, he begins to unlock the potential of his Gaia, finding within himself abilities that defy explanation. He becomes embroiled in conflicts and alliances, discovering that his gift of Gaia may be both a blessing and a curse. But as he battles the forces that seek to control or destroy him, one question will always linger in his mind: Who was he before? The quest for identity becomes a perilous journey through a fantastical landscape where magic is scarce, but its impact is profound. In seeking to find himself, Milo might just reshape the world itself.

Quwalasto · Fantasy
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15 Chs

[Disclaimer] Begin Here

This work of fiction is a product of the my imagination. The characters, incidents, and dialogues in this novel are drawn by me and are not to be construed as real. Any similarities to real persons, either living or deceased, particular events, locales, or organizations, are entirely coincidental and unintentional.

The auxiliary volume serves as a companion guide, enriched with lore and Q&A sections designed to illuminate the complexities of the crafted universe. Carefully curated, some chapters within this volume offer glimpses into the intricate details of the world, encompassing diverse regions and civilizations.

Please note that these insights may contain mild spoilers, yet they are thoughtfully positioned to enhance, not detract from, your immersion, and enjoyment of the overarching narrative.

You're free to skip the auxiliary chapters entirely. Any lore that's important and significant to the main story will be introduced as it progresses.

In conclusion, I hope that you will take pleasure in your journey through this story. I feel certain it will leave a lasting impression!

Yours truly,
