
Destined | (BWWM)

Thea Balewa is a journalist for The Boston Globe. The editor has tasked her with going undercover as a tourist at the Windsor Castle to find out what the Royal Family is like behind closed doors. Will she be able to complete the task and write an exposé without a trace?

andrea_7482 · Urban
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2 Chs


Thea's POV

It was another day of downing three cups of coffee in only an hour. Writing for the Boston Times was certainly not for the sleep-deprived. I was this close to falling asleep on my keyboard for the rest of my shift. My hangover was killing me and I'm quite literally within proximity of falling off the deep end.

"Thea?" My coworker, Angela, tapped my shoulder. I was completely out, wanting nothing more than to be engulfed by my warm sheets.

I snapped up, wiping a bit of drool off my face. "I--I'm awake, I totally wasn't sleeping on the keyboard!"

Angela rolled her eyes at my clear as day. "Yeah, right. Claire wants to see you in her office."

Shit. Am I in trouble? Claire was an enthusiastic boss, she even decorated around her office for the upcoming season of Autumn. Massachusetts had some beautiful foliage and I knew it'd be one of my factors for staying in the state throughout almost my entire lifetime. I got up from my chair and groggily walked to her office.

"Thea! Please, have a seat. I have some very exciting news." I then took my seat, as did she. "You look a little tired, rough night?"

Claire was also very compassionate, a kind woman who chose to spread positivity within the workplace instead of being another Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada. But of course, she had her boundaries and didn't hesitate to crack the whip when necessary. I must give her credit though, being a co-editor isn't easy.

"To be honest Claire, yeah." I sighed. "I was up late drinking vodka and watching reruns of Sex and The City."

I felt like yelling at Carrie through the TV screen, she was an idiot for going back to Mr. Big after everything he did. The bastard left her at the goddamn altar and she still has some regard for him. "Oh you poor thing," she gave me a look of sympathy. "I have some Tylenol in my purse if you need any?"

I let out a small laugh and shook my head. "No thank you, I think I'll go rest once this shift ends."

"Yeah about that," she claps her hands together. "I have a very exciting, possibly life-changing opportunity for you."

My tired expression suddenly lit up in excitement. "I--I'm getting promoted?"

"Even better." She pulled out her laptop and began typing. Claire then shifted her computer for me to have a better view. "Do you know who this family is?"

"No, why?" I said with complete honesty, they looked a little affluent, like they had some sort of power over other people.

"Jesus Dorothea, have you been living under a rock? That's the royal family of Cambridge."

I arched my right eyebrow in confusion. "There's a royal family in Massachusetts?"

Claire chuckled at my ignorance. "Not our Cambridge. The one in England you silly goose."

"Oh," I said in realization. I was not really up to date with the royal families across the world. Our company had an inclination towards politics within our area or the nation itself. Though, I had heard a few stories every now and then, mostly about royal weddings or child births.

"The one on the left is the eldest and heir to the throne. Prince Finnian Of Cambridge."

Wow. He was gorgeous. Claire clocks my facial expression that is filled with awe. "He's hot, isn't he? You two are the same age apparently."

I felt my cheeks heat up. "I--I guess so."

"Well, you're in luck my friend."

My eyes widened at her, clearly confused as to what she was alluding to. "W--what?"


"Just think about it Thea, you could be the next big journalist. The acclaimed writer who managed to get all the royal insider secrets."

Claire thought it would be a much better environment to discuss this at the local bar downtown. To others, it may have seemed a bit unprofessional but Claire thought I'd be more intrigued by the idea after a few drinks in my system.

I giggled, feeling a little tipsy. "So let me get this straight, you want me to write some exposé on this family so that we get more publicity?"

"Yes. The future of The Boston Globe is counting on you Thea. The world deserves to know what it's like in that family behind closed doors."

That comment set my anxiety to a higher level. Why me? I'm just another adequate journalist that barely gets recognition in the writing world. Hell, I'm fresh out of college and on the verge of having an early mid-life crisis.

"I still don't know Claire," I sighed. "How will I even get in? I'm one-hundred percent sure that they don't just let in anyone. Let alone an American into a sacred institution like that."

"I have a cousin that can get you in as a recipient for The Bride Choosing."

"A bride what now?"

"Ugh, you really need to start paying more attention to this family Thea," she rolled her eyes. "Think of it like how Gloria Steinem went undercover to expose Playboy."

"Who would I go undercover as, some entitled princess with a shiny ass crown?"

Claire took one last sip of her gin, chuckling. "You'll still be a journalist, but under the guise of learning the history of the Windsor Castle as a clueless American tourist."

"Great," I gave her a fake smile before downing the rest of my drink. On the bright side, it'll be a nice change of scenery and a possibly good experience?


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