
Despite being pursued as Villain, All the Heroines are on me (dropped)

Unexpectedly, Su Mingyuan, who had saved enough money, unfortunately, encountered a turbulent flow in time and space when he crossed back to Earth, and the time went back to his first day as a villain. Everything has to start again. “It’s merely a matter of starting over; the required villain value is less than half what it was the last time, and my acting abilities have improved significantly since the last time. I’m able to deliver stronger performances and am able to acquire a greater number of villain values more quickly…” Su Mingyuan is optimistic and confident. “Let see, I will do my best to taunt the male and female protagonists to hate me and then be punched in the face by them!” “See if I don’t do my best to ridicule, make the male and female protagonists hate me, and then hit me crazily in the face and step on me.” “When it comes to acting as a villain, I’m a professional!” To begin, the first step is to attempt to harass the male protagonist’s sister, so that the two create an intense dislike for him. "Hey, what’s wrong with you heroine? Not only do you not resist, why do you seem to… enjoy it? Can you be serious!? I’m a villain! Wait… wait! Why, apart from you, the way other female protagonists look at me seems to be wrong? They came up one by one as if they were going to… eat me?" _____________________________________________________ **All credits goes to the original author and translator**

Daoist_Chunibyoo · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Ch. 16: " I Actually Gains A Lot.! "

Seeing that Su Mingyuan did not respond for a long time, Xiao Ruoruo tilted her head and asked curiously:

"President Su, why don't you agree? Could it be… is there something unspeakable?"

'I really have something to hide, I didn't expect you to discover this.' Su Mingyuan felt bitter in his heart.

'Xiao Ruoruo, what kind of person have you become! Why can't I see through you at all?' Seeing that Su Mingyuan still didn't answer, Xiao Ruoruo was silent for a while and asked:

"Could it be… President Su, you don't like being active, you prefer… being passive? You want me to kiss you proactively?"

Facing Xiao Ruoruo's inquiring gaze, Su Mingyuan roared loudly in his heart:

'Who likes being passive? What the hell!We are real men, we always want to take the initiative and be on top! You're just humiliating me, you know!'

But in order for his grand plan to proceed smoothly, in order to save enough money to travel home, he had no choice but to nod his head in humiliation, endure the helplessness and resentment, and let out a trembling voice:

"you're right."

"President Su, you are handsome, rich, and suave. I thought you would be a very strong and domineering type in that regard, but I didn't expect you to be passive…"

Xiao Ruoruo covered her mouth and chuckled lightly.

She, who was familiar with Su Mingyuan's diary, of course knew that Su Mingyuan had rules and restrictions that he couldn't violate the heroine, but for some reason, she just wanted to tease and bully him in such a small way.

Seeing him show such an expression, she felt a little happy in her heart.

'Strange, if I had never done such a thing before, when did I become so wicked? Ruoruo wanted to be an angel, not a little devil!'

Xiao Ruoruo patted her hot cheeks, looked down at Su Mingyuan's face as black as the bottom of a pot, and couldn't help but smile slightly. She saw SObviously, as a real man, he had to admit that he liked to be passive in front of such a beautiful girl. For Su Mingyuan, it was really a shame.

She suppressed her smile and continued: "Su... President Su, if the reward is for me to take the initiative, then one is not enough."

She raised two fingers: "I want two!"

"Okay, it's up to you, just two." Su Mingyuan's tone was a little impatient.

He was now in that state of "tired, hurry up and destroy it, everything is up to you". He just wanted to quickly finalise this agreement, then leave this office and find a remote place to be alone.

"Then, that's it." Xiao Ruoruo stretched out her little thumb: "Also, I will still call you President Su in front of people, but in private, I want to call you Brother Mingyuan, okay?"

"As you please, as you please." Su Mingyuan and her pulled the hook, which was a deal. Immediately after that, he made an excuse and ran to the toilet to be alone.

Like passive or something…God, he really didn't know how to face Xiao Ruoruo now, especially seeing her half-smiling eyes.

In the office, after Su Mingyuan left, Xiao Ruoruo stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the vast and high sky outside the window, smiling contentedly and happily.

She finally got what she wanted. Moreover, she had already gone ahead than everyone.

'Sister Lan, I'm afraid you don't know that, not driving me away from brother Mingyuan will soon be able to get more kisses from him.

As long as brother Mingyuan still needs me, and needs me as the heroine in the story to perform necessary plots, then I will rely on this in the future, what will I fail to ask for from him?

His kisses, his touch, his care, his tenderness, and his…love. If I wasn't the innocent little girl I used to be, I wouldn't be fooled away by a few words.

I will work hard for my own happiness and be with the people I love. I am not stupid, I have never been stupid.'


Next to the washbasin in the toilet, Su Mingyuan poured cold water on his face several times before he let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't I just like being passive? What a shame! But, as long as the plan goes smoothly, I can get a lot of villain points enough to go home, whether I like being active or passive, does it matter? It's not important!" Su Mingyuan's face become even more ugly as he said this to himeself. He looked at himself in the mirror, his face soaked in water was a little blurry in the mirror.

Through that blurred face, he seemed to see blurred figures, which were his parents, grandparents, friends and brothers from childhood to adulthood…

"Yes, this kind of thing really doesn't matter, as long as I can go home, back to Earth."

Su Mingyuan wiped the water off his face and smiled at the mirror.

Optimism returned to his face. Thinking about it again, the current situation was actually not too bad for him, even a good one.

Although there was a problem with the plan to use money and power to force Xiao Ruoruo to surrender, the result was good, and he succeeded in the end, didn't he?

'Although Xiao Ruoruo would force to kiss her passively and forcefully in the future, if you think about it from another angle, doesn't this mean that the beauty has come forward to serve me and let me taste her lips? What was wrong with me being there just now? I actually earned big!

Last time, when he saw Xiao Ran hugging from side to side, when he thought that he was destined to have those heroines who were like gods, but he could only be a villain who was beaten in the face, a deep unhappy feeling appeared in his heart.

That's why he asked the system a ridiculous question: 'Although I can't violate the heroine, what if one day they take the initiative to violate me?'

At that time, the system also commented that he was simply delusional, and he also felt that he was simply daydreaming.

Unexpectedly, now this absurd idea seems to be really coming true.

'The woman who hugged from side Xiao Ran…and coldy stare at me that time... Although passive…She actually kissed me? Heh I actually gains a lot!'

When Su Mingyuan returned to the office, he had no negative emotions at all.

Although he still couldn't see through Xiao Ruoruo, in his eyes, since Xiao Ruoruo's personality changed drastically, her body was full of mystery, weirdness, and even making him a little scared.

But since she took the initiative to come up and give herself sugar-coated cannonballs, she only needed to respond to all changes, eat the sugar-coated candy he gave, and give her back the cannonballs, there will not be any more problems!!

"Ruoruo, I'm going off work. You can decide the time to get off work, depending on the situation."

Although it was noon now and early to get off work, some people even go to work at this time. But he was the boss, and he gets off work when he wanted.

The first act had already ended, Xiao Ruoruo's problems had been dealt with, and he had no reason to stay here.

Wouldn't it be nice to go home and relax?

No need to think about how to maintain the plot, no need to be forced to pretend to be arrogant and be forced to slap in the face by Xiao Ran, he can be free to do whatever he wants, and continue his playful life.

However, as soon as he left the company, Xiao Ruoruo chased him out. "Brother Mingyuan, if you go home… won't you take me with you?"