
CHAPTER TWO: A Good But Bad News

It was another bright day, the afternoon was healthy, with the happy sun. The view shows a building, painted blue and white, it was indicated on it "AMAZING JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL", this alone reveals that it was a folk school.

‡Primary Three Class‡

"Before you go home, I'll repeat what a part of speech is. Part of speech is the category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions. In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Do you understand"

"Yes, miss Amelia" the little children responded to the average female teacher, in front of the class, standing next to the board.

"Now, you can all go home, the school bus will be outside to pick you guys up," she said.

"Thank you Miss Amelia, bye"

"Bye children, but don't forget to read your notebook, before going to bed"

"Yea, miss Amelia"

She smiled and gave a relieved sigh.

She was the definition of beauty, she donned a regular ourwear, she could feel her hair fall to her back, glasses were also spotted on her brown colored iris..

A ringing sound was heard coming from her ladies bag. She brought out her phone, it was clearly recognized as an iPhone 13, the incoming call was Dad, she picked the call.

"Hello Dad," She answered.

"Yes my darling, I've got good news for you" The manly voice, spoked out.

"What's it Dad?" she asked, acting like she doesn't care.

"You need to come home fast, you might say it's the best news any girl will wanna hear in their whole life, just expect something huge" he effused.

"Dad, you know I'm not any girl, and I don't live up to expectations, so I will never get disappointed"

"I know my little angel, but just come home, you'll be exited"

"Okay dad, I'm coming, I'll hang up now.

She put her phone back in her bag, made another sigh, but deeper than the previous, then left.

Amelia came out of the school premises, she walked towards a white flashy car, which seems to be hers, she brought out the key, and went in, after which, the car zoomed into the asphalt.

After some minutes, the car halted outside a building, more like a mansion, she parked her car, where other cars were packed.

She came out of the car, then removed her glasses, making her more attractive. Some guards were outside the house.

"Hi ma'am" A guard greeted.

"Hi James' ' she replied, and walked past them, she entered the mansion, the inside was as pretty as the outside, she climbed a stair, then entered a large room, which was a parlour, at least it looks like one. A huge plasma was fixed to the wall, long sofas, a glass centered table, and flowers everywhere, two couples were comfortably sitted on a sofa, they were in their forties, Mr Rodriguez, and Mrs Jannet, they are the parents of Amelia.

"Oh she's here" Mrs Jannet noticed.

"Hi mama, hi Dad" Amelia greeted, then she went ahead to receive a peck from her mum, and a slight hug from her Dad.

"What's the big news Dad?" she asked, sitting in the middle.

"Yes, about that," Mr Rodriguez said.

"And please make it fast, I need to freshen up, and prepare for my pupils tomorrow"

"Darling, you really should stop this teaching of yours, your Dad owns the biggest company in Manila, and you're stressing yourself....

"Mum, we've talked about this, I don't depend on what Dad has, I wanna live a simple life, and besides I love teaching, it's my passion" Amelia, explained.

"Hmm, very well then, if that's what you want" Her mum said.

"So Dad, can you tell me what the so called best news is"

"Yes, you remember Dawson?"

"You mean Dawson Diego? my childhood friend?"


"Well what about him"

"His family came with a proposal for your hand in marriage" Mr Rodriguez unfolds the surprise.

"What?!" Amelia exclaimed in a breathless voice.

"Yeah, your surprise right. I know you'll be happy" Mr Rodriguez chuckled.

"No Dad! I'm not happy"

"What? your not"

"I'm not, you know who I am and my duty, I'm disappointed in you Dad"

"What, I don't understand, you might be the chosen one but, that doesn't mean you don't have the right to have a life"

"Dad, I don't have time for love, or marriage, I have more things to think about. I'm the Divine werewolf Dad, you know my duty, I have a lot of responsibility on me,? Instead of helping and supporting me, you want me to get married?"

"Amelia!I know that, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to have a life, you need to get married. Besides you and dawson have known each other for long, so you two are a perfect match." Rodriguez tries to convince.

"Dad, stop! I don't love Dawson, fine we are friends but I don't have feelings for him" amelia drawled.

"You have to understand Amelia, the Diego Families are one of the most influential people in the society, and Dawson is their only heir.....

"I know it! you're only doing this because of their wealth, dad we are already very rich, we own one of the biggest companies in Manila. What else do you want with money? Your greed for money is becoming something else dad" amelia boomed.


"That's enough Dad! I don't want to hear anything about this topic, please" Rodriguez tries to pester, but Amelia interrupts him, before she stands up, heading to her room.

Mrs Janet shakes her head in disappointment, she knew all along that this won't go well, that's why she didn't say anything.

"I told you she wouldn't approve," Janet said.

"she has to for the sake of this family's fame"

"Come on now,? Is that all you care about? don't you even care about your daughter's happiness?" Janet cautioned.

Amelia entered her room, in a very angry and disappointed mood she sat on her big bed. Her room was a fancy one, it was heavily decorated, wardrobe, table and some books on a stool were seen, a frame was also placed on the stool, it was a picture of two little girls. Amelia carried the picture, then instantly tears ran down her cheek, which she tried to hold but couldn't, the picture triggered her emotions.

"I promise you Lillian, those creatures will pay for what they did to you with their own lives, I won't stop till I hunt down every single one of their kind", she raged, then stood up walks to the wardrobe which she opened, the first sight was a white outfit, accompanied by a red hooded cape, the same one that unknown Werewolf wore, while fighting with the vampires at the club.

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