
Desolate Dragon Ball World?!? Help, I'm an elf in a crossover AU!

Her brand new life as some kind of Elf started with snow in the middle of summer. The world itself heralding her arrival. From there, things only got weirder. Luckily she had her trust system- aah shit, she had to actually put effort into using hers. Luckily, she knew what universe she was in. NOT! WHERE WAS SHE?!? A Dragonball and Beyond Cultivation story, with its cultivation heavily inspired by Martial World and Desolate Era. With a unique system that upgrades based on her status. Note - post the 'gift' pack, all rewards that help her will be EARNED.

BalancedSelfInsert · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Small Chapter + Comments

-Small Chapter, Start!- 

Looking at the rising sun, and the largest pot she had, Axilya frowned. "I'm gonna need a bigger pot, or..." Her eyes glinted. She WAS superhuman after all. With superhuman speed. With her speed and basic-level skills giving her nearly superhuman control of her body, surely she could handle multiple fires at once?!?

It was time to make some stew! After all, just eating the animal she had hunted as it was would be too wasteful. An animal this size weighed about 500 Jin! 'Darn cultivation worlds really rock for meat once you can actually get a hold of it! Although these 'horns' of it are quite hefty. In hindsight, this animal is actually far thicker and wider than I originally thought. I'm glad I sliced it as hard as I did. Actually, it looks kind of comical how wide it is.' With that thought she set about setting up the multiple pots. 'Let's see, 500 Jin - originally I thought I'd only get 200 Jin of meat if lucky, but I could probably get 250 or 275 with how wide this thing is! In a stew, this thing could feed the village for a good amount of time! Especially when we can use the bones and cut-offs for bone broth, not to mention being able to trade what I didn't fuck up of the fur. Maybe we could use the tendons for bows for our future cultivators?' 

There was relief in Axilya's eyes as she started to begin to cut up the animal. 'Mhm... I probably should make sure I don't fuck up the stew-making part when I get there.' Looking at the rising sun again, about ten minutes after she started getting the meat off the carcass Axilya shouted out, "Eilhauver! Get out here!"

A minute passed before Eilhauver came stumbling out of his house, "What's so urgent Axil- oh shit!"

Axilya nodded. "I know. Now, why don't you get Grandma Ithronel. I want to make sure I don't mess up this stew! This could feed the village for days after all."

A look of relief appeared in Eilhauver's eyes at that last part and he hurriedly nodded. "Alright, I'll head on over now!" 

As Eilhauver went off to get Grandma Ithronel, Axilya hurriedly set up multiple fires, doing her best to coax the 'wet Ki' out of the wood to absorb into her body. 'Not really how the cultivation method works, but got to do my best here!' As the wood was dried and fires slowly started to blaze, she made quick work of shoveling some snow into the pots so they would begin to melt. 'No need to optimize taste by searing the meats or anything. Besides, who knows how Maillard reaction works in a cultivation world? Certainly not me.' Today wasn't the day of experimenting, it was the day of making as much stew as physically possible for her village that was as hearty as possible.

As her preparations finished, Eilhauver came back with Grandma Ithronel, just as aged as Elder Elroun - meaning she barely looked middle-aged, and her vibrant orange hair had only recently begun to dull into darker shades, as was common among those close to reaching the 300-year mark.

"Grandma Ithronel! Thanks for coming." As Eilhauver ran off to the fields after escorting Grandma Ithronel, the two of them set about making preparations - because apparently, she had forgotten some steps! 'I'm sorry Grandma! I don't cook! I just eat things raw. How was I supposed to remember stews had veggies as well?!?' For the first time in nearly two weeks, Axilya didn't spend the day lecturing, working the fields, and cultivating - but instead worked to feed her village directly!

It was a good day.


Comment who you want to see in the first side-story chapter. Not necessarily named characters, or not necessarily people from the village. Up to you! Use your brain or be creative if you want to! Note: I will be doing somewhere between one and four POVs, it all depends on what I see, and if there are even that many comments!

Reminder, you can roughly half the Jin to get kilograms, and multiply the Jin by 1.1x to get lbs.

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