
Chapter twenty three

The first thing that greeted Femi as he got to his office was Omotola's resignation letter. He stared at it confused.

They hadn't discussed it. Infact he was at her apartment yesterday and she never mentioned anything like resignation. Did she perhaps wanted to surprise him? Maybe she has finally opened her boutique but she should have told him.

He called her number but it was switched off. He wanted to rush off to her apartment to check if she was alright but couldn't.

He had series of important meetings and business deals to seal. He couldn't afford to miss that because of a side chic.

He tried his best to concentrate throughout the day but was finding it difficult. His mind kept drifting to their mind blowing sex. If she were around, they would have had one or two quickies in his office or in the car.

As soon as he was done for the day, he rushed down to her apartment only to find it locked. He called her numbers but they were unreachable.

What's going on? He kept asking himself. Where the hell did this bitch go?

"Good evening sir" A neighbor who has been watching him finally walked up to him and greeted

"Good evening to you too" He answered absent mindedly as he dialed her number for the hundredth time.

"Sir are you looking for Ọmotola?" The inquisitive young man asked. He had seen Femi several times with Ọmotola so he assumed he was looking for her and doesn't know what's up yet.

"Yes, yes. Please do you know where she is?"

"So you don't know?" He asked with an amused look on his face.

"Know what? Where's she?" Femi became apprehensive, he began to sense the worst.

"She travelled this morning. She no longer lives here" The man answered with a smirk on his face. He looked totally pleased to have broken the news.

"Travelled? What do you mean travelled? Where did she travel to?"

"I don't know but rumour has it that she travelled out of the country" He said lowering his voice.

Femi began to laugh a dry laugh which barely reached his eyes

. "You're joking. You don't know what you're saying. Please just go away and stop saying what you don't know" He dismissed the young man with a wave of hand but he stood there

"I did not say it's for sure. It's just a rumour. One thing I'm sure of though is that she no longer lives here. I'm just surprised that you don't know. Aren't you guys close friends?"

"I said go away. Will you shut your mouth and leave my sight?"

Femi was irritated. He knew the man doesn't actually care. He was just trying to poke his nose and get information for gossip.

"Okay okay. I was just trying to help that's all." He said as he scampered away

He scratched his head pacing back and forth. Another neighbor passed and gave him a suspicious looking before nodding her head and walking away. Realizing he was giving off desperate vibes he decided to comport himself and go home.

Maybe she just travelled to go see her family. He rembered her telling him that her family lived in Abuja. Maybe she just went to visit them. As he drove home, he rembered what the nosy neighbor said and shuddered.

What if it's true? "No" He said aloud to himself. It's not even possible. She never hinted it and he was at her place yesterday. The apartment didn't look like it's occupant was trying to relocate.

They talked about her boutique. She told him she had gotten a place and was already stocking it. She showed him her business plan and even asked for extra two million naira which he transferred to her without hesitation.

This was why the abroad relocation seemed far fetched to him. That neighbor was just being stupid. Acting like he knows about her when in fact he knows nothing.

As soon as he got home, he was surprised to meet a warm reception from his wife. Since they fought about her assaulting Ọmotola, they haven't been on speaking terms for days now.

That's why he was taken aback when she rushed to hug him as soon as he entered. He was startled but he hugged her back.

"Good evening love. Welcome home. How was work today?"

"Great" He looked at her suspiciously. He remembered how she threaten Ọmotola. He wanted to confront her but decided against it.

If she had anything do do with her disappearance, he would surely find out. For now he doesn't have time for whatever she might be be up to. All he wanted to do was have a shower and sleep.

"You look stressed. Well I prepared your favourite meal myself and it tastes so good. Why don't you go shower first and I'll set the table" Shee said as she collected his briefcase.

"Thanks a lot but I'm not hungry. I just want to sleep. Goodnight" He began to walk away but she grabbed his arm.

"That's very cold and unfair. I left work early. I dismissed the chef and prepared that Amala myself only for you to come home and rubbish my efforts"

"Okay, I'll eat. Let me go take a shower" He reluctantly agreed.

During dinner, she tried to initiate small talks but he wasn't having it. His mind kept drifting.

"So how was that business deal you told me about?"

"Fine, we signed the contract today"

"Wow! Congratulations! And you didn't even bother to tell me. This is worth celebrating"

He simply nodded.

"Babe what's the matter? You seem so distant. It's like I'm just talking to myself here"

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just tired. Besides, why are you acting like everything is fine between us? We have issues we haven't sorted out yet. Heck! You haven't even spoken to me for days now"

"That's why I am doing this. So we can try sort it out"

"Well let me eat this dinner in peace first. We can talk later. I'm not just in the mood"

"Is it because of her?"

"I knew it. You just had to bring her up, didn't you?"

"Well we're having issues because of her so it's imperative that I bring her up?"

"You know what? I think I'll just go and sleep. I can't deal with any of this right now" He said as he stood and stormed out leaving his meal unfinished.


The next morning, he and Ifeoma prepared for work in silence. He felt bad for the way he treated her last night. He would apologize and try to settle the issues between them later but not now.

He wanted to sort out the mystery of Ọmotola's disappearance before anything. Her number was the last he called before going to bed and the first thing he called when he woke up but they remained unreachable

Instead of driving straight to work, his restlessness and curiosity got the better of him. He drove to her house instead.

The apartment was still locked and there was no sign of a soul in it. After pacing back and forth and calling her number repeatedly, he decided to leave.

As he was about leaving a young girl whom he rembered seeing around once or twice walked up to him.

"Good morning Mr Femi" She was smiling, she had a gap tooth which added a certain kind of beauty to her alluring smile.

He wondered how she knew his name but rembered he was billionaire. He wasn't surprised that she had done her research.

"Are you by any means looking for Ọmotola?" She asked

"Yes, do you know where she is?"

"Not really. She only told me she was relocating but didn't tell me where. Rumour has it that she might have relocated abroad"

"Really?" He said in a calm tone but was running mad inside. He wanted to scream and curse out loud. He held his composure.

"Yes, I live next door,you know? Why don't you come in and have a cup of coffee. You seem a little bit distressed. You should relax a little" She said giving him a seductive look.

He knew what she wanted but wasn't interested. She was pretty, only that he wasn't interested in having a relationship with her.

"I don't mind a cup of coffee" He found himself saying.

They went into her apartment. It was a small one just like Ọmotola's but hers was untidy. There were clothes scattered everywhere. He wanted to leave.

"Have your seat let me quickly get your coffee ready"

"Undress" He said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I don't have all day be quick about it"

She stared at him as though she had no idea what he was talking about but began to shed her clothes just as he predicted. She did it rather slowly, smiling seductively and teasing him which angered him. He didn't have time for her gimmicks.

Just as she was about to unclip her bra, he grabbed her and turned her over on the couch. He shifted her panties to the side and entered her from behind. He hadn't even touched her and yet she was already soaking wet. She must have been fantasizing about him a lot. He began pounding her with all his strength.

"Oh my god Femi! You're just exactly the way I imagined you to be. Damn!

He increased his pace, pouring all his anger and frustration into her. She screamed and begged him not to stop.

"Harder Femi harder yeah!"

"I'm coming" he said

"No, don't. Please" But he didn't care. He wasn't here to satisfy her. He was her to release his pent up frustrations. He brought out his cock and spilled his seed all over her. He went into the bathroom to wash up.

Her bathroom was equally dirty and he wondered how he managed to be turned on by her. When he came to the living room, he noticed the disappointment on her face.

"Sorry about that but I have to go to work"

"It's okay, I know next time will be superb"

Next time? He said to himself. Was she delusional or what? If she thought he would jump from Ọmotola and start a relationship with her, she was dreaming.

"Yeah" He said, he brought out his wallet and brought out some naira notes and placed it on the table.

"Here, use it to get yourself something nice"

"You know I'm not doing it for your money. I really like you" He simply nodded and started to leave. He knew their tactics.

"You should give me your number so that I can call you to let you know when I'll be available for us to meet up"

"That's not necessary. I know your house. I'll come over once I'm free" He opened the door

"My name is Tania" He heard her say as he stepped out.

As he stepped out of the building, he put a call to Steven.

"Hello Steven. I'll send you the details of someone now. I want you to tell me her whereabouts"

"Okay sir" Steven's reliable voice echoed over the phone. He hung up the phone and went to his office.

At exactly three pm in the afternoon, Steven called him.

"She's out of the country boss. She left yesterday morning. I don't know the exact country yet but it's a country in Europe" Femi felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. He had never felt that way in his entire life.

"Are you sure?" He found himself stuttering

"Hundred percent boss" Stanely hung up the phone.

"That bitch!"She shouted hitting the table with his fists repeatedly.

"The bitch used me. She took my money and eloped. She fucking used me" He screamed.

He picked up his keys and drove to a nearby bar. It was afternoon so he was literally the only one in the bar.

The bar man instantly knew that something was wrong. He didn't ask any questions and kept pouring him drinks without delay.

As Femi kept gulping down shots. He became more enraged.

"She used me. She fucking used and dumped me" The bar man kept quiet. He was threading with caution. He didn't want to be an outlet for this man to transfer his aggression.

"No woman has ever used me and dumped me. It has never happened before. I do the using and dumping not the other way round. And to think I was giving her money to open a stupid boutique so she would like me the more. Not knowing I was funding her plan to travel abroad. How stupid of me"

The bar man thought carefully before answering.

"Women, that's how they are. They're like snakes. One has to be careful around them. Sorry about that man" He said before excusing himself. He needed a minute break from Femi's outrage.


As the plane landed on the soil of Canada, Ọmotola felt the cold air wash over her skin. She immediately wore her jacket. She breathed in the fresh air.

She smiled to herself. Femi would have found out by now but that was not the only the only surprise she had for him.

He would receive the worst news in about a month time. She didn't want to destroy him at once. She would give him time to get over her dumping him before she dropped the bomb shell.

She just hoped he wouldn't find out before she broke it to him. It would give her the utmost pleasure to break it to him. He had no idea.