
chapter twenty six

Femi shuddered in an exhilarating rush of orgasm as he rolled off from her, she moved to cuddle him but he quickly stood up and went into the bathroom.

Ever since he and ifeoma's little tiff, they haven't been on speaking terms. He has tried severally to buy her gifts but she has refused. She wants him to stop sleeping with other women.  He doesn't see the possibility of that.

After washing up, he came out of the bathroom to see a sulking girl. She was probably mad that he refused to cuddle.

She was  pretty  but he was only interested in a one night stand. He's not going to attach feelings anymore. No woman would ever use and dump him again.

There was no need to keep a single side chic when he could have as many as possible. All it would take is money.

"Here, get yourself something nice" He said dropping a bundle of naira notes on the bed.

"Is that all?" She asked in a pleading and soft tone .

"Do you need more money?"

'No, that's not what I meant. I want you or did I do something wrong? Did you not enjoy it?"

Femi knew where she was driving at. All the women he had fucked always wanted to keep him, not just for the money but for the mind blowing orgasms he gave them. He was good and he knew it.

"You did nothing wrong, as a matter of fact, you're a goddess when it comes to sex, I really enjoyed it"

"Then why did you run off like that when I tried to cuddle you" He heaved a heavy sigh. The conversation was beginning to annoy him.

"I'm sorry but I don't do cuddles. It's just sex for money, no catching feelings remember?"

"I know but there's no harm in a..."

"I have to go back to my lovely wife at home. Do have a lovely night" He said leaving the room

He knew saying how much he cared about his wife annoys the hell of those side pieces. Ọmotola has opened his eyes and showed him pepper. He would from now on treat women as sex toys , nothing more nothing less.

As he drove home, he stopped by a jewelry shop and got Ifeoma a golden necklace. He hoped she could understand that he's not a one woman man and enjoy her marriage. There's no need brooding over what cannot change.

He found her in the living room playing with Ethan who rushed to meet him.

"Dada" He carried him up

"How's my baby doing?"

"Dada dada" Femi smiled, He hasn't learnt to call Mama yet and it made him so proud that his son learnt how to say Papa first. He knew it made his wife jealous.

Ifeoma gave a loud hiss and bolted upstairs ignoring him totally. Femi dropped Ethan on the floor and ran after her.

"Stay here buddy, daddy will be right back"

She was pressing her phone when he walked into their room but he knew she wasn't doing anything in particular.

"Babe what was that for? Even if we're having issues, you shouldn't show it in front of our son"

"Is that why you left him all by himself downstairs? You're unbelievable. Let me go get my son"

He held her arm as she was about leaving.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I got you this"

"How many times have I told you that there's no amount of gift that can suffice for your infidelity. If you can't stay faithful then let me be. We can continue being house mates in peace"

"But I have explained this to you several times. You're the one that I love"

"Oh please away with that bullshit. Tell that to a two year old or your ex not me. I'm not a fool"

Ethan's cry could be heard clearly  She removed her hand

"My son is crying, I'll go get him"  She gave him a malicious glare that scared him and left the room.

He sighed as he sat on the bed. He really cared for Ifeoma and wanted their marriage to work. Maybe he can actually do with just one woman. After all he was faithful to her for one year before Ọmotola came into the picture.

He would try and see if it's possible, he just hope he doesn't go on Instagram and see any of those Instagram baddies that could make a man do bad things.

He lay on the bed wondering who created the law of one man one wife. People should be allowed to marry as many women as possible. He began to imagine the possibility, fantasizing how many women he would have married if it were possible, he was so consumed in his lustful fantasies that he didn't know when he drifted off to sleep without eating, taking a shower or even taking off his clothes.


He got to his office earlier than usual. Since Ifeoma wasn't talking to him, he usually left very early to avoid the negative energy emanating from their malice.

His new secretary was already waiting to give him his briefings for the day. The secretary this time around was a man. He was grateful to Obinna for bringing a man this time. He was very competent too and he wouldn't have to imagine lewd things in his head while they were working.

As he entered the office with his secretary, he noticed a sealed envelope on his table. It was odd so he picked it up immediately.

Dear Femi

This is Ọmotola, your one and only side chic whim you would never forget. Thanks a lot for the money, it really helped in falicitating my travel plans. I'm in a place where you'll never find me but trust me I didn't leave you empty. I gave you HIV which was given to me by my ex boyfriend. Have fun living the rest of your life in misery.

Yours truly.


Femi's hands began to tremble uncontrollably, he suddenly couldn't breathe. It possibly can't be true.

"Are you okay sir?" His secretary asked

"Who-w-who dropped this letter here?"

"I really don't know sir, someone delivered it this morning and said it's strictly for you. Is anything the matter?"

"No, just go"

"Are you sure? You look like you just saw a ghost"

"I SAID YOU SHOULD LEAVE". He screamed on top of his lungs banging the table with such force that scared the secretary who left without another word.

Femi picked up his car keys and drove to the hospital in such frenzy that he almost had an accident. As soon as he got to the hospital, he tried his best to be calm. He doesn't want people suspecting anything or seeing the fear and dread that was eating him up.

As soon as the results were out, the nurse called him into the doctor's office. He tried to guess the result through the body language and facial expression of the doctor but he doctor remained blank and unreadable.


"Good morning Mr Femi, it's so good to see you, how are you doing?" He stood up smiling and holding his hand out for a handshake which Femi ignored.. He thought his heart would explode as a result of the increased heartbeat.

"Away with the formalities doctor, what does it say?"

"Have your seat Mr Femi, I need to..."

He yanked the paper away from the doctor's hand only to see a bold POSITIVE staring at him.

"Mr Femi, I wanted to talk to you about it before I told you the result. Having HIV isn't the end of the world. You can live a normal life with the help of ..."

He left the office, he thought he would die of the pain he was feeling at the moment. As soon as he got into the car, he bursted into tears, hitting the steering repeatedly.

"That bitch! That fucking bitch! She had killed me, she has destroyed my life"

He couldn't breathe, he could not see clearly for he was blinded by tears, neither could he talk for the lump in his throat was so heavy. His whole body began to itch.

That bitch has destroyed him, she has reduced him from a handsome healthy billionaire to a virus ridden billionaire who would have to depend on drugs till he finally succumbs in death to the brutal ravaging claws of the the virus.

He's going to kill that bitch, he'll find her wherever she is and kill her. But what will that do? Will it take away the disease? She was already a walking corpse herself.

"My God! Why did you allow this to befall me? Why did you allow me fall victim of that evil witch? My life is over. My life is fucking over" He cried aloud. The AC of the car was on but he was sweating profusely, his heart continued thumbing loudly in his chest.

He tried starting the car but his hands kept trembling. He knew if he drives himself he might end up having an accident. He called his driver to come pick him up.

He went into the back seat and waited for the driver to come, he wiped his tears. He didn't want his driver or anyone to see him crying like a child.

If he had Known, he would have just stuck with his wife. Oh no! His wife! He has infected her too. Shit! What was he going to do? He can't possibly tell her, it would kill her, she would kill him.

"God what am I going to do? I have destroyed myself alongside with Ifeoma. This is just too much for me"

His driver opened the front seat of the car but didn't bother to look back which Femi was grateful for.

"Good morning sir, where are we going to?"

"Home, just take me home" He said. The driver started the car and drove home without any questions.

He got home and  saw Ethan playing with the baby sitter. Tears threatened to spill as his beautiful baby rushed to hug him. He carried him up and put him down quickly. He couldn't bear to touch him with his disease infested hands. He had failed his son. What a shame.

"I'll be in my study, take care" He said to the baby sitter.

"Are you okay sir? You look ill?"  She asked

"I'm fine" He simply said as he hurried into his study. He was scared that she could see through him, Why was she asking if he was ill? She could probably see that he was ridden with a deadly virus.

He locked himself and slumped into a small couch. The tears began flowing again. What was he going to do? He remembered the sex he had with Ifeoma after Ọmotola left. She definitely has the virus too.

His mind suddenly drifted off to Jasmine. Or was this God punishing him for what he did to her? Jasmine was a good woman and he and her best friend betrayed her in the worst way ever.

They allowed their lust control them and they betrayed her. No, it wasn't God that was punishing him. He was simply reaping the reward of his uncontrolled lust and wickedness.

He has to make things right. Maybe God would eventually have mercy on him and make his horrible nightmare disappear.


Ọmotola poured herself a glass of champagne. She walked towards the window of her small apartment. Everywhere was glistening with white snow balls. She opened the window and allowed the rush of cold air hit her skin. She loved the cold for it was a reflection of the current state of her heart.

She rembered the day her heart turned cold. She would never forget that day. It was on a Saturday.....

"Babe I'll miss my flight. Hurry up" she called out to her fiancee who was to drop her off at the airport. She was traveling to Abuja for her cousin's wedding.

"I'm here, why are you such in a hurry to leave, it's like you won't even miss me at all" He said as he drew her in for a kiss. He lifted his hand and squeezed her breast. Ọmotola was already feeling moist in-between her legs. She pulled away immediately. If she stayed one more minute, she would surely miss her flight.

"Come on babe, we've had it like five times this morning. I have to go"

"You know I can't have enough of you" He tilted her face to him, planting kisses all over. She must be the luckiest girl on earth to have a man like Uche who constantly dotes over her, who is so intentional and showers her with so much love.

"Well if you can't have enough of me then you should come with me. I really wish we were going together"

"I wish it too but you know I have work to do and it's very important. Don't worry, as soon as you return from your cousin's wedding, we'll start preparations for ours. I can't wait for you to be my wife"

"I can't wait too but let's head for the airport first  I can't afford to miss this flight"

He drove her to the airport while Ọmotola kept fantasizing about her wedding and marriage to Uche. He was God's best gift to her.

At the airport, he showered her with kisses and hugs till she boarded the plane. He stood there waving till the plane took off. She would be in Abuja for the next three days but she would incredibly miss him.

As soon as her plane landed in Abuja, she received a call from her Anita, her best friend.

"Hello babe. I can't possibly keep this to myself. I just got to Uche's house. I was sent to care for one of our patients who lives at the next flat. I saw Uche entering into his flat with a girl" She said it all in one breath.

"What are you talking about?"

She couldn't believe it. Anita has to be making this up. She have heard of friends who do things like that to break up their friend's relationship. Maybe Anita was just jealous of her perfect relationship and is trying ruin it.

"Look, that's not the point. The point is that I know that girl. She comes to the hospital where I work. She's an HIV patient. She comes for her drugs and treatment. I just hope your man hasn't been having this affair with her for a long time. Please go and get tested."

"Stop it right there Anita, why are you making things up just to destroy my relationship"


"I'm so disappointed in you. Uche is a lot of things but a cheat. Stop these lies. I never knew you were so jealous"

She hunged up the call before Anita could say anything.

She trusted her man but her heart continued thumping loudly. Anita kept calling but she refused to pick up.

She wanted to take a taxi to the hotel where she would meet up with her cousin and the rest of the bridal train instead she found herself going to the nearest hospital.

She would take the test which would surely come out negative and after that she would confront her evil friend and cut her off.

The test results came out and it was positive. She couldn't believe her eyes. She thought she would die of the shock. She took the next available flight back to lagos.

There has to be a mistake somewhere, Uche can't be having an affair, he loves her, she was sure of it. He would never cheat on her, she has his password to his phone, she usually goes through his messages. Even yesterday night, she went through his phone and there was no trace of an affair. They were open and transparent  to each other.

She got to his apartment, she could already hear voices inside and it was then it dawned on her. She opened the door to see her man cuddling another woman who was half dressed. They were laughing happily. Ọmotola fainted on the spot...

She smiled at the memory, she had tried several times to commit succide after that day. If not of her best friend and family who stood by her every single day, she would have died.

She hated men, she hated them so much. Femi was the first she slept with after that day  She didn't want to do it until she heard what he did to his wife from others at work. She decided to pay him back.

He would have gotten her message by now. She felt a certain kind of fulfilment doing that to him. It was as if she had gotten her revenge.