
Chapter 3

I rang the doorbell looking around nervously in anticipation. Immediately he answered I threw my arms around him and started kissing hungrily without warning. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me back. As he reached for the zip of my dress, I woke up sweating profusely.

"oh my God!" I said to myself as I stood from my bed pacing the room back and forth. why was I dreaming about him? This can't be happening, I can't possibly be dreaming about him. It's probably the effect of the kiss. I'll just have to focus on other things and it will pass with time.

I picked up my MacBook and opened it in a bid to go through the details of my project which I would be presenting at the office today but I couldn't concentrate. The kiss kept replaying in my head., causing waves of shock throughout my body.

Shit! I closed the laptop and looked at the time. it was past six. I'd better get ready for work and stop thinking of this nonsense. I went to the bathroom, and I as I stepped into the shower. I inhaled deeply allowing the water cascade . down my skin, relieving me of the pent up tension, just as I was easing into the soothing comfort the water provided, an image of femi's bare hand caressing my naked skin in the shower flashed in my head. I quickly grabbed my towel and stepped out of the shower.

I needed to leave this house immediately. I ran into my closet, after applying my skin care hastily and carelessly, I quick dorned a sleeveless black dress, and orange blazer. II wore a black stilleto heels and picked out my favorite orange Louis Vuitton bag.

I wanted to dash out of the closet without makeup when I rembered I had a presentation today. I reluctantly sat at the dressing table and patiently applied a very light but impeccable makeup. I have always believed in looking good and creating a good impression with one's look. I tied my briads up in a bun and looked at myself approvingly. I decided to apply a little bit lipgloss. As I applied it I rembered the feel of his lips on mine. I immediately dropped the lipgloss, rushed to my room to pickup my MacBook before zooming off in my car for work.

I stepped into the elevator which took me to the tenth floor, I looked around and nodded in approval of myself. No wonder men were intimidated by my success. I mean who wouldn't be? if I were a man I would be intimidated by me too. I had just started my tech company few months ago. My first project was a success and was just about to proceed to the second one which would take me from the millionaire status to that of a billionaire.

I have public and private investors coming watch me pitch my idea to them. I had no doubt they would love it and it would be a huge success. I'm Ifeoma Okonwo for a reason.. I don't do mediocrity. My ideas are always always top notch and of course profitable. I was so filled with happiness, optimism and success that I couldn't help grinning from ear to ear as I waved in greeting to my employees.

"Good morning ma" My PA Flora flanked me before I could get to my office

"Good morning Flora, how are preparations for today going?"

"Excellent ma, I even got a last minute investor today who will be joining the others. I'm so excited because this project is going to be a huge success and also a major breakthrough for this company"

"I have no doubts about that" My stomach made a grumbling noise which made me realize I was hungry and didn't have breakfast this morning all because I trying to run away from my wild imaginations.

"Flora can you be a darling and order me breakfast from Hilda's kitchen, I forgot to eat due to the anxiety about today. I wou6ld want the distraction from hunger by the time the presentation starts"

"Of course ma'am" She replied as she hurried off. I settled in my seat, opened my laptop and started going ty through the details of my presentation. I heard a beep on my phone and sighed remembering I forgot to turn off my notifications. I have a no phone policy whenever I'm working. I picked up the phone and just as I was about to turn off my notifications, a message from an unknown number caught my eye.


What? what the hell? I stood up from my chair as my heart began thudding loudly in my chest.

"HOW DID YOU GET MY NUMBER AND WHY ARE YOU TEXTING ME?" I texted back. He was online so he replied immediately.


"WE DON'T NEED TO TALK AND I DON'T NEED TO SEE YOU. PLEASE STOP TEXTING ME" I replied and hit the block button immediately. What is wrong with this man and why is he messing with her life? I was trying to leave my mistake behind and move on with my life but he's trying to make it hard.

But does it mean he has also been haunted by the kiss as I have? Has he been thinking of it too? Does this mean.... Oh for God's sake Ifeoma snap out it and stop thinking rubbish. Thank God I blocked him. At least he'll get the message and have the decency not to bother her again. I settled down and went back to my work and I focused for real this time. I couldn't afford any form of distractions at the moment.