
Chapter 1

As I drove home from the salon, I thought about how my last relationship had ended, why was I so unlucky when it comes to relationships? I don't mean to brag but I have everything a man could ever want in a woman. I'm smart, beautiful, homely and even rich. Only that the richness seems to be a stumbling block for me cause it's either men are too insecure to be with me or they pretend to love me just so they could get hold of my money which was exactly the case in my last relationship.

I sighed as I turned towards Jasmine's house. Though I didn't plan on going there today, I wanted to vent my pent up emotions. I was tired of acting strong, I needed it to talk to badly and my best friend was just the perfect person. Jasmine also had her own problems, her husband of almost four years has been nothing but a scum who cheats without remorse. I have always wondered what went wrong, Femi has always been sweet from the beginning. Maybe it's one of the perks of marriage we'll never get to understand.

Once I got to her house, I parked my car in front of the gate. I wanted my visit to be a surprise but when I rang the doorbell, to my own surprise, her husband was the one who answered.

"Mr Femi, it's so good to see you" I greeted.

"Miss Ifeoma, it's so good to see you too. It's been a while, come in" As I entered into their living room, I noticed the house was unusually quiet.

"You didn't go to work today?" I asked as I sat on the couch.

"No, I decided to take today off" he answered

"That's good, where is Jasmine and the kids?"

I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"She took the children to the shopping mall for a little sightseeing'

"Oh! I see, I didn't actually call before coming. I should have. I'll just be on my way now"

"Rubbish! You should stay, I've been meaning to talk to you. But first let me get you something to drink" He said. His eyes lit up with an ominous kind of excitement.

"Please don't bother. I'm perfectly okay. I just had something before coming, just tell me what you want to talk about"

His eyes swept over me in a way that made me shift in my chair.

"It's about you, to be honest, I've been meaning to tell you this but I haven't had the opportunity. You're the kind of woman I admire, you're smart, hardworking, pretty and ambitious. You're my dream woman"

Immediately, the air around me became hot and I stood up instantly.

"Thanks for the compliment but I don't think it's a proper thing for you to say to your wife's best friend. Jasmine might not be all you said but she's a good person and doesn't deserve this from you"


"Oh come of it, look at me, do I look like I enjoy cheating on my wife? Jasmine is so boring, she has nothing to offer me aside sex and beauty, I'm so fed up."


"Oh please! Why then did you marry her?"

"Because I was carried away by beauty that I over looked other factors. Ifeoma, I've been madly in love with you since I got married to Amara"

He was standing few inches away from me and I could literally feel the heat emanating from his body. This was the first time I took account of his extremely handsome features, I knew I should run away but I couldn't will myself to, my legs were too heavy to carry me.

"I've been looking for a way to tell you this for a long time but I haven't had the opportunity. Ifeoma, you're my dream woman, when I met you after getting married to my wife, it was then I knew I had made a mistake. I have been ridden with the pain of meeting my soulmate after my wedding and it hurts so badly. Please save me from this heartache before I die"

His words read like music in my ears, I've never heard such melody from all the men I've been with. It sounded so pure and true.

Before I could blink, his lips were on mine, at first I was stiff and didn't respond due to the shock but then an involuntary wave of electricity passed through my entire body, his insistent lips broke through my helpless defence. I dropped my bag and kissed him back with such ferocity and hunger I didn't know was in me. His hands reached for my breasts and just as he was about to squeeze, I pushed him back with such force that I was surprised he didn't fall.

"JESUS! What are you doing? You're my best friend's husband. This is an abomination I picked up my bag and dashed out with the speed of flash.

Hi lovelies

I'm super excited about this novel cause it's my first and I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes. I promise y'all it's going to be a roller coaster so ride with me and let me Know your thoughts as we go. Don't be a ghost reader please



Beauty_Bankcreators' thoughts