
Desire of the End

The end wishes for more, and so of course his opposite will deliver. Chat Group Fic Heavy Smut Harem

Negation · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Chat

When he awoke next, Yogiri was met with a ceiling. He sat up and wiped the corner of his eyes to clear his blurry vision. In his other hand, he felt the familiar black phone pressed into his palm.

He stood up examining his surroundings with a less-than-interested gaze and then turned his attention to the phone.

{Welcome to the Multiversal Group Chat! Your role as Admin has been established, have fun.}

Just as he read that the notification slid off the screen and afterward a stream of different ones filled the messenger-looking screen.

{Admin: Bitch Breaker, has joined that chat.}

{Member: Dick Scouter, has joined the chat.}

{Member: Naughty Kitty, has joined the chat.}

{Member: Perverted Pinky, has joined the chat.

{Member: Creative Pervert, has joined the chat.}

{Member: Unfortunate Assassin, has joined the chat.}

The names rolled by on screen earning a raised eyebrow from Yogiri. 'Bitch Breaker?' He internally pondered the supposed 'complexity' of his sister before the display changed yet again.

(Dick Scouter): I swear Motohama, no means no, I'm not letting you or your puny dick anywhere near me.

(Bitch Breaker): Ah come on just once.

(Dick Scouter): Go stick that lame excuse for a penis in one of your other body pillows.

(Naughty Kitty): How amusing Nya~.

(Perverted Pinky): Hmm is this one of Lala's gadgets?

(Dick Scouter): Huh, who are you two?

(Naughty Kitty): I should ask you the same thing Dick Scouter-chan Nya~.

(Dick Scouter): Dick Scouter?… Motohama, how original, and seriously "Bitch Breaker"? The only thing you've ever broken is your mom's poor heart when your trashy ass popped out of her womb.

(Naughty Kitty): I like this girl, Nya~.

(Bitch Breaker): So mean :(

(Perverted Pinky): Wow! She's really cracking down on him! Still, what is this?

{Welcome to the Multiversal Group Chat, a gathering of souls from all over the multiverse with the goal of going on adventures and earning rewards while doing it!}

{This chat group has many features, all of which will eventually be unlocked! These features include Quest, Gacha, An all-encompassing shop, and so much more.}

(Dick Scouter): What in the bullshit fan-fiction is this? Motohama you've really lost it now huh?

{The title of Admin has been assigned to [Bitch Breaker], any decisions as to the excursions of the chat's members and things of that nature will come down to him.}

(Dick Scouter): Really going the full mile huh? Did you masturbate so much that you're trying to bring your delusions into reality?

{Further details will be provided during the week-long Summer Camp, during this time all worlds inhabited by joined members will be paused. Teleportation will begin in ten seconds.}

(Bitch Breaker): See you soon.

(Naughty Kitty): Is this sacred gear?

Looking away from the phone a few seconds later, Yogiri sighed and pocketed the phone. Along with his sudden placement into this world came an influx of memories. The memories of a normal teenage anime-obsessed mob. Along with those came an understanding of the term 'Naughty Kitty' used seconds after the last system notification.

"Mio, I'm gonna fuck you good and hard later." Such were his last words before with a flash of light, he disappeared from the room.

"Nya~!" A woman with long black hair and hazel-gold eyes blinks repeatedly. Her large breasts sway, barely contained by her black kimono as she jumps backward and away from the spot where she suddenly finds herself. Her black cat ears and two tails stand on end as she attempts to call upon something. That something didn't appear though as with a dazed expression she stares at her empty hand.

Her power was gone, Youki, Demonic Power, Ki, all of it. Her heart raced at the supposed trap she suddenly found herself caught up in. The object in her left hand poked into her palm from the force of her clenched fist. Her eyes went wide and she brought up the display to eye level.

Her eyes read and reread what she had taken as a joke, maybe by one of her more playful teammates. She had even toyed with the idea of a sacred gear, but with how it descended upon her, it was unlikely. Her eyes returned to her surroundings and she took it all in with cat-like pupils.

Light poured down from multiple crystal chandeliers. The room looked like something out of a royal castle ballroom. Pillars made of marble stretched all along the perimeter. The floor was composed of white and blue marble tiles and had royal blue colored fancy carpet stretching from the regal-looking doors all the way to the other side of the room.

Vases, paintings, and various other extravagant pieces lined the walls and stood on pedestals next to the big stained glass windows. Even the ceiling was painted and detailed and seemed far from her short grasp.

Amongst all this, her eyes landed on the five other people who similarly stood in a daze as they scanned the room.

"Holy hell… what the fuck." The bespectacled golden-yellow-eyed brunette, who had promptly fallen on her ass out of shock, exclaimed loudly. She was rather pretty with her short twin tails, though there was a notable perverse glint in her eyes. She wore a uniform, one that the cat-girl felt she had seen somewhere before.

"Then there was a woman, with a bust even bigger than her own. She has straight blue hair and similarly colored eyes. To the cat-girl, she looked like she could be a Greek Goddess, especially with those bouncy tits and those round hips. And that ass, it jiggled even when she was standing still. It wasn't hard to see either, considering the fact that she was completely naked without even a damn pastie to cover those juicy pink nipples.

'A true pervert Nya~.' The cat thought and then turned to the next girl. She didn't think she had ever seen someone with actual pink hair before. Unlike the rest, her face was rather neutral and lacked the surprise and caution that she should be feeling. She wore a green and black frilly dress and from the back, a black straight tail poked out. It had a spade-shaped tip that gave the cat-girl a sudden urge to pull at it. She wasn't as endowed in the breast department as the previous girl, but holy hell did she have some legs, especially for how young she looked.

"What is this!" Now there a proper response, the cat-girl nodded internally as she analyzed the girl in a defense position. And wasn't she the prettiest thing. She had silverish-purple hair styled in a low side ponytail that dropped down across her shoulder. Her eyes were blue, borderline purple, and very narrowed as she looked in every direction. She definitely had a level of tone to her that indicated some type of active lifestyle.

'Seriously, what the hell is with these girls and their legs.' The cat-girl thought and imagined those toned appendages crushing a watermelon. Almost like she was showing off, her attire was very minimal. She wore a black crop top, a color that worked well to show off her breast, and toned stomach. As bottoms she wore the shortest damn booty shorts the cat-girl had ever seen. Her ass was BARELY covered and her thighs spilled out deliciously. A red belt held them in place and the left over strap dropped down to the single black thigh high on her left leg.

And then there was the last one. The noticeable difference between them and everyone else was that he was a guy. Besides that, he was painfully ordinary. He looked like he could've just walked right out of his sisters school… a thought struck her and she turned back to the gaping brunette on the floor. 'That uniform Nya~.' It was definitely the same, though with the craziness of their situation it could just be a little coincidence.

"I'm free. I'M FREE!" The nudist now streaker cheered and ran around the wide area. Eyes locked on her as she ran in circles.

Suddenly though, a clap resounded throughout the room and forced everyone into silence.

"Heyo." A loud yet tired voice follows soon after and with it, from the complete other side of the room a woman appears. She has light pruple hair styled in pigtails and similar eyes. She was definitely a short stack, being smaller than anyone else in the room and having a rack that looked like it would burst out of her white robes.

"I'm fate, I'll be your guide… yada yada yada." She sighed out as she walked to the center of the room.

"Can you guys calm down a bit? I'm not gonna kill ya." She rolled her eyes and promptly fell to the floor lazily. From thin air a cushion broke her fall and she, with a content sigh, snuggled into it.

"Where are we?! Was that shit actually real?" A more than a little shocked brunette spoke as she scrambled to her feet.

"Mhm mhm, yeah as real as anything else you've ever experienced." Fate gave a thumbs up.

"Oh no, I'm trapped in this with Motohama of all people as an 'Admin', seriously he might rape me." The girl looked all around the room in search of someone.

Her eyes instead locked on the sole teenage boy who looked to be holding back a laugh at her expense. 'Holy mother of Cock, that shit is massive.' She thought internally and her eyes locked on to the teens groin. 'My scouter damn near broke.'

"Motohama? No such person was invited to the chat, the 'Admin' is 'Bitch Breaker' here." Fate pointed to the approaching boy as he waved.

"Way to ruin my fun." Yogiri shrugged and waived lightly at the girl. "Sorry, couldn't resist."

"Huh…" The girl's jaw dropped slightly before with the heaviest sigh imaginable she deflated. "Thank God."

She prepared to yell at the guy for scaring her the way he did, but one more glance at what was hidden behind his pants disuaded her.

"I'M REALLY FREE!" A still running bluenette did another lap around before suddenly a force overtook her and she was dragged across the tiles until she was dropped off where the rest of the group was starting to gather.

The scantily clad purple eyed girl was still highly on edge, being the only one keeping a good amount of distance even when the cat-girl got closer.

"Ow. Hmm, I can't seem to summon my power?" She rubbed her naked rear with a very confused expression.

"I'd also like to ask about that, Nya~."

"Oh wow, yeah. My friends won't answer me." The pink haired girl, still looking as unfazed as before turned her attention to one of the windows. Through it plant life bloomed in all sorts of forms.

"Your power, while here, has been stripped away from you, just in case any of you tried killing eachother." Fate replied easily.

"Powers? You guys have powers?!" The brunette responded. "And here I am just a normal ass human while a sexy cat-girl, a streaker bimbo, and a pink-haired cock tease get actual powers." She deflates more and turns a sudden harsh glance to Yogiri. "What, do you have powers to?!"

"Ehm, am I the 'cock tease'?" Perverted Pinky asked the rest of the group and got a firm pat on her head from the 'sexy cat-girl.' "Context clues hun, Nya~."

"My magic power is also gone…" The 'Unfortunate Assassin' announced much to the brunette further horror.

"Not helping!"

"If power is what you want you're in the right place." Fate spoke and silenced the girl. "Gacha, quest, the shop, missions, there are a bajillion different abilities and powers to acquire from them."

"Ah hell yeah! When do we start!" Her elation sprang forth and like an obedient child she sat cross legged in front of Fate.

"How about we start with proper introductions." Fate still looking like she'd fall asleep at any moment waved her hand to the others.

"I'll start then, names Aika Kiryuu, just call me Aika. I guess I got cucked on the bangin-life wheel cause I'm as normal as can be."

"I wouldn't say normal, Nya~." A certain cat-girl giggled before she turned to the rest of the group. "I'm Kuroka Nya~, apparently a very 'Naughty Kitty'." She narrowed her eyes towards the end at the purple haired girl below.

"Don't look at me, the names were chosen automatically based off who you are." Fate shrugged.

"That so. I'm Yogiri, I like breaking bitches I guess."

"Hell yeah you do." Aika cackled her eyes again glancing down at his 'weapon of choice'.

"I'm Momo Belia Deviluke, the first princess of the planet Deviluke, it's a pleasure to meet you all." The now named pink haired girl bowed like some sort of aristocrat.

"Then does that mean that tail is real, huh, and here I thought you were just into some kinky shit."

Momo stared blankly at Aika before with a light blush she covered her cheeks. "Oh…"

While Aika was internally wondering what the hell type of reaction that was, the naked streaker from before spoke aloud.

"I'm not really sure what's happening but…" She stood to her feet and seemed weirdly estatic that she could do that. "I'm Olivia Servant! A bad ass super awesome top of the top adventurer. At least I was until I got chained up while exploring a dungeon. That was around 200 years ago, now I'm here."

"Were you exploring naked, thats…" Momo started and was intercepted by Aika. "Kinky as hell." Momo, with a glint in her eyes looked to Aika like a mentee to their mentor.

"I'm afraid my clothes couldn't withstand the test of time. None of you would happen to have any would you."

"Nah, and even if I did, none of my shirts can contain those milk jugs."

Despite Aika's and the rest denial, the woman didn't look too upset.

"And you? Will you introduce yourself?" Fate turned to the standoffish girl.

"Luna, just call me Luna." The girl replied still looking more than a little defensive.

Fate just gave her a particularly heavy sigh before she got comfortable once more. "Again, I'm Fate, your guide and enforcer, amongst other things."

"Enforcer Nya~?" Kuroka asked goodebumps suddenly forming on her skin.

"Well there are certain rules to be followed, not much, the main one being not to kill or harm each other." She started and with her words a notification was sent straight to their phones. "The main punishment here is a reduction in luck, really sucks when your spinning Gacha, in extreme cases you'd be expelled and stripped of the group chat and its functions."

"And what about Bitch Breaker-kun, Nya~?" Kuroka asked turning to the teen boy.

"He is the 'Admin', as stated before all final decisions as to missions and the like will fall to him, besides that he doesn't have much of a benefit, besides being able to breed me for shop points."

"I see Nya~."

"Wait, I think you said something a bit strange at the end there?" Aika raised an eyebrow and got a wink back from Fate.

"Mama couldn't resist~." Fate purred as she sent a suggestive glance to the boy. "There's a reason he's the 'Admin'."

"I think I'd like to test that feature." Yogiri responded back with a complacent grin.

"I'm sure you would big boy~." A noticeable amount of fatigue dissapeared from the purple haired girls eyes as she looked at the boy.

"How lewd." Momo tried her best to hide her smirk, images of him holding the girl by her twin tails and slamming into her from behind flowing through her head in waves.

"Maybe Bitch Breaker-kun isn't so normal Nya~." Kuroka cackled at the development.

"Such an interesting bunch, right?" An amused Olivia spoke to a shocked still Luna.

"They're strange." The girl allowed, slowly finding it increasingly more difficult to keep her guard up.

"Before that, let me again go over again your purpose here. Quite simply, you'll receive quest, go on missions in different worlds, and then use those spoils to get whatever you want." Fate made sure to enunciate louder for the people in the back. People tend to have a lot of questions when they're flabbergasted.

Exhibit A… "You make it sound so easy… for starters why?" Luna, the person with the least amount of trust in this whole fiasco broke her silent streak.

"You really still think this is a trap?" Fate sighed exasperatedly. "Seriously, you show me a single person in the Arselian Kingdom who's capable of all this and I'll sell my favorite cushion."

Her words caught Luna by surprise and the girls eyes narrowed. "How do you know about my world then?"

"Well duh, I'm not called Fate for nothing. Clearly, theres higher powers at play here." Fate looked into the girls eyes for a second before with a soft smile she closed them and sighed.

"Look, I know about all of you, your past, your present, and what would've been your future. I understand your weariness, and your reluctance to believe any of what I say."

"What would've been Nya~?" Kuroka stepped in and asked.

"Lords orders, my dominion over fate does not bind you, you're completely in control over your future hence forth." Fate shrugged, "She said something about knowing everything being no fun."

"Thats certainly a lot to process." Olivia chimed in. "The world suddenly feels so small."

"To answer you…" Fate brought her voice up a few octaves and actually sat up to look at Luna. "There is no reason as to why any of this is happening nor is their a particular reason you specifically were summoned. It was simply the whim of the highest power nothing more, just like the creation of really anything me included."

"So we don't need to save the Multiverse from some Overlord?"

"Nah, hell, go ahead and fuck it up if you want. A commonality amongst many of you is that for one reason or another you wanted a temporary escape from your world, and though thats not why you were chosen, you should use this as that." She looked around at a select few, namely everyone except Aika and Yogiri.

The room fell into silence, the girls there suddenly finding themselves at a loss for words. Thankfully, that slightly awkward atmosphere dissipated when the sole male of the group spoke.

"So, we get quest and go on missions in different worlds and besides that we can do anything while we're there. Any particulars we should know about?"

"Exactly." Fate gave him a thumbs up before she tapped her chin with her pointer finger in a thinking posture. "Let's see, well in between main quests, you can revisit worlds you've visited prior, though you can't leave a world during a quest unless you plan to fail it. Besides that, there are a few system things I'll explain as I tour you around the Summer Camp."

And with that, the group was taken around the massive land surrounding the mansion they were in prior.

"Hot damn!" Aika exclaimed as she looked over the massive plot of land. A water park, hot spring, sports facilities, and about a dozen other things stretched out into the distance.

"Time has paused in your worlds." Fate started and with a wave of her hand a collection of Dings! resounded all at once. "Which means it won't be a problem for any of you to complete your first quest."

{The starter quest has been activated.}

{Quest: Getting Along.}

{Quest Description: Spend a week getting along with your fellow group chat members.}

{Reward: Random Mid-rank ability x1.}

The group all looked at the chat, including Luna and Olivia who were more than a little baffled by the strange device.

"It's quite simple yeah? Just don't kill each other and you're good." The short stack guide spoke aloud. "Well then, the place is yours, when more system stuff is unlocked I'll do my duties properly, until then I'm gonna go catch some z's."

She winked at Yogiri before she turned to leave and even while everyone watched, she pulled down her robes just enough that one of her watermelon-sized jugs popped out pink nipple and all.

(A/N: Powerstones

It's taking a second for me to fully acclimate to certain characters' personalities. Luna, Olivia, and Momo are pretty challenging, and I like to stay true to the original works. Aika unsurprisingly is just a female Issei, only she has tits and slightly more class so she's okay. Kuroka for whatever reason has a verbal tic even when she's typing. Yogiri is the same hedonist he was in my other novel. What else… ah right, Fate. Some might recognize her from my first novel. I like her character design and I just kinda added OOC elements.

Also, Luna is from Chest Musou, a good novel in my opinion though the MC suffers a lot from what a lot of others do, I'll let you guess what that is. Originally, Beatrix from Zom 100 was going to be in place of Olivia, but her accent is a crucial part of her design in my opinion and it'd probably end up looking stupid in writing.

Almost forgot! Momo has basically replaced Lala. I like her character but I'm not leaving a fourteen-year-old. So, she's 18 now.

REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY wanted a Kuudere character in the story, like seriously. My character of choice was Arnin from Trinity Seven but it was kind of hard to implement. Her character is completely revolved around Arata and her being his destined mate. I tried looking for some others but had to weed out the ones from anime with damn near no supernatural elements and those with bullshit power systems. Was seriously considering putting Origami Tobiichi in there, but that girl has WAY too much shit going on. In the end, I was left with zilch. Koneko was also a thought but Kuroka was already established and I wasn't getting into that drama this early. Plus there are already 2 Dxd girls.

Then there's a smartphone. I like the fairy girl there Rin. Everyone else is pretty bleh. But again, she just doesn't fit. That shows characters are just too goody-goody.

Then there is Arifureta, a story with a character of every type. Yue would've been so easy to add. Unfortunately, I've abused her way too much.

Last thing, I'll prob add a few AI-generated pics in paragraph comments and more R-rated ones in my disc, I'll post that later when I feel like it. Cya!