
Desire of the End

The end wishes for more, and so of course his opposite will deliver. Chat Group Fic Heavy Smut Harem

Negation · Anime & Comics
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Welcome. I'll start off by saying this fic is not to be taken seriously. It is essentially heavy amounts of smut with plot sprinkled in. The main character is overpowered.

For those who have read my other group chat fic, this will be a bit different, first in characters, second in system mechanics, and third in other ways im too lazy to write down. Point is, its not the same fic.

You can recommend other worlds and heroines, I'll add a summoning feature for added lewdness.

That's pretty much it. Now let me just rant for a few lines about how incredibly annoying it was to find some damn characters for the group chat.

I dont like to go too OOC so I looked for characters who are naturally perverted (easy to bed). I also tried to not to use over used characters, though if I stuck to that will be up to you peeps. I needed characters from works that weren't too serious and that had lighter goals. So essentially lewd and ready to make the bed shake, that's easy right? WRONG! Either they didn't blend in well, had a difficult personality, or just came from worlds that I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY didn't want to mess with. Particularly because of the fucking power systems in them. Maken Ki, Danmachi, Absolute Duo, That one anime about that one guy who has like no other emotion besides the desire to fuck his sister, Fate, etc.

Then theres always my cop out anime, and one of my all time favs: Arifureta. But there we have an issue. One, it's getting kinda overplayed on my part, and two the GODDAMN power system is just as broken. Time (Restoration) magic, spatial magic, evolution magic, creation magic, soul magic, metamorphosis magic, gravity magic, and lets not forget the shit they threw at us in the end, CONCEPT MAGIC.

What can't you do at that point? It's just too broken honestly, and while that doesn't matter much in this fic, I'd like to keep it a bit slower. Anyway, rant over, go read you damn degenerates.